Biden promises to raise our taxes

A fair flat tax is the only way of ending this bullshit.

Sure and cut out the loopholes for the wealthy, and while your at include capital gains as income.
Ah yes, the party of taking money from others in the hope some of it comes to you.....Go tell a football player or Hollyweird star to give up their loopholes, see their reaction. You wont because you are a chicken shit, who has to have a full militaristic government come in and force people to pay more.
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
Sure and cut out the loopholes for the wealthy, and while your at include capital gains as income.
Ah yes, the party of taking money from others in the hope some of it comes to you.....Go tell a football player or Hollyweird star to give up their loopholes, see their reaction. You wont because you are a chicken shit, who has to have a full militaristic government come in and force people to pay more.
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
The problem with your plan is that we dont live in a third world country, we live in the richest county in the world so we don’t just let people die in the streets. We provide shelter and child care and education and job training and we raise the standard of living and opportunity for all people not just the rich.

what you call a waste is quite literally food and clothing and medicine and shelter for the poor. Money that I might add gets paid right back to businesses providing those products which in turn pays their employee salaries and enables them to provide for their families. But you call it a waste

what’s apparent here is that you are a blind partisan, selfish and short sited. You don’t want to discuss specifics but want to keep it at generalized stereotypes to promote your ideology. Grow up and do better.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
That's not what he said, and your link contradicts your OP
That’s exactly what he said.
If you're in the top 5% and Biden's elected and the dems hold the house, you may see a tax hike. boohoo. But that's NOT what the oP said.
I heard what Biden said out of his own lips.
Ah yes, the party of taking money from others in the hope some of it comes to you.....Go tell a football player or Hollyweird star to give up their loopholes, see their reaction. You wont because you are a chicken shit, who has to have a full militaristic government come in and force people to pay more.
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
The problem with your plan is that we dont live in a third world country, we live in the richest county in the world so we don’t just let people die in the streets. We provide shelter and child care and education and job training and we raise the standard of living and opportunity for all people not just the rich.

what you call a waste is quite literally food and clothing and medicine and shelter for the poor. Money that I might add gets paid right back to businesses providing those products which in turn pays their employee salaries and enables them to provide for their families. But you call it a waste

what’s apparent here is that you are a blind partisan, selfish and short sited. You don’t want to discuss specifics but want to keep it at generalized stereotypes to promote your ideology. Grow up and do better.
It is not selfish to keep the hard earned money you went out and earned. The selfish greedy partisan part is ewe who want to take it away from me. It will never be enough as ewe dumbassed Democrats keep insisting on importing millions of poor from around the world.
The more money the poorer and lower middle income have and the healthier they are, sooner or later it comes to the top.

Reagan had it just the opposite, trickle down caused great inequality in the social classes, the poor got poorer and the rich got richer.
Ah yes, the party of taking money from others in the hope some of it comes to you.....Go tell a football player or Hollyweird star to give up their loopholes, see their reaction. You wont because you are a chicken shit, who has to have a full militaristic government come in and force people to pay more.
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
The problem with your plan is that we dont live in a third world country, we live in the richest county in the world so we don’t just let people die in the streets. We provide shelter and child care and education and job training and we raise the standard of living and opportunity for all people not just the rich.

what you call a waste is quite literally food and clothing and medicine and shelter for the poor. Money that I might add gets paid right back to businesses providing those products which in turn pays their employee salaries and enables them to provide for their families. But you call it a waste

what’s apparent here is that you are a blind partisan, selfish and short sited. You don’t want to discuss specifics but want to keep it at generalized stereotypes to promote your ideology. Grow up and do better.
What has happened is that if we stop the insanity there will be mass rioting. People leave high tax areas if they are not on the plus side of the financial equation if they can. The ones who stay Prog reinfecting the new areas they go are the harbingers of an eventual authoritarian state. There are many people who play the game and get paid. From lawsuits to outrageous pensions to lying and cheating and corruption beyond anything in world history. To not have a high percentage of students not be able to read and write and do math when the school district spends 15 to 20 grand a year per child is a disgrace. Our nation stopped being of excellence many years ago. Now we are of above average based on quotas and political correctness that has not even peaked yet. Waste can be exemplified for something that costs several times more then it should. And maybe we need to start getting tough and making the tough decisions that are needed. But there goes that political correctness and quotas again.
Bernie is a raving lunatic and Biden is just plain stupid.
Ah yes, the party of taking money from others in the hope some of it comes to you.....Go tell a football player or Hollyweird star to give up their loopholes, see their reaction. You wont because you are a chicken shit, who has to have a full militaristic government come in and force people to pay more.
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
The problem with your plan is that we dont live in a third world country, we live in the richest county in the world so we don’t just let people die in the streets. We provide shelter and child care and education and job training and we raise the standard of living and opportunity for all people not just the rich.

what you call a waste is quite literally food and clothing and medicine and shelter for the poor. Money that I might add gets paid right back to businesses providing those products which in turn pays their employee salaries and enables them to provide for their families. But you call it a waste

what’s apparent here is that you are a blind partisan, selfish and short sited. You don’t want to discuss specifics but want to keep it at generalized stereotypes to promote your ideology. Grow up and do better.
Back before welfare and the shit Roosevelt started, did people die in the streets? No, they went to soup kitchens and other charitable organizations. But the crafty liberal who saw the future of the Demoncrap Party, make the Gubermint the charitable entity, and all the suckers would be enslaved to that government. Nice job dumbasses, you are being replaced by diseased illegals crossing the borders because the liberal elites realize that without them, they are going to lose again and again.

#WALKAWAY... African Americans Leaving Democratic Party In Large Numbers

The more money the poorer and lower middle income have and the healthier they are, sooner or later it comes to the top.

Reagan had it just the opposite, trickle down caused great inequality in the social classes, the poor got poorer and the rich got richer.

If you dont want to be fucking poor, then create something that someone wants, if you are satisfied to not be creative then live your life as an average guy. Football players are paid for their talent, movie stars also, politicians steal our money to pad their pockets. Dumbass liberals willingly give their money to these crooks....
Ah yes, the party of taking money from others in the hope some of it comes to you.....Go tell a football player or Hollyweird star to give up their loopholes, see their reaction. You wont because you are a chicken shit, who has to have a full militaristic government come in and force people to pay more.
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
The problem with your plan is that we dont live in a third world country, we live in the richest county in the world so we don’t just let people die in the streets. We provide shelter and child care and education and job training and we raise the standard of living and opportunity for all people not just the rich.

what you call a waste is quite literally food and clothing and medicine and shelter for the poor. Money that I might add gets paid right back to businesses providing those products which in turn pays their employee salaries and enables them to provide for their families. But you call it a waste

what’s apparent here is that you are a blind partisan, selfish and short sited. You don’t want to discuss specifics but want to keep it at generalized stereotypes to promote your ideology. Grow up and do better.
I used to be a minimum wage working at McDonalds. I became a Republican and got smart. Dumbass liberals continue to work minimum wages and want the government to steal money from others so the liberals dont have to work hard... Fuck you asswipe, I still only pay 12% income tax, yet still pay $64,000 a year in federal income tax(I bet your wages are half that).. That is my TAX LOOPHOLE...I laugh at your stupidity...
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
The problem with your plan is that we dont live in a third world country, we live in the richest county in the world so we don’t just let people die in the streets. We provide shelter and child care and education and job training and we raise the standard of living and opportunity for all people not just the rich.

what you call a waste is quite literally food and clothing and medicine and shelter for the poor. Money that I might add gets paid right back to businesses providing those products which in turn pays their employee salaries and enables them to provide for their families. But you call it a waste

what’s apparent here is that you are a blind partisan, selfish and short sited. You don’t want to discuss specifics but want to keep it at generalized stereotypes to promote your ideology. Grow up and do better.
It is not selfish to keep the hard earned money you went out and earned. The selfish greedy partisan part is ewe who want to take it away from me. It will never be enough as ewe dumbassed Democrats keep insisting on importing millions of poor from around the world.
You do get to keep the hard earned money you work for. Wages and pricing and everything else involved in our economy is designed with taxation in mind. That how economy works. This stealing narrative y’all throw out is obvious BS. You are small minded if you really don’t understand these things
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
The problem with your plan is that we dont live in a third world country, we live in the richest county in the world so we don’t just let people die in the streets. We provide shelter and child care and education and job training and we raise the standard of living and opportunity for all people not just the rich.

what you call a waste is quite literally food and clothing and medicine and shelter for the poor. Money that I might add gets paid right back to businesses providing those products which in turn pays their employee salaries and enables them to provide for their families. But you call it a waste

what’s apparent here is that you are a blind partisan, selfish and short sited. You don’t want to discuss specifics but want to keep it at generalized stereotypes to promote your ideology. Grow up and do better.
Back before welfare and the shit Roosevelt started, did people die in the streets? No, they went to soup kitchens and other charitable organizations. But the crafty liberal who saw the future of the Demoncrap Party, make the Gubermint the charitable entity, and all the suckers would be enslaved to that government. Nice job dumbasses, you are being replaced by diseased illegals crossing the borders because the liberal elites realize that without them, they are going to lose again and again.

#WALKAWAY... African Americans Leaving Democratic Party In Large Numbers

There’s something wrong with you man. Sounds like you need an anger management class... and a history lesson
The more money the poorer and lower middle income have and the healthier they are, sooner or later it comes to the top.

Reagan had it just the opposite, trickle down caused great inequality in the social classes, the poor got poorer and the rich got richer.

If you dont want to be fucking poor, then create something that someone wants, if you are satisfied to not be creative then live your life as an average guy. Football players are paid for their talent, movie stars also, politicians steal our money to pad their pockets. Dumbass liberals willingly give their money to these crooks....

You can preach that all you want. I’d agree and support that... however there is still going to be millions of people, family’s, children, and elderly that suffer in poverty. A boot strap inspirational speech isn’t going to change that
Both parties support taxation and government programs. You are lying if you claim otherwise. Stop playing the absolutist generalization games and try to challenge yourself by arguing specific issues
Which is why I have used every "legal tax loophole" to make my fortune. 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, no federal or state income tax. Used my deductions of $10,000 a year to burn off that in capital gains.

Want to really know a dirty little secret?

The government WASTES trillions of dollars on a "War on Poverty" that has been going on since 1964. 22 trillion dollars to be exact. How large in the federal deficit again?

Stop giving money to lazy liberals who dont work, either they get to work, thus paying taxes, or they are caught trying to break into someone's house and shot dead, thus removing the scum from society thus lowering the need for more taxes....
It sounds like your saying the rich should be left alone and the poor should either killed or left to get rich or die. Are you for real with that crap?!

you say trillions get wasted... where exactly is it going that you consider a waste?
I am saying dork, that we have wasted trillions of dollars fighting poverty and it hasnt worked. Insead of letting insane people do the same thing over and over, we need to stop paying people, not to work. Get them off the dole, like back before welfare was created, and everyone worked or they didnt.
The problem with your plan is that we dont live in a third world country, we live in the richest county in the world so we don’t just let people die in the streets. We provide shelter and child care and education and job training and we raise the standard of living and opportunity for all people not just the rich.

what you call a waste is quite literally food and clothing and medicine and shelter for the poor. Money that I might add gets paid right back to businesses providing those products which in turn pays their employee salaries and enables them to provide for their families. But you call it a waste

what’s apparent here is that you are a blind partisan, selfish and short sited. You don’t want to discuss specifics but want to keep it at generalized stereotypes to promote your ideology. Grow up and do better.
I used to be a minimum wage working at McDonalds. I became a Republican and got smart. Dumbass liberals continue to work minimum wages and want the government to steal money from others so the liberals dont have to work hard... Fuck you asswipe, I still only pay 12% income tax, yet still pay $64,000 a year in federal income tax(I bet your wages are half that).. That is my TAX LOOPHOLE...I laugh at your stupidity...
I love how you call me stupid while making completely ignorant statements about somebody you know absolutely nothing about. Bravo man!
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
And Don promised healthcare that would cover everyone, better than they'd known before.
Biden and the brown turd behind closed doors FORCED upon the United States for the first time, no choice to "not" be covered or else be punished with a fine. Real dictator like there, and you want "the groper" to get back in and take the private insurance away from union workers? That will go over real well, and those people will look for people who voted for that shit, and break some legs...Want to give it a try?

Did you mean to dodge the post you replied to?

And Don promised healthcare that would cover everyone, better than they'd known before.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
And Don promised healthcare that would cover everyone, better than they'd known before.
Biden and the brown turd behind closed doors FORCED upon the United States for the first time, no choice to "not" be covered or else be punished with a fine. Real dictator like there, and you want "the groper" to get back in and take the private insurance away from union workers? That will go over real well, and those people will look for people who voted for that shit, and break some legs...Want to give it a try?

Did you mean to dodge the post you replied to?

And Don promised healthcare that would cover everyone, better than they'd known before.
Once the Demoncraps lose the congress in this next voting cycle, you will see a healthcare system that will work, not some broken shit the Libs created behind closed doors and was voted on before it was seen.

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