Biden quietly adopts President Trumps Asylum policy at border

Gov. Abbott needs a history refresher course. He lives in the USA. He is subject to Federal law. The seditionist traitorous lowlife who fought to preserve slavery LOST as was inevitable and right. Texas is a STATE... a crappy backwater low-IQ state, but a state nonetheless, not an independent country.
You need to be air dropped into the Southern Ocean.
Can you speak a single word about policy or programs? Only insults, snark and smartass? That's how we know which Party you vote for... the Party of White Racism, the Party of Neo-Feudalism, the Party of Orange Dictatorship, the Party of Lowlife Traitors.

Can you speak a single word about policy or programs? Only insults, snark and smartass? That's how we know which Party you vote for...the party of globalist socialism, the Party of white hatred, the Party of censorship and oppression, the Party of fake hearings and fixed outcomes, the Party of senility, Depends, and blowjobs, the Party of hijacked stolen fraud elections, the party of despicable, scumbag, traitors, the Party of ignorant, unlit, brainwashed, programmed masses.
But I know of an event that is kicking up... involves what to do with Trumpoids...

That must be about where you wake up in a cold sweat with a firm right hand grip on yourself whacking off fantasizing about things you'll never do because you haven't the balls and know you'd only get your ass handed to you.
Skeet... different load. For white racists it is suggested to use varmint type.

For little 97 pound shitheel big mouth triggered commies, I still prefer 00 Buck or slug. They flap around less when going down, but their meat still ain't worth a damn other than to the dog.
He lives in the USA.
You should try it some time.

He is subject to Federal law.
So are you.

The seditionist traitorous lowlife who fought to preserve slavery LOST
Joe Biddum never WON in the first place!

Texas is a STATE... a crappy backwater low-IQ state,
Texas has an average IQ of about 100. Normal. Apparently about 5 points higher than your state California, average IQ 95.5.


but a state nonetheless, not an independent country.
States are the country, bone-breath. We are a union of UNITED states, who hold ALL POWER and consent to be government by a federal government in matters only of national concerns, border protection, foreign war and trade and whatever other things the states DO NOT RESERVE TO THEMSELVES, Junior.

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