Biden promises to raise our taxes

Sure beats the socialist plan of making health care the American way illegal.

Health care the American way is where you abuse your body for decades and try to fix it at the last minute with enormous amounts of money.

That's not it.
Oh trust me. It is. Why do you think our health system costs so much?

Because it is the best.

How is it the best?

Without it witch doctors would be the prevailing practitioners of medicine. We developed everything, we have the best of the best. Other countries are years behind.
Romney's managed to get "his head on a pike" for being a real Christian.
Bolton managed to "get his head on a pike" symbolically of course, just the same way Schiff described it. (Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet)

'There is no need for more evidence to conclude that the president withheld United States aid, at least in part, to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens; the House managers have proved this with what they call a ‘mountain of overwhelming evidence.’ .
Alexander Statement on Impeachment Witness Vote - Press Releases - United States Senator Lamar Alexander
Republicans and the Trampers have vowed allegiance to a man, Tramp, instead of the US Constitution!!
Good Lord. How is free healthcare for all going to be paid for?

You're not supposed to ask a Dem that until after the election. Then Dems will point at laugh at the rubes who believed their promises of free shit like always.

..which begs the question of how the republicans thought that we could pay for RX benefits under Medicare, which Baby Bush signed in to law, raising the cost of Medicare by 12%, with no corresponding Medicare premium increase.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.

Good Lord. How is free healthcare for all going to be paid for?

What’s Trump’s health care plan? He said he was going to release it very soon.

That was nearly three years ago.

I recall that he said that it was "beautiful", which is a Trumpism for, "it does not exist"...kind of like the wall.
The socialist is not the only anti-American running. Biden has promised to raise our taxes.

"During his rally in South Carolina, he asked the audience if they’ve benefited from Trump’s tax cuts; one man raised his hand.

Biden then promised the guy that he would be raising his taxes if he were to win in November, not lowering them."

WATCH: Biden promises to raise taxes of man who just benefited from Trump tax cut

Well the individuals tax cuts expire,

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
Enjoy your tax cuts while they last
So when Biden wants to raise taxes to what they previous were, its a good thing, instead of cuts to all social programs like Tramp and the republicans want to do.

Good Lord. How is free healthcare for all going to be paid for?

What’s Trump’s health care plan? He said he was going to release it very soon.

That was nearly three years ago.

I recall that he said that it was "beautiful", which is a Trumpism for, "it does not exist"...kind of like the wall.

And it is still better than the democrat plan, which is to destroy private insurance in the USA.
What’s Trump’s health care plan? He said he was going to release it very soon.

That was nearly three years ago.

Sure beats the socialist plan of making health care the American way illegal.

Health care the American way is where you abuse your body for decades and try to fix it at the last minute with enormous amounts of money.

That's not it.
Oh trust me. It is. Why do you think our health system costs so much?

Because it is the best.

Actually, our health care ranks lower than 35 other countries, including Costa Rica.
Good Lord. How is free healthcare for all going to be paid for?

You're not supposed to ask a Dem that until after the election. Then Dems will point at laugh at the rubes who believed their promises of free shit like always.

..which begs the question of how the republicans thought that we could pay for RX benefits under Medicare, which Baby Bush signed in to law, raising the cost of Medicare by 12%, with no corresponding Medicare premium increase.

We haven't had a BOOOOOOSH in a while. lol
Good Lord. How is free healthcare for all going to be paid for?

You're not supposed to ask a Dem that until after the election. Then Dems will point at laugh at the rubes who believed their promises of free shit like always.

..which begs the question of how the republicans thought that we could pay for RX benefits under Medicare, which Baby Bush signed in to law, raising the cost of Medicare by 12%, with no corresponding Medicare premium increase.

We haven't had a BOOOOOOSH in a while. lol

Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.
Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.

There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.
Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.

There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?
Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.

There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!
Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.

There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!

Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.

There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!


God you people on the left are ignorant. Go look up Biden's victory lap video yesterday where he promised this. :icon_rolleyes:
Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.

There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!


God you people on the left are ignorant. Go look up Biden's victory lap video yesterday where he promised this. :icon_rolleyes:

Unlike Trump, who promised to put Hillary in prison, erase the deficit, build a wall, pass a new, beautiful health plan, and deport 12 million illegals in 2 years, I doubt if Biden promised anything, other than to make the finding of cures, a priority and goal. If he "promised" all those things, I am sure that you will post a link.
There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!


God you people on the left are ignorant. Go look up Biden's victory lap video yesterday where he promised this. :icon_rolleyes:

Unlike Trump, who promised to put Hillary in prison, erase the deficit, build a wall, pass a new, beautiful health plan, and deport 12 million illegals in 2 years, I doubt if Biden promised anything, other than to make the finding of cures, a priority and goal. If he "promised" all those things, I am sure that you will post a link.

Lib please, your 2020 candidates have spent their proposed tax increases 5 times over on all the free shit they are promising. FACT!
When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!


God you people on the left are ignorant. Go look up Biden's victory lap video yesterday where he promised this. :icon_rolleyes:

Unlike Trump, who promised to put Hillary in prison, erase the deficit, build a wall, pass a new, beautiful health plan, and deport 12 million illegals in 2 years, I doubt if Biden promised anything, other than to make the finding of cures, a priority and goal. If he "promised" all those things, I am sure that you will post a link.

Lib please, your 2020 candidates have spent their proposed tax increases 5 times over on all the free shit they are promising. FACT!

Right. No link.
Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!


God you people on the left are ignorant. Go look up Biden's victory lap video yesterday where he promised this. :icon_rolleyes:

Unlike Trump, who promised to put Hillary in prison, erase the deficit, build a wall, pass a new, beautiful health plan, and deport 12 million illegals in 2 years, I doubt if Biden promised anything, other than to make the finding of cures, a priority and goal. If he "promised" all those things, I am sure that you will post a link.

Lib please, your 2020 candidates have spent their proposed tax increases 5 times over on all the free shit they are promising. FACT!

Right. No link.

I watched Bernie spend his $90B tax increase 5 times in a single debate. Pay attention.
Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.

There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!
There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!


God you people on the left are ignorant. Go look up Biden's victory lap video yesterday where he promised this. :icon_rolleyes:

Unlike Trump, who promised to put Hillary in prison, erase the deficit, build a wall, pass a new, beautiful health plan, and deport 12 million illegals in 2 years, I doubt if Biden promised anything, other than to make the finding of cures, a priority and goal. If he "promised" all those things, I am sure that you will post a link.

“I promise you if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America,” he said. “We’re gonna cure cancer.”

- Joe Biden.

He isn't going to cure shit, in fact, not even his own dementia.
Well, that is true, but it does seem to me that the republican's should acknowledge that THEY are the party of free shit. For example, it was Reagan who signed they law giving free phones to the indigent. He also signed the law requiring hospital emergency rooms to stabilize the indigent for free.

There's a HUGE difference between essential government services and the wholesale FREE EVERYTHING Dem's are promising with no plan to pay for it.

When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!
When did Dems ever offer FREE EVERYTHING?

Lib please, Biden promised to cure cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's yesterday. OH SNAP!


God you people on the left are ignorant. Go look up Biden's victory lap video yesterday where he promised this. :icon_rolleyes:

Unlike Trump, who promised to put Hillary in prison, erase the deficit, build a wall, pass a new, beautiful health plan, and deport 12 million illegals in 2 years, I doubt if Biden promised anything, other than to make the finding of cures, a priority and goal. If he "promised" all those things, I am sure that you will post a link.

“I promise you if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America,” he said. “We’re gonna cure cancer.”

- Joe Biden.

He isn't going to cure shit, in fact, not even his own dementia.

Speaking of stupid shit Dem's, Whoopie Goldberg just endorsed Dr. Jill Biden for Surgeon General. Said she is one hell of a doctor. Then a 6th grader informed her she's not a medical doctor. :21::21::21::21::21::21:

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