Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

Biden couldn't oblige Grifter enamored imbeciles to get they filled up hospitals and morgues as a symbol of their devotion to The Big Galoot.

How is that an obligation to Trump when he's the one responsible for getting those vaccines to us as quick as he did? He even took the vaccine himself.

We are not like you leftists. We don't march to the beat of the drum whenever we hear it. We make our own decisions.
The record clearly shows that gas prices were rising in October of 2020. You are the one who is shoveling shit.
NOTE the gas prices started to climb after JOE was elected BECAUSE he wanted that!
After all why would this dummy tell the gas companies he guaranteed their destruction!
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

And so Biden,his brother and Hunter all benefited from their oil companies' investments as well as the donations... BECAUSE it gave gas companies
the EXCUSE to raise prices! After all they are being destroyed by the president to be... so what must they do? RAISE prices NOW because they can do so! And Biden looks like a hero when he proposes an increase on gas taxes BUT who would pay the taxes? US gas buyers!
So gas companies raised prices immediately and Biden continues to encourage it by stopping drilling on federal land!
"No more drilling," Biden said.
After the protester continued to shout at him, he shot back, sounding even more irritable:
"There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling."

But Biden’s campaign has also benefited. It’s taken in about $900,000 from people and political action committee’s associated with the oil and gas industry.Two of the biggest oil giants, Exxon Mobil and Chevron, they’ve bumped up their donations to Democrats compared to the 2016 election. Chevron has spent almost $5 million in this election cycle, and 28% of that went to Democrats. Exxon has donated a little over $1.5 million, 41% to Democrats.
How is that an obligation to Trump when he's the one responsible for getting those vaccines to us as quick as he did? He even took the vaccine himself.

We are not like you leftists. We don't march to the beat of the drum whenever we hear it. We make our own decisions.


Don't oblige me to explain what makes you people idiots.

NOTE the gas prices started to climb after JOE was elected BECAUSE he wanted that!
After all why would this dummy tell the gas companies he guaranteed their destruction!
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

And so Biden,his brother and Hunter all benefited from their oil companies' investments as well as the donations... BECAUSE it gave gas companies
the EXCUSE to raise prices! After all they are being destroyed by the president to be... so what must they do? RAISE prices NOW because they can do so! And Biden looks like a hero when he proposes an increase on gas taxes BUT who would pay the taxes? US gas buyers!
So gas companies raised prices immediately and Biden continues to encourage it by stopping drilling on federal land!
"No more drilling," Biden said.
After the protester continued to shout at him, he shot back, sounding even more irritable:
"There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling."

But Biden’s campaign has also benefited. It’s taken in about $900,000 from people and political action committee’s associated with the oil and gas industry.Two of the biggest oil giants, Exxon Mobil and Chevron, they’ve bumped up their donations to Democrats compared to the 2016 election. Chevron has spent almost $5 million in this election cycle, and 28% of that went to Democrats. Exxon has donated a little over $1.5 million, 41% to Democrats.
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How about some output data?

Trump only lowered production so the market didn't crash. Remember how low the cost of fuel was during covid?

Dementia on the other hand did it to satisfy his envirokooks. He knew his party was in trouble nearing the election so he drained our strategic reserves to the lowest level since 1984 and put us in real danger in the event of war or a national emergency, which is what those reserve were there for, not to buy votes.
What do expect from a man who shits his pants.

Biden Soils Himself Regularly, Dementia Worsening Secret Service.​

And that Biden, when he said, I just got my butt wiped, it’s true. He’s defecating all over himself because he has dementia, and they follow him around with a whole Pelican case that’s about two feet long and about a foot wide, full of drugs he’s on that he’s injected with, and that Biden doesn’t know who he is at 3 am at night and roams around the White House, yelling at people and not knowing who he is and defecating on himself. And then when he was in New Jersey, to survey some of the damage there on the 10th, that he had to change clothes, repeatedly, because he kept defecating himself, you can see those days he did this. And this is a very sad thing. They put this puppet in, so they can commit all these crimes, destroy the border, bankrupt the dollar, launch all these wars, engage in all these crimes, and then basically it will be seen as America doing it. That’s the globalist model.
I've noticed how consistently you respond to Facty Things with idiotprattle....
haha i noticed how you deflect from reality we are living in wirh reports from years ago.

it’s a fact that we have had record covid deaths under xiden, even with three of rhe trump vaccines. xiden’s mishandling of the virus and playing politics wirh it are the cause.
Trump only lowered production so the market didn't crash. Remember how low the cost of fuel was during covid?

Dementia on the other hand did it to satisfy his envirokooks. He knew his party was in trouble nearing the election so he drained our strategic reserves to the lowest level since 1984 and put us in real danger in the event of war or a national emergency, which is what those reserve were there for, not to buy votes.

Post output and permit issuance data, not more raytwaddle.
haha i noticed how you deflect from reality we are living in wirh reports from years ago.

it’s a fact that we have had record covid deaths under xiden, even with three of rhe trump vaccines. xiden’s mishandling of the virus and playing politics wirh it are the cause.
Facts be facts....uninformed reprattle remains uninformed reprattle.
You got his vaccine flowing through your body. I'm still alive and proud to say I'm still alive with my original proteins.
So you declined it too?

Like those goober who died by the 10s of thousands, at enormous expense?

You heap smart..
How about some output data?

How about facts?
1) Biden made this statement on September 2019..
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”


2) Gas prices under Trump WHO encouraged "fossil fuels" by signing more leases than Obama and Biden's first year fewer leases.
Gas price 01/2017 $2.458 and lowest price 04/2020 $1.938 or nearly 22% lower price... again why?
3) Gas prices under Biden...01/2021 $2.420 highest 06/2022 $5.032 or nearly 50% more... again why?
a) Biden's guarantee to rid fossil fuels... any intelligent person would say gas companies used Biden's guarantee as an excuse to raise prices.
b) Told us he has "No more drilling," Biden said. After the protester continued to shout at him, he shot back, sounding even more irritable:
"There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling."
Biden declares he wants to see ‘no more drilling’ during last-minute rally for Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul
the tens of thousands, record deaths, due to xiden sad mishandling of the virus…how come without the vaccine trump able to protect more americans then xiden?
The vaccine was available and free....

But idiots suddenly woke up knowing more about virology than the CDC.

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