Biden promises to raise our taxes

The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut
Good for Biden, bad for yacht brokers. Too fucking bad. I paid more taxes then Amazon did this year. Ask me if I give a fuck if Biden raises taxes on wealthiest entitled greed mongers looking for a free ride on the middle class. So eat shit. I can't wait to vote Dem no matter who it is.
/-----/ WOWZA - you must have paid a bloody fortune.
Amazon’s financial statements shows it does pay taxes. In 2017, Amazon paid close to $1 billion in income tax. In 2018, the amount jumped to $1.18 billion, accounting for local, state, and international taxes.

Today In: Leadership
Amazon pays plenty in terms of payroll taxes and also state and local taxes. Nor should you forget the taxes paid by Amazon’s employees on their wages. Not only is that direct revenue to various levels of government, but the incidence of those taxes falls somewhat on Amazon, which now must pay higher wages to offset the tax burden faced by their employees," Cowen adds.

Amazon largely pays no corporate tax precisely because it reinvests profits into its operations. Under a scenario where Amazon had no corporate tax breaks, it would disincentive the company from reinvesting and thus creating greater opportunity for the businesses and cities in which it operates.
Why Amazon Pays No Corporate Taxes
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice. Now leftists of course want to add a wealth tax like in Venezuela, to tax the same money over and over again. Property tax and death tax also their big favourites. Money has to be taxed even if it is not made...

I know, Norman. The whole idea of you having to pay tax interferes with your right to get free shit.

I gladly pay my fair share to make the nation strong and preserve our freedoms, secure the border...

And from that point, moochers like yourself can go fuck themselves. You/they have become completely unhinged.

Well, now, Norman, this may come as a major shock to you, but you don't get to decide what your "fair share" is....

This might come as shock to you, but you don't get to decide what it is either.

People with guns do, and conservatives have all the guns. They agree with me.
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice.
Nope. Two different entities are taxed. Two different monies. You really have no clue what you are talking about.
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice.
Nope. Two different entities are taxed. Two different monies. You really have no clue what you are talking about.

That's laughably stupid. If I own corporation, I get taxed once on the profit and second time when the profit is given to me. Oh but they are two "different" monies of mine so...

You flunked the math class? Sure sign of someone who feels the Bern...

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice. Now leftists of course want to add a wealth tax like in Venezuela, to tax the same money over and over again. Property tax and death tax also their big favourites. Money has to be taxed even if it is not made...

I know, Norman. The whole idea of you having to pay tax interferes with your right to get free shit.

I gladly pay my fair share to make the nation strong and preserve our freedoms, secure the border...

And from that point, moochers like yourself can go fuck themselves. You/they have become completely unhinged.

Well, now, Norman, this may come as a major shock to you, but you don't get to decide what your "fair share" is....

This might come as shock to you, but you don't get to decide what it is either.

People with guns do, and conservatives have all the guns. They agree with me.

More physical threats from a Trumpette. Nothing to see here folks.
The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice.
Nope. Two different entities are taxed. Two different monies. You really have no clue what you are talking about.

That's laughably stupid. If I own corporation, I get taxed once on the profit and second time when the profit is given to me. Oh but they are two "different" monies of mine so...

You flunked the math class? Sure sign of someone who feels the Bern...
You clearly have no clue what a capital gains tax is. :lol:

You don't even know how stupid you look right now.
First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice. Now leftists of course want to add a wealth tax like in Venezuela, to tax the same money over and over again. Property tax and death tax also their big favourites. Money has to be taxed even if it is not made...

I know, Norman. The whole idea of you having to pay tax interferes with your right to get free shit.

I gladly pay my fair share to make the nation strong and preserve our freedoms, secure the border...

And from that point, moochers like yourself can go fuck themselves. You/they have become completely unhinged.

Well, now, Norman, this may come as a major shock to you, but you don't get to decide what your "fair share" is....

This might come as shock to you, but you don't get to decide what it is either.

People with guns do, and conservatives have all the guns. They agree with me.

More physical threats from a Trumpette. Nothing to see here folks.

That's the reality of the situation. This country was founded on almost invisible taxes, and people with arms to keep the government in check and tyranny at bay. If you want a socialist hell hole, there are plenty of options available.
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice.
Nope. Two different entities are taxed. Two different monies. You really have no clue what you are talking about.

That's laughably stupid. If I own corporation, I get taxed once on the profit and second time when the profit is given to me. Oh but they are two "different" monies of mine so...

You flunked the math class? Sure sign of someone who feels the Bern...
You clearly have no clue what a capital gains tax is. :lol:

You don't even know how stupid you look right now.

Ah, we are dealing with someone who has never invested in his life. Never paid a tax...

Things become a lot clearer when you move out of mom's basement.
Last edited:

A profit has not been double taxed.

First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice.
Nope. Two different entities are taxed. Two different monies. You really have no clue what you are talking about.

That's laughably stupid. If I own corporation, I get taxed once on the profit and second time when the profit is given to me. Oh but they are two "different" monies of mine so...

You flunked the math class? Sure sign of someone who feels the Bern...
You clearly have no clue what a capital gains tax is. :lol:

You don't even know how stupid you look right now.

Ah, we are dealing with someone who has never invested in his life. Never paid a tax...

Things become a lot clearer when you move out of mom's basement.
You can't cover up your ignorance, son. The damage is done. Too late.
First we have corporate tax.

Then capital gains tax.

Yes, same money taxed twice.
Nope. Two different entities are taxed. Two different monies. You really have no clue what you are talking about.

That's laughably stupid. If I own corporation, I get taxed once on the profit and second time when the profit is given to me. Oh but they are two "different" monies of mine so...

You flunked the math class? Sure sign of someone who feels the Bern...
You clearly have no clue what a capital gains tax is. :lol:

You don't even know how stupid you look right now.

Ah, we are dealing with someone who has never invested in his life. Never paid a tax...

Things become a lot clearer when you move out of mom's basement.
You can't cover up your ignorance, son. The damage is done. Too late.

There is nothing to cover. Everyone knows investment income is taxes twice. It's simply FAKE NEWS to claim otherwise. Why are you spreading fake news?

If I own a business and make a profit, my profit is taxed under the corporate income tax rate.

If I buy some stock or some other asset, and then sell it later at a profit, I am taxed at the capital gains rate.

Business owner vs. Stockholder.

Two separate entities. Two entirely unrelated taxes.

Capital gains is not double taxation.

Hope you learned something today!

If I own a business and make a profit, my profit is taxed under the corporate income tax rate.

If I buy some stock or some other asset, and then sell it later at a profit, I am taxed at the capital gains rate.

Business owner vs. Stockholder.

Two separate entities. Two entirely unrelated taxes.

Capital gains is not double taxation.

Hope you learned something today!

The company I own earns a profit -> it is taxed.

I get the profit -> It is taxed again.

Public schools these days... people haven't even learned how to count up to two. No wonder so many socialist Sanders supporters running around.

If I own a business and make a profit, my profit is taxed under the corporate income tax rate.

If I buy some stock or some other asset, and then sell it later at a profit, I am taxed at the capital gains rate.

Business owner vs. Stockholder.

Two separate entities. Two entirely unrelated taxes.

Capital gains is not double taxation.

Hope you learned something today!

The company I own earns a profit -> it is taxed.

I get the profit -> It is taxed again.
Nope. Fail. That is not what a capital gains tax is.

I can't believe you are actually doubling down on your ignorance!

You STILL have no clue what a capital gains tax is, even though I have just explained it to you!

Talk about willful blindness! Holy shit!
Norman, if you are talking about the tax on dividends, then that is double taxation.

But the vast majority of capital gains have nothing to do with dividends and are not double taxed.

Hope that clears that up.

If I own a business and make a profit, my profit is taxed under the corporate income tax rate.

If I buy some stock or some other asset, and then sell it later at a profit, I am taxed at the capital gains rate.

Business owner vs. Stockholder.

Two separate entities. Two entirely unrelated taxes.

Capital gains is not double taxation.

Hope you learned something today!

The company I own earns a profit -> it is taxed.

I get the profit -> It is taxed again.
Nope. Fail. That is not what a capital gains tax is.

I can't believe you are actually doubling down on your ignorance!

You STILL have no clue what a capital gains tax is, even though I have just explained it to you!

Talk about willful blindness! Holy shit!

Capital gains tax is "completely unrelated".

... Sad to hear the math class was not the only one they left untaught...

"In the United States of America, individuals and corporations pay U.S. federal income tax on the net total of all their capital gains. The tax rate depends on both the investor's tax bracket and the amount of time the investment was held. Short-term capital gains are taxed at the investor's ordinary income tax rate and are defined as investments held for a year or less before being sold. Long-term capital gains, on dispositions of assets held for more than one year, are taxed at a lower rate.[1]"

Imagine being so uninformed that your knowledge does not even reach the introductory note of a wikipedia article, yet pretending to be informed.

If I own a business and make a profit, my profit is taxed under the corporate income tax rate.

If I buy some stock or some other asset, and then sell it later at a profit, I am taxed at the capital gains rate.

Business owner vs. Stockholder.

Two separate entities. Two entirely unrelated taxes.

Capital gains is not double taxation.

Hope you learned something today!

The company I own earns a profit -> it is taxed.

I get the profit -> It is taxed again.
Nope. Fail. That is not what a capital gains tax is.

I can't believe you are actually doubling down on your ignorance!

You STILL have no clue what a capital gains tax is, even though I have just explained it to you!

Talk about willful blindness! Holy shit!

Capital gains tax is "completely unrelated".

... Sad to hear the math class was not the only one they left unteached...

"In the United States of America, individuals and corporations pay U.S. federal income tax on the net total of all their capital gains. The tax rate depends on both the investor's tax bracket and the amount of time the investment was held. Short-term capital gains are taxed at the investor's ordinary income tax rate and are defined as investments held for a year or less before being sold. Long-term capital gains, on dispositions of assets held for more than one year, are taxed at a lower rate.[1]"

Imagine being so uninformed that your knowledge does not even reach the introductory note of a wikipedia article, yet pretending to be informed.
Nothing you quoted contradicts what I have said.

The vast majority of capital gains taxes are taxes on investments like real estate, commodities, stocks, etc.

Nothing at all to do with corporate profits.

The only capital gains which are doubly taxed are dividends.

If I own a business and make a profit, my profit is taxed under the corporate income tax rate.

If I buy some stock or some other asset, and then sell it later at a profit, I am taxed at the capital gains rate.

Business owner vs. Stockholder.

Two separate entities. Two entirely unrelated taxes.

Capital gains is not double taxation.

Hope you learned something today!

The company I own earns a profit -> it is taxed.

I get the profit -> It is taxed again.
Nope. Fail. That is not what a capital gains tax is.

I can't believe you are actually doubling down on your ignorance!

You STILL have no clue what a capital gains tax is, even though I have just explained it to you!

Talk about willful blindness! Holy shit!

Capital gains tax is "completely unrelated".

... Sad to hear the math class was not the only one they left unteached...

"In the United States of America, individuals and corporations pay U.S. federal income tax on the net total of all their capital gains. The tax rate depends on both the investor's tax bracket and the amount of time the investment was held. Short-term capital gains are taxed at the investor's ordinary income tax rate and are defined as investments held for a year or less before being sold. Long-term capital gains, on dispositions of assets held for more than one year, are taxed at a lower rate.[1]"

Imagine being so uninformed that your knowledge does not even reach the introductory note of a wikipedia article, yet pretending to be informed.
Nothing you quoted contradicts what I have said.

The vast majority of capital gains taxes are taxes on investments like real estate, commodities, stocks, etc.

Nothing at all to do with corporate profits.

The only capital gains which are doubly taxed are dividends.

Stocks have "nothing to do with corporate profits".

You would make an excellent leftist, so many lies. Ludicrous ones as well.

The income gets taxes ONCE at the company and a SECOND TIME when you get it. If it helps you think only about the dividends... HOW FCKING DIFFICULT CAN IT BE TO UNDERSTAND?
He needs to close tax loopholes and tax capital gains.
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

The “gain” is new income
They already tax capital gains, so you want triple taxation on that money? Do you have a 401k or other holdings in stocks, or are you a welfare bitch who doesnt so need to punish those that do have stocks? I wonder how unions would feel when their retirements that rely on capital gains suddenly are less. Maybe break a few liberal legs?
Capital Gains should be taxed at the same rate as earned income
/—-/ Thats double taxation. Of course you support stealing people’s life savings

The “gain” in a capital gain has not been taxed
/—-/ It’s gains on money already taxed. Double taxation

The “gain” is new income

And we have someone who has gone full retard.

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