Biden promises to raise our taxes

Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall
Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall

He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.
/—-/ To make the personal income tax permanent the House needed 61 votes. They only had 52 because no DemocRAT would support it. But you already knew that.

The democrat plan now is not to have less taxes, but more taxes for all!

Can Penelope explain how this is an improvement, in America the land of the free?
Land of the free, doesn't mean you don't have to pay any taxes. The people who have tried it, get caught for tax evasion, unless they are super rich.
If they get caught for tax evasion why arent they in jail, wasn't it Oblummers Admin that was allowing the uber rich to get richer?
Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall

He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.
/—-/ To make the personal income tax permanent the House needed 61 votes. They only had 52 because no DemocRAT would support it. But you already knew that.

The democrat plan now is not to have less taxes, but more taxes for all!

Can Penelope explain how this is an improvement, in America the land of the free?
Land of the free, doesn't mean you don't have to pay any taxes. The people who have tried it, get caught for tax evasion, unless they are super rich.

It does mean you have to pay very little taxes. Much less than we are paying now in fact, as it used to be. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

No worries, you are entitled to use your way of tax evasion - never contributing anything positive to society.

No it doesn't mean you pay very little in taxes.
I pay $64,000 a year in taxes. Am I supposed to pay more? I bet my taxes are twice what you make in welfare a year.
Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall

He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?

She is a welfare bitch that doesn't pay taxes... but wants other people pay.

Just the usual person that is the reason for the societal decline.
The democrat plan now is not to have less taxes, but more taxes for all!

Can Penelope explain how this is an improvement, in America the land of the free?
Land of the free, doesn't mean you don't have to pay any taxes. The people who have tried it, get caught for tax evasion, unless they are super rich.

It does mean you have to pay very little taxes. Much less than we are paying now in fact, as it used to be. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

No worries, you are entitled to use your way of tax evasion - never contributing anything positive to society.

No it doesn't mean you pay very little in taxes.

Yes it does, that is EXACTLY what the American way of life means.

Now moochers like you don't pay anything in taxes, so it's all good. We all get to enjoy the same.
The democrat plan now is not to have less taxes, but more taxes for all!

Can Penelope explain how this is an improvement, in America the land of the free?
Land of the free, doesn't mean you don't have to pay any taxes. The people who have tried it, get caught for tax evasion, unless they are super rich.

It does mean you have to pay very little taxes. Much less than we are paying now in fact, as it used to be. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

No worries, you are entitled to use your way of tax evasion - never contributing anything positive to society.

No it doesn't mean you pay very little in taxes.

Yes it does, that is EXACTLY what the American way of life means.

Now moochers like you don't pay anything in taxes, so it's all good. We all get to enjoy the same.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Now what do you think that means?
You do know that back when that Document was formed and signed, there wasn't an income tax but a tax that everyone paid, no freeloading welfare pricks who seem to be impoverished. But then Woodrow Wilson, that racist prick(who segregated bathrooms and government, same thing) decided to keep permanent, the FITW because it was an insidious way to steal money from the working class.
Biden agenda:

Repeal the Trump tax cuts on corporations and billionaires
Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords
Reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal
Expand Obamacare
Eliminate Space Force
Tear down Trumps wall

He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?
Trump once again lowers interest rates for the rich to borrow money...enough of the smoke and mirrors...trickle down is not working, you orange moron
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?

Why do we have idiotic public schools where people are taught that millionaires and billionaires don't pay most taxes?

FACT: Trump is donating his wage back to the American people. Yet a other moocher who has no clue. It is dangerous experiment to have given these morons voting rights, they aren't voting for the betterment of the nation, but your wallet.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.

Thank you, state and local taxes will rise each year, making the divide between the wealthy and the middle classes, and the working poor with less discretionary income. Keeping in mind the tax fraud written by Ryan and signed by trump will continue to expand the annual deficits, reduce consumer spending, and if the GOP gets what it has striven for, ending the ACA, Medicaid, replacing Social Security and Medicare.

All of this will happen if the biddable fools show up and reelect trump for four more years. Let's all hope that those who voted for trump and gave him the office of trust which he continues to violate, will wake up and vote for the Democratic Nominee. All this shit about Socialism is a false flag, what we need to fear is the on going plutocracy where once again Voodoo trickle down will fail for the 3rd time for the many, and be a boom for the special interests.
local taxes are your issue. you vote them in. stop it then. vote for fiscally responsible people
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?
Millionaires and billionaires paying hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars in taxes while racist bitches like you , who live on welfare pay nothing.

Notice that the Blue is much larger than the bottom 3rd of the country. Now if you chase the millionaires and billionaires away, who do you think will have to pick up the bill? Damn you are a stupid racist Kuunt.

Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?
Millionaires and billionaires paying hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars in taxes while racist bitches like you , who live on welfare pay nothing.

Notice that the Blue is much larger than the bottom 3rd of the country. Now if you chase the millionaires and billionaires away, who do you think will have to pick up the bill? Damn you are a stupid racist Kuunt.


He is in the group paying 2% and bitching that others are not paying enough - insane.
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?
who should pay for what? dude, come off the ledge and speak in a normal tone so we can have a discussion. your rant is genuinely stupid. You come off as a sky is falling fk.

How do you know what anyone spends on taxes? Me believes you to be uninformed and out of control.
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?
who should pay for what? dude, come off the ledge and speak in a normal tone so we can have a discussion. your rant is genuinely stupid. You come off as a sky is falling fk.

How do you know what anyone spends on taxes? Me believes you to be uninformed and out of control.
$22 trillion
Supported by multiple sources
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
The war on poverty has cost US 22 trillion dollars will be 23 trillion after this year. How large is the deficit again?

U.S. National Debt Clock March 2020 An Overview of the United States National Debt The Current Outstanding Public Debt of the United States is: $23,422,686,794,507.87 Last Updated: Sunday, March 1st, 2020 Every man, woman and child in the United States currently owes $77,093 for their share of the U.S. public debt Public Debt: $17,387,809,848,199.62
United States Debt Clock March 2020 - Dave Manuel
Now if we stoppped paying welfare and put those lazy liberal fucks to work, not only would that trillion dollars a year be going to pay down the debt but more people would be working thus helping pay more taxes in and in 15 years there would be no federal debt. If the poor want to live poor they can continue to pan handle on corners(which they do anyway) or seek charitable foundations to help support them, since many of US give to those organizations. If the lazy liberals want more and break into other people's houses, then they are shot and again, removed from Society thus lowering taxes.
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?

Why do we have idiotic public schools where people are taught that millionaires and billionaires don't pay most taxes?

FACT: Trump is donating his wage back to the American people. Yet a other moocher who has no clue. It is dangerous experiment to have given these morons voting rights, they aren't voting for the betterment of the nation, but your wallet.

So he gets a tax write off and so he makes all of you squirm with delight. Apparently he can pay more in tax, since he donates his income from the presidency.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Borrowing 1 trillion a year.... what do you expect....
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?

Why do we have idiotic public schools where people are taught that millionaires and billionaires don't pay most taxes?

FACT: Trump is donating his wage back to the American people. Yet a other moocher who has no clue. It is dangerous experiment to have given these morons voting rights, they aren't voting for the betterment of the nation, but your wallet.

So he gets a tax write off and so he makes all of you squirm with delight. Apparently he can pay more in tax, since he donates his income from the presidency.

Of course he CAN pay more in tax. But because he is American, he pays the least amount possible in tax - the American way.
Question.....we have a trillion dollar plus deficit, billionaires and millionairs not paying a dime...who do you think should pay for it? Also understand, your president is gutting the treasury with money flowing into his family's pockets...again, who in the fuck do you think should have their taxes raised to pay for this shit?

Why do we have idiotic public schools where people are taught that millionaires and billionaires don't pay most taxes?

FACT: Trump is donating his wage back to the American people. Yet a other moocher who has no clue. It is dangerous experiment to have given these morons voting rights, they aren't voting for the betterment of the nation, but your wallet.

So he gets a tax write off and so he makes all of you squirm with delight. Apparently he can pay more in tax, since he donates his income from the presidency.
His $400,000 check that he doesnt take is 100 times more than you would ever make, you are just a jealous bitch who is too lazy to try to make something better of yourself, so punish all the rest of US so we can be poor and miserable just like you. No thanks, been there done that a long time ago.

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