Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

How about facts?
1) Biden made this statement on September 2019..
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

2) Gas prices under Trump WHO encouraged "fossil fuels" by signing more leases than Obama and Biden's first year fewer leases.
Gas price 01/2017 $2.458 and lowest price 04/2020 $1.938 or nearly 22% lower price... again why?
3) Gas prices under Biden...01/2021 $2.420 highest 06/2022 $5.032 or nearly 50% more... again why?
a) Biden's guarantee to rid fossil fuels... any intelligent person would say gas companies used Biden's guarantee as an excuse to raise prices.
b) Told us he has "No more drilling," Biden said. After the protester continued to shout at him, he shot back, sounding even more irritable:
"There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling."
Biden declares he wants to see ‘no more drilling’ during last-minute rally for Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul
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No....don't repeat your stupid...

Post the RELEVANT data.
He did no such thing.

Grifty botched the only thing he had to do...

Get the vaccine into arms.
haha yes i agree…hence why he had record covid deaths on his watch…trump gave him the vaccine, and he still f’d it all up leading to record deaths.

frankly he should be charged with manslaughter for such recklessness. In light of what happened this past week why he openly allowed the CCP to spy on us we have to question where or not he didn’t allow the deaths intentionally for his boss Chairman Xi
He did no such thing.

Grifty botched the only thing he had to do...

Get the vaccine into arms.

The vaccines were distributed as fast as they could be manufactured. That's why states made requirements to get them. There wasn't enough of them around for everybody.
haha yes i agree…hence why he had record covid deaths on his watch…trump gave him the vaccine, and he still f’d it all up leading to record deaths.

frankly he should be charged with manslaughter for such recklessness. In light of what happened this past week why he openly allowed the CCP to spy on us we have to question where or not he didn’t allow the deaths intentionally for his boss Chairman Xi

WASHINGTON — Top Trump officials actively lobbied Congress to deny state governments any extra funding for the Covid-19 vaccine rollout last fall — despite frantic warnings from state officials that they didn’t have the money they needed to ramp up a massive vaccination operation.

The push, described to STAT by congressional aides in both parties and openly acknowledged by one of the Trump officials, came from multiple high-ranking Trump health officials in repeated meetings with legislators.
Without the extra money, states spent last October and November rationing the small pot of federal dollars they had been given. And when vaccines began shipping in December, states seemed woefully underprepared.

Trump officials actively lobbied to deny states money for vaccine rollout last fall

Make up some more stupid xit.
WASHINGTON — Top Trump officials actively lobbied Congress to deny state governments any extra funding for the Covid-19 vaccine rollout last fall — despite frantic warnings from state officials that they didn’t have the money they needed to ramp up a massive vaccination operation.

The push, described to STAT by congressional aides in both parties and openly acknowledged by one of the Trump officials, came from multiple high-ranking Trump health officials in repeated meetings with legislators.
Without the extra money, states spent last October and November rationing the small pot of federal dollars they had been given. And when vaccines began shipping in December, states seemed woefully underprepared.

Trump officials actively lobbied to deny states money for vaccine rollout last fall

Make up some more stupid xit.
it’s hardly trumps fault state officials weren’t prepared and used their monies unwisely…blame rhe dems running cali and NY

as the article highlights they hadn’t even spent the $200 billion they already gave them…why did they need more???

so the trump admin was concerned about needlessly spending money…xiden comes in, undoes all trumps policy that were working…spends recklessly and needlessly…we get record deaths and record inflation

thanks again for proving what a failure xiden has been
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it’s hardly trumps fault state officials weren’t prepared and used their monies unwisely…blame rhe dems running cali and NY

as the article highlights they hadn’t even spent the $200 billion they already gave them…why did they need more???
Me - evidence

You - uninformed lip leak...
Me - evidence

You - uninformed lip leak...
you’ve provided evidence the trump admin was concerned about needlessly spending…great.

and what happened after that? xiden in undid his policies and recklessly and needlessly spent money….we get record covid deaths and record inflation

thanks for proving my point wirh your link
No....don't repeat your stupid...

Post the RELEVANT data.
So Biden repeating that drilling is bad, guarantees to destroy an entire industry that provides 6,000 products the basis for their existence, (by the way what will replace the 300 million barrels of oil used to make the 2 billion tires a year that EVs will use )and replace with EVs that will consume nearly 400% our current electric output while putting out of work 9.8 million jobs or 5.6 percent of total U.S. employment, according to PwC.
I think this is relevant data.
Biden guarantees this will happen!
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Now I want YOU to look at the below analysis and point out the errors that experts have provided that I"ve linked to. For example:
84,433 Average miles per truck/ year source: How Many Miles Do Truckers Drive a Year?
Prove any of my numbers are wrong! Prove it! Prove the numbers are WRONG!!!

So you've just said what I posted earlier, inflation is all about the effects of the pandemic and nothing to with President Biden.

And I'm also saying, the Right are mimicking the shite the Left came out towards Trump. So Biden is getting the same Lefty shit from the Right. And the Left don't like it.
No......I was clearly being sarcastic.

You're a former 2 time Scrub voter feigning repentance...

For some reason all of you who do this seem to think it's just a name change.
Didn't vote for Trump in 2016. Hope not to vote for him in 2024. But I sure as hell voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want politically correct woke socialism and the high inflation that comes with it.
It is price gouging. Capitalism is a enemy of the average person. The vast majority of the profits go to the rich. That is why the rich are owning more and more of the nation's wealth.
Every time the rich turn a profit you call it price gouging. It's your standard response. Has been for decades.
Who lost their business or jobs due to Federal stimulus, wtf are you talking about?

It's exactly opposite, stimulus helped business stay afloat and keep workers on a payroll.
They are losing their businesses and their jobs NOW, under BIDEN, due to high inflation and anti-business policies.
Trump made the agreement in February of 2020. Biden did not become President until Jan 2021. In that space of 11 months, the Taliban kept fighting and took over more of the country. The Trump Administration did nothing when the Taliban violated that agreement. Biden's mistake was following that BS agreement that Trump negotiated.
Biden let the Taliban take over Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with Trump. What is it with you election deniers. Biden beat Trump in 2020. You're just going to have to accept that.

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