Biden promises to raise our taxes

The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.
You do understand that raising corporate taxes only effects the consumer right ? Businesses just add that tax to the price of their goods and services. Seriously its not rocket economics.

If I own a business and make a profit, my profit is taxed under the corporate income tax rate.

If I buy some stock or some other asset, and then sell it later at a profit, I am taxed at the capital gains rate.

Business owner vs. Stockholder.

Two separate entities. Two entirely unrelated taxes.

Capital gains is not double taxation.

Hope you learned something today!

The company I own earns a profit -> it is taxed.

I get the profit -> It is taxed again.

Public schools these days... people haven't even learned how to count up to two. No wonder so many socialist Sanders supporters running around.

You do not pay double the tax. I am pro public schools instead of the rich for profit schools.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.
You do understand that raising corporate taxes only effects the consumer right ? Businesses just add that tax to the price of their goods and services. Seriously its not rocket economics.

As if corps pay any taxes, they mainly have a neg tax.
Who cares, they can always print more money. I am not concerned about the US debt.

Yeah, but when they print more money, you get to pay the pricipal plus interest to the Federal Reserve's collection wing, the IRS, who forwards it to the Treasury so that the Treasury can pay on that Treasury bond that the Federal Reserve bought from a bank with a check that was drawn on an account that had nothing in it.


You don't really think your tax money goes toward muh roads, do you?
Who cares, they can always print more money. I am not concerned about the US debt.

Yeah, but when they print more money, you get to pay the pricipal plus interest to the Federal Reserve's collection wing, the IRS, who forwards it to the Treasury so that the Treasury can pay on that Treasury bond that the Federal Reserve bought from a bank with a check that was drawn on an account that had nothing in it.


You don't really think your tax money goes toward muh roads, do you?

You know it started with Reagan, we reap what we sow.
So lets see, do we raise the taxes to what they were, or cut social programs??

Well, see, I'm a dick about it, Penny. I say we repeal the 1913 16th Amendment, abolish the IRS, End the Fed, both of which were also created in 1913 and get back to the income tax percentage we had prior to 1913 which was 0% and then we cut all of those social programs.

Heck, repeal the entire 1913 year. lol.

If I ever get elected, watch the fuck out.
You know it started with Reagan, we reap what we sow.

No, it all started in 1913 with the 16th Amendment. In 1913 we got the 16th Amendment, the income tax, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserves collection wing, the IRS. It's no irony.

Reagan was just another Keynesian whose policies kept the scam going.
So lets see, do we raise the taxes to what they were, or cut social programs??

Well, see, I'm a dick about it, Penny. I say we repeal the 1913 16th Amendment, abolish the IRS, End the Fed, both of which were also created in 1913 and get back to the income tax percentage we had prior to 1913 which was 0% and then we cut all of those social programs.

Heck, repeal the entire 1913 year. lol.

If I ever get elected, watch the fuck out.

You like an super duper extreme Rand Paul, LOL. They had tax for the civil war. Abe initiated it.
You like an super duper extreme Rand Paul, LOL. They had tax for the civil war. Abe initiated it.

Rand's been sucking up to Trump way to much lately, like his little bitch boy or something. I dunno why, Trump's just using him as a token.

I did write-in Ron three times, though.

These days I'm rooting for Bernie to burn the whole thing down.

But I'm gonna write-in Gabbard just to flip both parties the bird.

After that I'm through with voting. This crap's getting old, I'd rather live out the rest of my days doing other things.

If it weren't for the two-party political charade, I think Americans would get along much better with one another. Democracy has long been weaponized, in my view. Sure, we can go vote and there's the illusion of choice and the illusion of difference but in the end we're still on the hook for 23 and a half trillion dollars (and growing) because of a failed monetary policy both sides of the party of one endorse. We still have ever decreasing purchasing power. Our savings are still being robbed from us consistently via the inflation and dollar devaluation racket. Our civil liberties are being shredded to pieces.

Every single American oughtta show up in Washington at once with pitchforks yelling hey, get the fuck out here, to em. That's the only way anything's ever gonna change. As long as they keep us divided, they're gonna continue to loot us dry while they get elected and become millionaires. That's how divide and conquer works.
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They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

The “gain” is new income
/——/ it’s taxed, so STFU
I know, Norman. The whole idea of you having to pay tax interferes with your right to get free shit.

I gladly pay my fair share to make the nation strong and preserve our freedoms, secure the border...

And from that point, moochers like yourself can go fuck themselves. You/they have become completely unhinged.

Well, now, Norman, this may come as a major shock to you, but you don't get to decide what your "fair share" is....

This might come as shock to you, but you don't get to decide what it is either.

People with guns do, and conservatives have all the guns. They agree with me.

More physical threats from a Trumpette. Nothing to see here folks.

That's the reality of the situation. This country was founded on almost invisible taxes, and people with arms to keep the government in check and tyranny at bay. If you want a socialist hell hole, there are plenty of options available.

I ain't skeered! My computer monitor is protected by a secret force field that bounces all of your bullets into cyberspace!
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

The “gain” is new income

And we have someone who has gone full retard.
Why do conservatives struggle so much with basic math?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

The “gain” is new income
/——/ it’s taxed, so STFU
Capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.
You do understand that raising corporate taxes only effects the consumer right ? Businesses just add that tax to the price of their goods and services. Seriously its not rocket economics.
Most corporations do not produce consumer goods. The market will decide what can be passed on.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
And Don promised healthcare that would cover everyone, better than they'd known before.
Biden and the brown turd behind closed doors FORCED upon the United States for the first time, no choice to "not" be covered or else be punished with a fine. Real dictator like there, and you want "the groper" to get back in and take the private insurance away from union workers? That will go over real well, and those people will look for people who voted for that shit, and break some legs...Want to give it a try?

Did you mean to dodge the post you replied to?

And Don promised healthcare that would cover everyone, better than they'd known before.
Once the Demoncraps lose the congress in this next voting cycle, you will see a healthcare system that will work, not some broken shit the Libs created behind closed doors and was voted on before it was seen.
It's not worked in decades, that's kinda the deal pard. So glad when I got to medicare.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.
You do understand that raising corporate taxes only effects the consumer right ? Businesses just add that tax to the price of their goods and services. Seriously its not rocket economics.
Most corporations do not produce consumer goods. The market will decide what can be passed on.
There's an ap for that.

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