Biden praises Russia as a "great power": what does Putin have on Joe Biden?


I guess you haven't been reading today's posts by Trumpers. LOL. Trumpers are having a love-in with Putin on this board today.

For starters:

Putin is smarter and tougher than Biden, the embarrassment. It probably takes all his effort to keep from laughing at this token imposter.

I guess you haven't been reading today's posts by Trumpers. LOL. Trumpers are having a love-in with Putin on this board today.

For starters:

So you think praising Russia is bad?

I guess you haven't been reading today's posts by Trumpers. LOL. Trumpers are having a love-in with Putin on this board today.

For starters:

So you think praising Russia is bad?
So, are you now praising Putin?
It must be so hard keeping track of what outrage you are going to flip out about today. Personally I would get tired expending all that energy sputtering in indignation.
The irony of the press conference by Putin is that he is far happier with this meeting with Biden than with Trump. After Trump/Putin met MSNBC and CNN were screaming that Putin rolled Trump, will they say the same after this meeting or will they be more civilized and objective? Meanwhile Putin seems far more optimistic and content with the meeting he just had.

I believe in nations working for mutual interests, even enemy states, as long as the basic premise involves human rights and shared belief in the vale of human dignity.

And of course, the final question for Putin comes from a Canadian journalist...and she can't be heard. LOL. We always have the lowest performers on the world stage...for the whole world to see., sigh.

She is probably using a Canadian mic. We aren't known for our best technology when the covert, creepy police drive our best citizens outside the nation.
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Walking kompromat machine Joe Biden is a Russian asset.

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png

I guess you haven't been reading today's posts by Trumpers. LOL. Trumpers are having a love-in with Putin on this board today.

For starters:

So you think praising Russia is bad?
So, are you now praising Putin?

I asked you if you think praising Russia is bad. The fact that you're too chickenshit to answer the question proves you're a hypocrite. Thanks for playing!
Putin is smarter and tougher than Biden, the embarrassment. It probably takes all his effort to keep from laughing at this token imposter.

Biden has good cards , Moscow empire is dying , it can´t in the cold war much longer

I guess you haven't been reading today's posts by Trumpers. LOL. Trumpers are having a love-in with Putin on this board today.

For starters:

Biden called Putin a killer but not to his face. When the opportunity arose he called him a great nation lol.

It must be so hard keeping track of what outrage you are going to flip out about today. Personally I would get tired expending all that energy sputtering in indignation.

The irony of the press conference by Putin is that he is far happier with this meeting with Biden than with Trump. After Trump/Putin met MSNBC and CNN were screaming that Putin rolled Trump, will they say the same after this meeting or will they be more civilized and objective? Meanwhile Putin seems far more optimistic and content with the meeting he just had.

I believe in nations working for mutual interests, even enemy states, as long as the basic premise involves human rights and shared belief in the vale of human dignity.

And of course, the final question for Putin comes from a Canadian journalist...and she can't be heard. LOL. We always have the lowest performers on the world stage...for the whole world to see., sigh.


I guess you haven't been reading today's posts by Trumpers. LOL. Trumpers are having a love-in with Putin on this board today.

For starters:

So you think praising Russia is bad?
So, are you now praising Putin?

I asked you if you think praising Russia is bad. The fact that you're too chickenshit to answer the question proves you're a hypocrite. Thanks for playing!
in 2 pictures,the situation in Geneva



I guess you haven't been reading today's posts by Trumpers. LOL. Trumpers are having a love-in with Putin on this board today.

For starters:

So you think praising Russia is bad?
So, are you now praising Putin?

I asked you if you think praising Russia is bad. The fact that you're too chickenshit to answer the question proves you're a hypocrite. Thanks for playing!
Don't give me your disingenuous bullshit. You ask what kompromat does Putin have on Biden? This raises the question why would you suspect Putin has Kompromat on Biden? Because Biden said something innocuous about Russia being a great nation you decided to make such an insipid allegation?

How ridiculous.

I guess you haven't been reading today's posts by Trumpers. LOL. Trumpers are having a love-in with Putin on this board today.

For starters:

So you think praising Russia is bad?
So, are you now praising Putin?

I asked you if you think praising Russia is bad. The fact that you're too chickenshit to answer the question proves you're a hypocrite. Thanks for playing!
Don't give me your disingenuous bullshit. You ask what kompromat does Putin have on Biden? This raises the question why would you suspect Putin has Kompromat on Biden for apparently saying what you agree with.

So let me hear you praise Biden for ageeing with you..or are you too chickenshit?

Once again, EVERYONE can see you won't answer the question because it means agreeing with Trump. LOL, fuck you!

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