Biden promises to raise our taxes

OMG! You mean that there is actually a politician who IS planning to reduce deficit spending, instead of leaving that problem to be solved by our grandchildren? Say it isn't so!
Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall

He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings
Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall

He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

Can you imagine how moronic these people are, they are willing to PAY to have Trump's magnificent wall taken down?

Pay to invade your own country... madness. Even people of Greece aren't this dumb. Then again, I have doubts these guys are American in any sense of the word.
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?

Why do we have idiotic public schools where people are taught that millionaires and billionaires don't pay most taxes?

FACT: Trump is donating his wage back to the American people. Yet a other moocher who has no clue. It is dangerous experiment to have given these morons voting rights, they aren't voting for the betterment of the nation, but your wallet.

So he gets a tax write off and so he makes all of you squirm with delight. Apparently he can pay more in tax, since he donates his income from the presidency.

Of course he CAN pay more in tax. But because he is American, he pays the least amount possible in tax - the American way.

Instead of donating money you should pay more in tax.
Bwaaaahhaaaaaaa...She wants you to FORK over you money instead of voluntarily "choose" where you money goes. So much for a liberal and CHOICE. fuck off bitch, and hope you fucking die...
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Borrowing 1 trillion a year.... what do you expect....
You are saying that President Trump is borrowing 1 trillion a year?

Obama averaged 1.15 trillion a year, where was your outrage, you stupid fuck.

Trump is not recovering from a the great Recession which was thanks to disaster policies under Bush. Trump said he has the best economy in the world... Then why is he borrowing 1 trillion a year?

Obama got the deficit down to a half a Trillion. Trump increased the borrowing by just short of a half a trillion, 2.1% of GDP increase.

By the way GDP growth is 2.1%, so if Trump didn't borrow this extra money we would be in recession. This is not growing an economy.
The brown turd also had 4.5 trillion of QE forever. But you morons didnt give a shit about that, even when all the uber rich liberals were borrowing that money at 0.00% interest. Bwaaahhhaaaaaa….you fuckers never deserve to be poor and miserable.
Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall

He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall

He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation
so the question remains, why aren't the people who support biden not just giving all their money to the IRS?
OMG! You mean that there is actually a politician who IS planning to reduce deficit spending, instead of leaving that problem to be solved by our grandchildren? Say it isn't so!
who's that? I didn't hear anyone say cut spending. hmmmmmm you okay?
He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.
Sleepy Joe admitting he’ll raise taxes and his supporters look and sound THRILLED.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
Good for Biden, bad for yacht brokers. Too fucking bad. I paid more taxes then Amazon did this year. Ask me if I give a fuck if Biden raises taxes on wealthiest entitled greed mongers looking for a free ride on the middle class. So eat shit. I can't wait to vote Dem no matter who it is.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

"The" socialist?

Which one isn't? :auiqs.jpg:
Farmers ain't.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
Good for Biden, bad for yacht brokers. Too fucking bad. I paid more taxes then Amazon did this year. Ask me if I give a fuck if Biden raises taxes on wealthiest entitled greed mongers looking for a free ride on the middle class. So eat shit. I can't wait to vote Dem no matter who it is.

The guy who raised his hand was from the middle class.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.

Thank you, state and local taxes will rise each year, making the divide between the wealthy and the middle classes, and the working poor with less discretionary income. Keeping in mind the tax fraud written by Ryan and signed by trump will continue to expand the annual deficits, reduce consumer spending, and if the GOP gets what it has striven for, ending the ACA, Medicaid, replacing Social Security and Medicare.

All of this will happen if the biddable fools show up and reelect trump for four more years. Let's all hope that those who voted for trump and gave him the office of trust which he continues to violate, will wake up and vote for the Democratic Nominee. All this shit about Socialism is a false flag, what we need to fear is the on going plutocracy where once again Voodoo trickle down will fail for the 3rd time for the many, and be a boom for the special interests.
I dont pay state and local taxes, only federal income. I love my state...
it is nice not to have to pay a state income tax... but how are those property taxes?
Cheaper than Va or Md. Where the liberals of those states need to steal from the working class to the illegals can get their welfare and the anchor brats can go to school for liberal indoctrination.
Kinda like Trump with his free golf trips to Florida, right? $135 million fucking dollars & counting for Comrade Trump.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice. Now leftists of course want to add a wealth tax like in Venezuela, to tax the same money over and over again. Property tax and death tax also their big favourites. Money has to be taxed even if it is not made...
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice. Now leftists of course want to add a wealth tax like in Venezuela, to tax the same money over and over again. Property tax and death tax also their big favourites. Money has to be taxed even if it is not made...

I know, Norman. The whole idea of you having to pay tax interferes with your right to get free shit.
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice. Now leftists of course want to add a wealth tax like in Venezuela, to tax the same money over and over again. Property tax and death tax also their big favourites. Money has to be taxed even if it is not made...

I know, Norman. The whole idea of you having to pay tax interferes with your right to get free shit.

I gladly pay my fair share to make the nation strong and preserve our freedoms, secure the border... This is a very modest American amount.

And from that point, moochers like yourself can go fuck themselves. You/they have become completely unhinged.
The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice. Now leftists of course want to add a wealth tax like in Venezuela, to tax the same money over and over again. Property tax and death tax also their big favourites. Money has to be taxed even if it is not made...

I know, Norman. The whole idea of you having to pay tax interferes with your right to get free shit.

I gladly pay my fair share to make the nation strong and preserve our freedoms, secure the border...

And from that point, moochers like yourself can go fuck themselves. You/they have become completely unhinged.

Well, now, Norman, this may come as a major shock to you, but you don't get to decide what your "fair share" is....

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