Biden promises to raise our taxes

The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
Raising taxes isnt about bringing in revenue to the government, because with the tax cuts, more money is coming in. Raising taxes is to level the playing field with the lazy liberal morons, and then the rest of US who are hard working. When everyone is poor and miserable, then the liberals think everything is fair. They are still lazy liberals morons, dirt poor still, just everyone else is poor and miserable too, that is Liberal Equality.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Im positive your post is bullshit.

That being said, it is time to raise taxes.
why aren't you just sending in your money? I got a five says you don't pay any taxes.
Their base doesnt pay taxes. And their elite leadership pays a very very low rate. When they say "Ill raise taxes" it is assumed they mean income taxes...which the middle and working class pay and which benefited from Trumps tax cuts.

The Democrats are an alliance of the wealthy elite and the urban slums against working people.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
Raising taxes isnt about bringing in revenue to the government, because with the tax cuts, more money is coming in. Raising taxes is to level the playing field with the lazy liberal morons, and then the rest of US who are hard working. When everyone is poor and miserable, then the liberals think everything is fair. They are still lazy liberals morons, dirt poor still, just everyone else is poor and miserable too, that is Liberal Equality.

They have a problem with the middle class and American way of life. Everyone is supposed to be a dependent loser.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
Raising taxes isnt about bringing in revenue to the government, because with the tax cuts, more money is coming in. Raising taxes is to level the playing field with the lazy liberal morons, and then the rest of US who are hard working. When everyone is poor and miserable, then the liberals think everything is fair. They are still lazy liberals morons, dirt poor still, just everyone else is poor and miserable too, that is Liberal Equality.

They have a problem with the middle class and American way of life. Everyone is supposed to be a dependent loser.
this is why hitlery never discussed the middle class and what she'd do to help them.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.

Thank you, state and local taxes will rise each year, making the divide between the wealthy and the middle classes, and the working poor with less discretionary income. Keeping in mind the tax fraud written by Ryan and signed by trump will continue to expand the annual deficits, reduce consumer spending, and if the GOP gets what it has striven for, ending the ACA, Medicaid, replacing Social Security and Medicare.

All of this will happen if the biddable fools show up and reelect trump for four more years. Let's all hope that those who voted for trump and gave him the office of trust which he continues to violate, will wake up and vote for the Democratic Nominee. All this shit about Socialism is a false flag, what we need to fear is the on going plutocracy where once again Voodoo trickle down will fail for the 3rd time for the many, and be a boom for the special interests.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
That's not what he said, and your link contradicts your OP
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.

Thank you, state and local taxes will rise each year, making the divide between the wealthy and the middle classes, and the working poor with less discretionary income. Keeping in mind the tax fraud written by Ryan and signed by trump will continue to expand the annual deficits, reduce consumer spending, and if the GOP gets what it has striven for, ending the ACA, Medicaid, replacing Social Security and Medicare.

All of this will happen if the biddable fools show up and reelect trump for four more years. Let's all hope that those who voted for trump and gave him the office of trust which he continues to violate, will wake up and vote for the Democratic Nominee. All this shit about Socialism is a false flag, what we need to fear is the on going plutocracy where once again Voodoo trickle down will fail for the 3rd time for the many, and be a boom for the special interests.

How are we going to pay for the proposed Dimm social programs?
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Thankfully the asshole will never get the chance.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.

Thank you, state and local taxes will rise each year, making the divide between the wealthy and the middle classes, and the working poor with less discretionary income. Keeping in mind the tax fraud written by Ryan and signed by trump will continue to expand the annual deficits, reduce consumer spending, and if the GOP gets what it has striven for, ending the ACA, Medicaid, replacing Social Security and Medicare.

All of this will happen if the biddable fools show up and reelect trump for four more years. Let's all hope that those who voted for trump and gave him the office of trust which he continues to violate, will wake up and vote for the Democratic Nominee. All this shit about Socialism is a false flag, what we need to fear is the on going plutocracy where once again Voodoo trickle down will fail for the 3rd time for the many, and be a boom for the special interests.

How are we going to pay for the proposed Dimm social programs?

Endless free shit, taxes and gulags for wrong-think are going to end the plutocracy. Don't ask me how, clearly it happened in Venezuela.

Bernie can't even keep his microphone away from a teenage vegan activist, but is going to take on the "plutocracy"... ok...
Every single Democrat running as a potential nominee is promising to do this.....Biden doing so is not an exception to the rule.
Every dem is promising to do what? Raise taxes on the rich?
Every single Democrat running as a potential nominee is promising to do this.....Biden doing so is not an exception to the rule.
Of course, but at least he says it openly. Paying taxes is heroic, while the American way of paying your own way is evil.

Is there anyone out there who has such a low IQ or is SO partisanly stupid that they DON'T know every Democrat is openly declaring they are going to raise all of our taxes every time they vow to :
- Reverse Trump economic successes
- Give illegals free health care, education, housing, food, etc....
- Impose Medicare For All
- 'Wipe Out Education Debt
- 'Win the War on Cow Farts Through 'The Green New Deal'

Wow, you don’t do any research on actual plan proposals and how they are paid for do you. It’s just dem = bad and make up the rest... is that your game?
Their base wants higher taxes. People who want to keep their own money are greedy. Taking money from those people and giving it to other people is altruistic.

Their base wants other people to pay higher taxes.
A fair flat tax is the only way of ending this bullshit.

Sure and cut out the loopholes for the wealthy, and while your at include capital gains as income.
As I have often said. 25% on all income from $1.00 to whatever no matter the source. No excuses, no exceptions, no exemptions.

Sounds good to me, and what should we do with the new found money?

From all sources is the key. Virtually every single person residing in the US pays and we should pay down the debt.
Wow, you don’t do any research on actual plan proposals and how they are paid for do you. It’s just dem = bad and make up the rest... is that your game?

AOC admitted in an interview that the United States would go bankrupt if it even attempted to achieve half of what was proposed in her 'Green New Deal'.

Sanders REFUSES to talk about how he intends to pay for his agenda.

All of the Democrats have declared they intend to reverse the successes of the Trump administration by reinstating the record number of job-destroying Obama regulations, forcing manufacturing jobs back overseas, reducing the number of jobs / eliminating higher wages, raises, bonuses, forcing the rise of unemployment and forcing millions of Americans back into 'economic slavery' - dependence on tax payer-funded social programs just to survive again.

The Democrats have declared they will engage in a FORCED government take-over of healthcare by criminalizing private ownership of health care coverage...

AOC's 'Green New Deal' wants to outlaw / criminalize the use of all fossil fuels and the use of the internal combustion engine ... immediately putting tens of millions of Americans out of work (you think that means only RICH people out of work?) - forcing them onto already over-burdened tax payer-funded social programs, and making America a 3rd world nation....dependent on foreign energy....AOC's plan (according to her in an interview) calls for switching to NON-EXISTENT ENERGY SOURCES......


No, lil' snowflake, the problem for you and Democrats is that I - and many others - have researched and thought a lot about what the MANURE Democrats have been spreading....

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