Biden proposes banning vast majority of all guns.

So even though we've had over 600 mass shootings this year, you're ok with that.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Most of those 600 "mass shootings" are two or three people and are the result of gang activity or drug related activity in the Democrat controlled big city shithole ghettos and will not be prevented if the fucking government takes away my right to keep and bear arms.
So even though we've had over 600 mass shooting this year, you're ok with that.
I’m OK with the Constuitution, yes.

Hiw many of those mass shooting happened in Dim run cities like Chicago?
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People in liberally controlled areas signed up for more of the same, Task! They'll get what they deserve. I'm fortunate enough to live in Florida. Our biggest problem at the moment is dealing with the thousands of people who are flocking here to get some semblance of sanity back in their lives!
I have this horrible feeling that most of those flocking people (see what I did there) are probably from red states that are bringing their politics with them. That's scary.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Most of those 600 "mass shootings" are two or three people and are the result of gang activity or drug related activity in the Democrat controlled big city shithole ghettos and will not be prevented if the fucking government takes away my right to keep and bear arms.
Link me, or stfu and go sit down in the dunce corner.
I have this horrible feeling that most of those flocking people (see what I did there) are probably from red states that are bringing their politics with them. That's scary.
They actually seem to be people from Red States that don't agree with woke politics, Task! They're moving to Florida to get away from the madness. They don't appear to be bringing it with them.
They actually seem to be people from Red States that don't agree with woke politics, Task! They're moving to Florida to get away from the madness. They don't appear to be bringing it with them.

Yeah, but Florida is handling the mail in ballot deal a lot better than anywhere else. And a lot of the movers are seniors that know better than to vote for democrats.
Yeah, but Florida is handling the mail in ballot deal a lot better than anywhere else. And a lot of the movers are seniors that know better than to vote for democrats.
The thing that's freaking out liberals both here and around the country, Task are that Hispanics didn't vote Democrat. DeSantis took the Miami area and Republicans don't do that! The left has been letting Hispanic illegals pour across our border for two reasons...A) they are counted in the census and that gives Democrats additional House seats in States like California...and B) Hispanics have traditionally been core Democratic voters! What's happening however is Hispanics who have left countries that have been devastated by far left policies are turning out to be far more conservative than Democratic strategists thought! They're also deeply religious and turned off by the left's anti religion policies and stance on abortion. That could spell serious trouble for the far left because they've always counted on that Hispanic "flood" to turn the tables in States like Texas from Red to Blue!
Link me, or stfu and go sit down in the dunce corner.
where's your link to your claim retard? dont bother dipshit......I have no time for people who want to take away my Constitutional rights.

Ill just wait for you to show up and try it. Then we can talk about it face to face.
Yes, they should not ban the private ownership of semi-automatic weapons, they should ban the manufacturing of them, except for military uses. Law enforcement can use single action pistols, bolt action rifles, and double barreled shotguns. I mean all you semi-automatic nuts must be some piss poor shots. You can't participate in cowboy shooting competitions, and while I might concede the advantage of having a semi-auto shotgun while dove hunting, no one should be hunting doves to start with.

To be honest, those that yield a semi-auto have adopted the spray and pray strategy, like during the Iraq War. 250,000 rounds fired for every insurgent killed. You guys are an insult to the skill of marksmanship. Daniel Morgan is rolling in his grave.
The ignorance in your rant is staggering. The main battle rifle in the US military is a selective fire weapon that can not be purchased by civilians.

Are you stupid enough to believe that criminals will give up their semi-auto firearms. You would condemn police to using revolvers and bolt action rifles against criminals with superior fire power ?

You obviously ignorant of how fire fights happen. For the most part modern warfare is fought in an urban environment. The best you can do in that scenario is to lay down enough suppressive fire to keep the enemy from firing back.

By the way I can consistently hit a 300 yard target with an M-16 with no optics and have made shots with the same weapon as far away as 600 yards.
The sonofabitch stole an election, destroyed energy independence, allowed millions of Illegals to flood in, decreased family income and caused massive inflation and then he calls somebody that buys a Ruger 10-22 "sick"? LOL! The idiots that voted for him are the sickos.
The more you cry the less you'll piss.

Now go cry some more.

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