Biden Press Conference to be held Thursday, March 25th

Joe Biden will FINALLY hold his first full press conference next Thursday - after 64 days without facing questions - the longest of any President in last 100 years

  • Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday
  • 'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said
  • Biden has been criticized for not holding a formal press conference
  • He has taken questions informally from the press
  • That date is Biden's 64th day in office, a record for a modern president in waiting to hold a press conference
  • Most presidents hold a press conference their first month in office

It seems there are so many important issues to ask him pointed questions about. I hope it's not another staged event where the questions are provided in advance. If so, it should be very interesting to see him have to think and articulate coherent thoughts without the aide of a teleprompter.

Should be very interesting to Americans interested in politics, as well as our foreign adversaries. You can be sure that their intelligence agencies will be doing detailed assessments of his physical and cognitive state.

Red Joe will squint at the teleprompter for a couple of minutes trying to read whatever was written for him, while slurring every third word, then they'll pull him off the stage before he gets the chance to say something crazy or racist. No questions will be allowed from "the press". CNN will give it five stars, Brian Stelter and Don Lemon will cry and publicly masturbate over Joe's performance, and Joe will win an Emmy and a Nobel Peace Prize at the same time. Sound about right?

Joe Biden will FINALLY hold his first full press conference next Thursday - after 64 days without facing questions - the longest of any President in last 100 years

  • Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday
  • 'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said
  • Biden has been criticized for not holding a formal press conference
  • He has taken questions informally from the press
  • That date is Biden's 64th day in office, a record for a modern president in waiting to hold a press conference
  • Most presidents hold a press conference their first month in office

It seems there are so many important issues to ask him pointed questions about. I hope it's not another staged event where the questions are provided in advance. If so, it should be very interesting to see him have to think and articulate coherent thoughts without the aide of a teleprompter.

Should be very interesting to Americans interested in politics, as well as our foreign adversaries. You can be sure that their intelligence agencies will be doing detailed assessments of his physical and cognitive state.
Your idea of “important issues” is a load of shit.
> Your idea of “important issues” is a load of [!@#$.]

It would be helpful if you would post something substantive that contributes to the discussion, and park your gutter mouth at the door.

I would like to hear about the crisis at the border, how he plans to create jobs since his actions seem to mainly put people on the unemployment line in a moment's notice, details of his tax increases, what he will do about Iran and North Korea, etc.

People who immediately resort to hurling insults and profanties like you seem to do normally get ignored by me quickly. So here is your second chance. Show us your wit and post something worth discussing. Otherwise I will lump you in with the low-IQ bunch. Here's a suggestion... tell us what questions you think people should ask Biden about his forthcoming agenda, or let us know what great things he has done so far and why.

Or maybe you simply want to know when you will get another check to fund your lazy self that the rest of us will have to pay for.
Now when you talk about him “creating jobs”, what is it that you expect him to say?

Here’s what will definitely create jobs as a direct result of Biden’s policies. The federal Unemployment benefits and the child tax credit. When the unemployed have money to spend, they immediately spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That in turn creates demand for business which then creates jobs. The child tax credit will work the same way because parents can spend that money they receive each month on the economy as well. That is demand side economics at work.

And no, I am not unemployed. I have a job. I’m sorry if it would make you feel tough and manly to just assume you foot my bill lol
>Now when you talk about him “creating jobs”, what is it that you expect him to say?

While I really expect Biden to be a significant killer of American jobs, sending many to China like he did with Obama, yours too, perhaps, I suppose he will say something about "plans" to create future green energy jobs. "Good paying, union jobs with benefits" he will dishonestly say. Importantly, once COVID restrictions are lifted in the US, jobs will increase somewhat, and Biden will dishonestly take credit for creating them.

>Here’s what will definitely create jobs as a direct result of Biden’s policies. The federal Unemployment benefits and the child tax credit. When the unemployed have money to spend, they immediately spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That in turn creates demand for business which then creates jobs. The child tax credit will work the same way because parents can spend that money they receive each month on the economy as well. That is demand side economics at work.

Getting paid money by the government, which one then spends some portion of which is used to employ others, is absolutely one of the worst ways to create more jobs. The money is coming from the taxpayers, after all. What you want to do instead is get those able-bodied people living off government benefits working in productive endeavors, so that they can themselves pay taxes and contribute to society, instead of being a drain on it. Your logic is highly flawed.

>And no, I am not unemployed. I have a job. I’m sorry if it would make you feel tough and manly to just assume you foot my bill lol

Great. Every job is respectable. Don't throw tough and manly at me. Although I am tough and manly, I am not a keyboard warrior like the way you made your own presence known here in this thread. I do make large sums of money. It's not really a manly thing. The women I work with do the same. It's what we are all supposed to strive to do.

Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth in US history. That’s a fact.

We are talking about simple economics. If there is more money being spent on the economy, growth occurs. You bring up a fair point about revenue, but if someone in the middle class or poor pays the same tax rate as they did before, there is no pinch to their wallet. I mean obviously that’s the case with this stimulus bill. Regardless of how that spending is paid for, every dollar lost in revenue is replaced with a $1+. Why? Because every dollar spent on a business creates a profit. The result is a ripple effect in the economy.

I’m not sure where you are getting this idea that the poor are all unemployed government leeches. Most poor people have jobs. Only a few of them even qualify for government assistance.
It'll be a staged event, where the Nerf ball questions are planted in advance and Xiden will be pumped full of drugs.
Do you notice how you simply parrot zinger shit Trump has said based on nothing and pretend it is fact?
>Do you notice how you simply parrot zinger [!@#$] Trump has said based on nothing and pretend it is fact?

It may have been complete speculation, based upon deductive analysis of Biden's typical performance compared to his debate performances, which were markedly better.

Or perhaps Trump actually knew something about it. He did have access to all the intelligence information.

I suspect it was it was the former, know how Trump is the most honest president in recent history, does not mince words, and will not hesitate to give you his honest opinion, which can be occasionally incorrect, but he has a pretty good record of saying controversial things that turn out to be true, despite most media telling the world that Trump is full of it. E.g. successful vaccine in less than a year, effectiveness of hydorxychloroquine, UV light killing COVID, Joe will be a terrible puppet president of China with a progressive agenda that will destroy America....
The most honest president? You are joking right? Please tell me you’re joking lol
>The most honest president? You are joking right? Please tell me you’re joking lol

Not joking; quite serious.

A good measure of presidential honesty might be if they have tried to fulfill all of their campaign promises. By that measure, I would say that Trump is probably the most honest president I can recall. Trump made me lots of promises I never really expected him to keep, but in his first three years, he had already done his best to keep most of them with creative strategies, despite severe resistance. I can't think of another politician that is so effective at fulfilling his or her controversial promises.

He is so honest, that he speaks before even thinking. :) Think about that. He really does. He does not have to have everything sanitized and turned into a politically-correct talking point before saying it.

Remember this?...
"If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what... I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

You do know how ridiculous it sounds to cherry pick a falsehood Obama said and pretend it somehow balances out Trump’s constant bullshit right? Every president in history has lied. Trump simply takes the crown of the most lies by far for any president, republican or democrat.

And sure, he speaks without thinking a lot of the time. You’re right. He is a moron after all.
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Mr President are you enjoying living in the White House?
Mr President how are your dogs?
Mr President what is your wonderful wife up to?
Mr President how is your March Madness bracket doing?

"OKAY Thank you everybody, that's it for today, see you next year!"
Joe Biden will FINALLY hold his first full press conference next Thursday - after 64 days without facing questions - the longest of any President in last 100 years

  • Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday
  • 'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said
  • Biden has been criticized for not holding a formal press conference
  • He has taken questions informally from the press
  • That date is Biden's 64th day in office, a record for a modern president in waiting to hold a press conference
  • Most presidents hold a press conference their first month in office

It seems there are so many important issues to ask him pointed questions about. I hope it's not another staged event where the questions are provided in advance. If so, it should be very interesting to see him have to think and articulate coherent thoughts without the aide of a teleprompter.

Should be very interesting to Americans interested in politics, as well as our foreign adversaries. You can be sure that their intelligence agencies will be doing detailed assessments of his physical and cognitive state.
.20 minutes on youtube will give you a detailed assessment of Covid Spreading *Joe's physical a cognitive state.
>20 minutes on youtube will give you a detailed assessment of Covid Spreading *Joe's physical a cognitive state.

Yeah, I am up on that. I like this compilation from a foreign news media outlet. Skip to 3:49. My gosh he has said some crazy and concernign stuff, but the media gives him a pass anyway....

It will be interesting to see how the media rates his press conference. If they happen to start all raising alarm, we should all be very concerned, as it will likely mean that the Depp State has decided it is time for the regime change to the Kamala Racist Socialist Administration.
Joe Biden will FINALLY hold his first full press conference next Thursday - after 64 days without facing questions - the longest of any President in last 100 years

  • Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday
  • 'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said
  • Biden has been criticized for not holding a formal press conference
  • He has taken questions informally from the press
  • That date is Biden's 64th day in office, a record for a modern president in waiting to hold a press conference
  • Most presidents hold a press conference their first month in office

It seems there are so many important issues to ask him pointed questions about. I hope it's not another staged event where the questions are provided in advance. If so, it should be very interesting to see him have to think and articulate coherent thoughts without the aide of a teleprompter.

Should be very interesting to Americans interested in politics, as well as our foreign adversaries. You can be sure that their intelligence agencies will be doing detailed assessments of his physical and cognitive state.
Your idea of “important issues” is a load of shit.
> Your idea of “important issues” is a load of [!@#$.]

It would be helpful if you would post something substantive that contributes to the discussion, and park your gutter mouth at the door.

I would like to hear about the crisis at the border, how he plans to create jobs since his actions seem to mainly put people on the unemployment line in a moment's notice, details of his tax increases, what he will do about Iran and North Korea, etc.

People who immediately resort to hurling insults and profanties like you seem to do normally get ignored by me quickly. So here is your second chance. Show us your wit and post something worth discussing. Otherwise I will lump you in with the low-IQ bunch. Here's a suggestion... tell us what questions you think people should ask Biden about his forthcoming agenda, or let us know what great things he has done so far and why.

Or maybe you simply want to know when you will get another check to fund your lazy self that the rest of us will have to pay for.
Now when you talk about him “creating jobs”, what is it that you expect him to say?

Here’s what will definitely create jobs as a direct result of Biden’s policies. The federal Unemployment benefits and the child tax credit. When the unemployed have money to spend, they immediately spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That in turn creates demand for business which then creates jobs. The child tax credit will work the same way because parents can spend that money they receive each month on the economy as well. That is demand side economics at work.

And no, I am not unemployed. I have a job. I’m sorry if it would make you feel tough and manly to just assume you foot my bill lol
>Now when you talk about him “creating jobs”, what is it that you expect him to say?

While I really expect Biden to be a significant killer of American jobs, sending many to China like he did with Obama, yours too, perhaps, I suppose he will say something about "plans" to create future green energy jobs. "Good paying, union jobs with benefits" he will dishonestly say. Importantly, once COVID restrictions are lifted in the US, jobs will increase somewhat, and Biden will dishonestly take credit for creating them.

>Here’s what will definitely create jobs as a direct result of Biden’s policies. The federal Unemployment benefits and the child tax credit. When the unemployed have money to spend, they immediately spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That in turn creates demand for business which then creates jobs. The child tax credit will work the same way because parents can spend that money they receive each month on the economy as well. That is demand side economics at work.

Getting paid money by the government, which one then spends some portion of which is used to employ others, is absolutely one of the worst ways to create more jobs. The money is coming from the taxpayers, after all. What you want to do instead is get those able-bodied people living off government benefits working in productive endeavors, so that they can themselves pay taxes and contribute to society, instead of being a drain on it. Your logic is highly flawed.

>And no, I am not unemployed. I have a job. I’m sorry if it would make you feel tough and manly to just assume you foot my bill lol

Great. Every job is respectable. Don't throw tough and manly at me. Although I am tough and manly, I am not a keyboard warrior like the way you made your own presence known here in this thread. I do make large sums of money. It's not really a manly thing. The women I work with do the same. It's what we are all supposed to strive to do.

Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth in US history. That’s a fact.

We are talking about simple economics. If there is more money being spent on the economy, growth occurs. You bring up a fair point about revenue, but if someone in the middle class or poor pays the same tax rate as they did before, there is no pinch to their wallet. I mean obviously that’s the case with this stimulus bill. Regardless of how that spending is paid for, every dollar lost in revenue is replaced with a $1+. Why? Because every dollar spent on a business creates a profit. The result is a ripple effect in the economy.

I’m not sure where you are getting this idea that the poor are all unemployed government leeches. Most poor people have jobs. Only a few of them even qualify for government assistance.
As a Democratic Socialist (whatever that really means; it means Socialist to me), you fail to grasp simple economics.

Socialism destroys everywhere it has been.

Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the whole world. Yet, its people are starving.

You don't spur sustainable growth by taking money from the taxpayers and giving it to others. The effect is transient, and non-sustainable.

Basically, your argument is that taking more of my money, and giving it to others, helps others employ me. Think about that.

It's a faulty claim. Take for example the recent $1.9T stimulus bill. It gave certain people $1400. The cost to the average American taxpayer, prior to any debt interest that will occur, is about $11,500 that will have to be paid back. So the damage to people's pocket books is over eight times the benefit to the economy. This is why Socialism destroys society so quickly.

Trump had it right. He knew that maximizing employment is by far the best way to fix every problem known to modern mankind. Be it Social Security, health care, taking care of the truly disabled, the deficit, military funding, crime, you name it.

Maximum employment fixes everything, and Trump had records across the board before the plandemic.
Joe Biden will FINALLY hold his first full press conference next Thursday - after 64 days without facing questions - the longest of any President in last 100 years

  • Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday
  • 'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said
  • Biden has been criticized for not holding a formal press conference
  • He has taken questions informally from the press
  • That date is Biden's 64th day in office, a record for a modern president in waiting to hold a press conference
  • Most presidents hold a press conference their first month in office

It seems there are so many important issues to ask him pointed questions about. I hope it's not another staged event where the questions are provided in advance. If so, it should be very interesting to see him have to think and articulate coherent thoughts without the aide of a teleprompter.

Should be very interesting to Americans interested in politics, as well as our foreign adversaries. You can be sure that their intelligence agencies will be doing detailed assessments of his physical and cognitive state.
Your idea of “important issues” is a load of shit.
> Your idea of “important issues” is a load of [!@#$.]

It would be helpful if you would post something substantive that contributes to the discussion, and park your gutter mouth at the door.

I would like to hear about the crisis at the border, how he plans to create jobs since his actions seem to mainly put people on the unemployment line in a moment's notice, details of his tax increases, what he will do about Iran and North Korea, etc.

People who immediately resort to hurling insults and profanties like you seem to do normally get ignored by me quickly. So here is your second chance. Show us your wit and post something worth discussing. Otherwise I will lump you in with the low-IQ bunch. Here's a suggestion... tell us what questions you think people should ask Biden about his forthcoming agenda, or let us know what great things he has done so far and why.

Or maybe you simply want to know when you will get another check to fund your lazy self that the rest of us will have to pay for.
Now when you talk about him “creating jobs”, what is it that you expect him to say?

Here’s what will definitely create jobs as a direct result of Biden’s policies. The federal Unemployment benefits and the child tax credit. When the unemployed have money to spend, they immediately spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That in turn creates demand for business which then creates jobs. The child tax credit will work the same way because parents can spend that money they receive each month on the economy as well. That is demand side economics at work.

And no, I am not unemployed. I have a job. I’m sorry if it would make you feel tough and manly to just assume you foot my bill lol
>Now when you talk about him “creating jobs”, what is it that you expect him to say?

While I really expect Biden to be a significant killer of American jobs, sending many to China like he did with Obama, yours too, perhaps, I suppose he will say something about "plans" to create future green energy jobs. "Good paying, union jobs with benefits" he will dishonestly say. Importantly, once COVID restrictions are lifted in the US, jobs will increase somewhat, and Biden will dishonestly take credit for creating them.

>Here’s what will definitely create jobs as a direct result of Biden’s policies. The federal Unemployment benefits and the child tax credit. When the unemployed have money to spend, they immediately spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That in turn creates demand for business which then creates jobs. The child tax credit will work the same way because parents can spend that money they receive each month on the economy as well. That is demand side economics at work.

Getting paid money by the government, which one then spends some portion of which is used to employ others, is absolutely one of the worst ways to create more jobs. The money is coming from the taxpayers, after all. What you want to do instead is get those able-bodied people living off government benefits working in productive endeavors, so that they can themselves pay taxes and contribute to society, instead of being a drain on it. Your logic is highly flawed.

>And no, I am not unemployed. I have a job. I’m sorry if it would make you feel tough and manly to just assume you foot my bill lol

Great. Every job is respectable. Don't throw tough and manly at me. Although I am tough and manly, I am not a keyboard warrior like the way you made your own presence known here in this thread. I do make large sums of money. It's not really a manly thing. The women I work with do the same. It's what we are all supposed to strive to do.

Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth in US history. That’s a fact.

We are talking about simple economics. If there is more money being spent on the economy, growth occurs. You bring up a fair point about revenue, but if someone in the middle class or poor pays the same tax rate as they did before, there is no pinch to their wallet. I mean obviously that’s the case with this stimulus bill. Regardless of how that spending is paid for, every dollar lost in revenue is replaced with a $1+. Why? Because every dollar spent on a business creates a profit. The result is a ripple effect in the economy.

I’m not sure where you are getting this idea that the poor are all unemployed government leeches. Most poor people have jobs. Only a few of them even qualify for government assistance.
Obama, then TRUMP!, and now Quid Pro. IOW, it's less and less credible to keep giving one president credit for it.
Joe Biden will FINALLY hold his first full press conference next Thursday - after 64 days without facing questions - the longest of any President in last 100 years

  • Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday
  • 'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said
  • Biden has been criticized for not holding a formal press conference
  • He has taken questions informally from the press
  • That date is Biden's 64th day in office, a record for a modern president in waiting to hold a press conference
  • Most presidents hold a press conference their first month in office

It seems there are so many important issues to ask him pointed questions about. I hope it's not another staged event where the questions are provided in advance. If so, it should be very interesting to see him have to think and articulate coherent thoughts without the aide of a teleprompter.

Should be very interesting to Americans interested in politics, as well as our foreign adversaries. You can be sure that their intelligence agencies will be doing detailed assessments of his physical and cognitive state.
Your idea of “important issues” is a load of shit.
> Your idea of “important issues” is a load of [!@#$.]

It would be helpful if you would post something substantive that contributes to the discussion, and park your gutter mouth at the door.

I would like to hear about the crisis at the border, how he plans to create jobs since his actions seem to mainly put people on the unemployment line in a moment's notice, details of his tax increases, what he will do about Iran and North Korea, etc.

People who immediately resort to hurling insults and profanties like you seem to do normally get ignored by me quickly. So here is your second chance. Show us your wit and post something worth discussing. Otherwise I will lump you in with the low-IQ bunch. Here's a suggestion... tell us what questions you think people should ask Biden about his forthcoming agenda, or let us know what great things he has done so far and why.

Or maybe you simply want to know when you will get another check to fund your lazy self that the rest of us will have to pay for.
Now when you talk about him “creating jobs”, what is it that you expect him to say?

Here’s what will definitely create jobs as a direct result of Biden’s policies. The federal Unemployment benefits and the child tax credit. When the unemployed have money to spend, they immediately spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That in turn creates demand for business which then creates jobs. The child tax credit will work the same way because parents can spend that money they receive each month on the economy as well. That is demand side economics at work.

And no, I am not unemployed. I have a job. I’m sorry if it would make you feel tough and manly to just assume you foot my bill lol
>Now when you talk about him “creating jobs”, what is it that you expect him to say?

While I really expect Biden to be a significant killer of American jobs, sending many to China like he did with Obama, yours too, perhaps, I suppose he will say something about "plans" to create future green energy jobs. "Good paying, union jobs with benefits" he will dishonestly say. Importantly, once COVID restrictions are lifted in the US, jobs will increase somewhat, and Biden will dishonestly take credit for creating them.

>Here’s what will definitely create jobs as a direct result of Biden’s policies. The federal Unemployment benefits and the child tax credit. When the unemployed have money to spend, they immediately spend that money on basic essentials like food, clothing, and shelter. That in turn creates demand for business which then creates jobs. The child tax credit will work the same way because parents can spend that money they receive each month on the economy as well. That is demand side economics at work.

Getting paid money by the government, which one then spends some portion of which is used to employ others, is absolutely one of the worst ways to create more jobs. The money is coming from the taxpayers, after all. What you want to do instead is get those able-bodied people living off government benefits working in productive endeavors, so that they can themselves pay taxes and contribute to society, instead of being a drain on it. Your logic is highly flawed.

>And no, I am not unemployed. I have a job. I’m sorry if it would make you feel tough and manly to just assume you foot my bill lol

Great. Every job is respectable. Don't throw tough and manly at me. Although I am tough and manly, I am not a keyboard warrior like the way you made your own presence known here in this thread. I do make large sums of money. It's not really a manly thing. The women I work with do the same. It's what we are all supposed to strive to do.

Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth in US history. That’s a fact.

We are talking about simple economics. If there is more money being spent on the economy, growth occurs. You bring up a fair point about revenue, but if someone in the middle class or poor pays the same tax rate as they did before, there is no pinch to their wallet. I mean obviously that’s the case with this stimulus bill. Regardless of how that spending is paid for, every dollar lost in revenue is replaced with a $1+. Why? Because every dollar spent on a business creates a profit. The result is a ripple effect in the economy.

I’m not sure where you are getting this idea that the poor are all unemployed government leeches. Most poor people have jobs. Only a few of them even qualify for government assistance.
As a Democratic Socialist (whatever that really means; it means Socialist to me), you fail to grasp simple economics.

Socialism destroys everywhere it has been.

Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the whole world. Yet, its people are starving.

You don't spur sustainable growth by taking money from the taxpayers and giving it to others. The effect is transient, and non-sustainable.

Basically, your argument is that taking more of my money, and giving it to others, helps others employ me. Think about that.

It's a faulty claim. Take for example the recent $1.9T stimulus bill. It gave certain people $1400. The cost to the average American taxpayer, prior to any debt interest that will occur, is about $11,500 that will have to be paid back. So the damage to people's pocket books is over eight times the benefit to the economy. This is why Socialism destroys society so quickly.

Trump had it right. He knew that maximizing employment is by far the best way to fix every problem known to modern mankind. Be it Social Security, health care, taking care of the truly disabled, the deficit, military funding, crime, you name it.

Maximum employment fixes everything, and Trump had records across the board before the plandemic.
I guess you’re just pretending to not know what my point is or something. You’re trying to paint what I am saying as “taking money from someone and giving it to someone else will fix poverty” as if that’s the end of it. What you aren’t getting is, is that I am not talking about the direct benefit of the unemployed getting this money. I am talking about what those people DO with that money. They SPEND it on the ECONOMY. That boost to consumer spending helps the economy at large not THEM. Either way, your point doesn’t make any sense. That $300 per month is paid for by millions of tax payer’s money. It’s not like you are taking $300 from a single person and giving to another. You sound ridiculous.

Also, you people really need to stop cherry picking Venezuela as being proof that socialism doesn’t work. The Nordic model is socialist and those countries have much lower poverty rates than we do. They are happier people too according to surveys. Now you may say “well they are private economies!” Hey guess what, dude - so is Venezuela. Venezuela has a market economy! Look it up. You probably aren’t even sure what this word means. I’ll be happy to explain my personal brand of democratic socialism to you. It doesn’t have to be the antithesis of capitalism.

Lol Trump had it right about maximizing employment huh? As if no president has ever thought of that before. Well guess what, he didn’t achieve maximum employment. You do get that right? Hell, Obama’s last three years saw more job growth than Trump’s best year in 2018.
It’s mind boggling that there isn’t one conservative press person. I’m in the twilight zone lol
Doocey (Fox) does a great job daily...

and he’s a Democrat,, after what trump went through we deserve conservative Journalist

>[Doocey's] a Democrat,, after what trump went through we deserve conservative Journalist

Do you have a good source for that, like Doocey himself?

All I can find is that the WaPo has reported, " A Fox spokeswoman says he was a registered Democrat, but currently has no party affiliation because he’s covering the campaigns. "

If one voted for Trump, one is not a Democrat, in my book. Registration doesn't mean anything in many states general elections, and there can be good reason for Republicans to register as a Democrat in very blue states, so they can have a say in the primary.

If Doocey really is a Dem, he's doing an outstanding job as a journalist. Not many do these days.
Joe Biden will FINALLY hold his first full press conference next Thursday - after 64 days without facing questions - the longest of any President in last 100 years

  • Joe Biden will hold his first presidential press conference next Thursday
  • 'President Biden will hold a formal press conference on the afternoon of Thursday, March 25th,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said
  • Biden has been criticized for not holding a formal press conference
  • He has taken questions informally from the press
  • That date is Biden's 64th day in office, a record for a modern president in waiting to hold a press conference
  • Most presidents hold a press conference their first month in office

It seems there are so many important issues to ask him pointed questions about. I hope it's not another staged event where the questions are provided in advance. If so, it should be very interesting to see him have to think and articulate coherent thoughts without the aide of a teleprompter.

Should be very interesting to Americans interested in politics, as well as our foreign adversaries. You can be sure that their intelligence agencies will be doing detailed assessments of his physical and cognitive state.
Your idea of “important issues” is a load of shit.

Oh so issues like thousand of illegals crossing our border many with the Chinese virus, Handcuffing ICE. Shutting down the Keystone pipeline and dropping over 11,000 in the unemployment line, Stopping drilling for oil and natural gas on Fed land, ending fracking, higher gas prices, the EO's he wrote which aren't good for America or Americans aren't important issues that that stuttering fuck should answer questions about??

Just shows what a biased hack you are. If Trump did what Biden did you'd be calling him every name in the book. Dumbass.
Between the last 2 press conferences and his failed ABC interview we learned:

1. Biden doesn't remember that we have troops in Syria...or that he sent the last group into Syria

2. Joe doesn't know that Al Qaeda is already back in Afghanistan (They're getting the band back together)

3. Joe LIED about not being warned the new Afghanistan govt was quickly falling to the Taliban & evacuation of civilian personnel had to be conducted ASAP - he was warned by both his military & CIA advisors - he ignored both.

4. Biden did nothing to stop the Taliban from taking over before US civilians had been evacuated.

5. Biden's decision to take the military out of Afghanistan before US civilians were evacuated was complete dereliction of duty - a massive FAIL.

6. The decision made by the former USCENTCOM Commander to vacate Bagram Air Base in favor of moving operations to the Kabul airport was a disastrous tactical mistake, primarily because Bagram has 2 (two) runways so more air evac operations could have been going on instead of just the 1 runway in Kabul.

7. Ordering US troops to secure the runway / airport and not to leave tge airport was a complete waste of time and potentially American lives.

What good is securing an airport if Americans stranded around Afghanistan can't get to tge airport?

The Taliban have set up a parameter around the airport with manned checkpoints. They are stopping everyone coming and going, taking people's passports, and beating anyone trying to make it to the airport. Again, what good is securing the airport if Americans can't make it to the airport? The Brits are going out on rescue missions beyond the airport, searching for, finding, and bringing stranded civilians - British and Americans.

Yesterday Congress asked a General why couldn't US troops do the same thing - the answer was because they had been ordered to secure and hold the airport / runway.

More troops need to get sent in with the specific of locating and extracting every American remaining in Afghanistan.

8. President Biden's State Department foes not have a clue how many Americans are in Afghanistan - that is a MAJOR foul!

9. Biden spewed out numbers of how many people have been evacuated so far, but he had no clue how many Americans had been taken out. Last night 2,000 people were flown out - only 300 were Americans.

10. The Biden administration is already allocating funds, finding housing, etc... for tge Afghans being air-lifted out...when finding all US citizens and getting them out should be their #1 priority right now.

11. Biden answered 4 pre-coordinated questions before heading back to his bunker. So far Biden has blamed tge 'gutless' cowardice of the Afghan military, corrupt Afghan hovt officials, his Intel, his mitary advisors, his CIA advisors, Trump and others. He has yet to take any reponsibility for his historic, disastrous f*up!
5. Biden's decision to take the military out of Afghanistan before US civilians were evacuated was complete dereliction of duty - a massive FAIL.

I don't credit Biden for making the decision. The way I see it Bush, Obama, Trump and now finally Biden allowed the Taliban to make the decision for us.
I don't credit Biden for making the decision. The way I see it Bush, Obama, Trump and now finally Biden allowed the Taliban to make the decision for us.
Biden did allow the Taliban dictate every aspect of our exit, to include forcing/pressuri g us to leave so quickly we left behind some 15,000 civilians and millions of dollars of military gear.
Between the last 2 press conferences and his failed ABC interview we learned:

1. Biden doesn't remember that we have troops in Syria...or that he sent the last group into Syria

2. Joe doesn't know that Al Qaeda is already back in Afghanistan (They're getting the band back together)

3. Joe LIED about not being warned the new Afghanistan govt was quickly falling to the Taliban & evacuation of civilian personnel had to be conducted ASAP - he was warned by both his military & CIA advisors - he ignored both.

4. Biden did nothing to stop the Taliban from taking over before US civilians had been evacuated.

5. Biden's decision to take the military out of Afghanistan before US civilians were evacuated was complete dereliction of duty - a massive FAIL.

6. The decision made by the former USCENTCOM Commander to vacate Bagram Air Base in favor of moving operations to the Kabul airport was a disastrous tactical mistake, primarily because Bagram has 2 (two) runways so more air evac operations could have been going on instead of just the 1 runway in Kabul.

7. Ordering US troops to secure the runway / airport and not to leave tge airport was a complete waste of time and potentially American lives.

What good is securing an airport if Americans stranded around Afghanistan can't get to tge airport?

The Taliban have set up a parameter around the airport with manned checkpoints. They are stopping everyone coming and going, taking people's passports, and beating anyone trying to make it to the airport. Again, what good is securing the airport if Americans can't make it to the airport? The Brits are going out on rescue missions beyond the airport, searching for, finding, and bringing stranded civilians - British and Americans.

Yesterday Congress asked a General why couldn't US troops do the same thing - the answer was because they had been ordered to secure and hold the airport / runway.

More troops need to get sent in with the specific of locating and extracting every American remaining in Afghanistan.

8. President Biden's State Department foes not have a clue how many Americans are in Afghanistan - that is a MAJOR foul!

9. Biden spewed out numbers of how many people have been evacuated so far, but he had no clue how many Americans had been taken out. Last night 2,000 people were flown out - only 300 were Americans.

10. The Biden administration is already allocating funds, finding housing, etc... for tge Afghans being air-lifted out...when finding all US citizens and getting them out should be their #1 priority right now.

11. Biden answered 4 pre-coordinated questions before heading back to his bunker. So far Biden has blamed tge 'gutless' cowardice of the Afghan military, corrupt Afghan hovt officials, his Intel, his mitary advisors, his CIA advisors, Trump and others. He has yet to take any reponsibility for his historic, disastrous f*up!
12. He has lost track of time, saying an important event - afghan civilians falling from US military planes in flight - happened "four days ago; five days ago" when it was two.

Biden did allow the Taliban dictate every aspect of our exit, to include forcing/pressuri g us to leave so quickly we left behind some 15,000 civilians and millions of dollars of military gear.

That aspect was dictated through the peace agreement of February 2020 in which the Taliban were only required not to attack the international military force. US could go back on the deal but then you're opening up a can of worms where it would become even harder to get people out.

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