Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

Democrats signed off on it. Bills start in Congress and get sent to the president. Democrats are the ones who sent big stimulus bills to Trump to sign. Are you saying that we should not have had Covid stimuluses?
It's not a matter of what I think, it's a matter of policy causes and effects.

But since you asked, I do think we did fine overall.

People like to concentrate on individual economic factors that stick out but when considering possible unemployment and contraction, we could have done a lot worse overall.

Inflation is coming down and if we can keep it going down without major disruption to GDP growth and record low employment then historically this becomes an American success story.
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It's not a matter of what I think, it's a matter of policy causes and effects.

But since you asked, I do think we did pretty well overall overall.

People like to bitch about individual economic factors but when considering possible unemployment and contraction we could have done a lot worse overall.

Inflation is coming down and if we can keep it going down without major disruption to GDP growth and record low employment then historically this becomes a great American success story.

A great success story would have been in not creating the messes to start with.
Remember how the left piled on Trump for saying that he didn't accept responsibility for Covid? Now Biden is refusing to take responsibility for high inflation. It is rather funny though how Biden claimed high inflation was just transitory, we have zero percent inflation, it's American's fault for high inflation, inflation is no longer a problem, and now he's acknowledging that we do indeed have high inflation, but it's not his fault.

To be clear it wasn’t about Covid. It was about F’ing up testing:

President Donald Trump on Friday deflected blame for his administration’s lagging ability to test Americans for the coronavirus outbreak, insisting instead — without offering evidence — that fault lies with his predecessor, Barack Obama.

“I don’t take responsibility at all,” Trump said defiantly, pointing to an unspecified “set of circumstances” and “rules, regulations and specifications from a different time.”
You twit, Democratic policies have made inflation worse than it would have been. By the way you twit, Covid was all around the world as well but that didn't stop you guys from attacking Trump for not taking responsibility for it.
Not true.
Two causes of the inflation
1. Pandemic cut supply as everything shut down for a few years and once demand increase prices want up.
2. The rich are inflating the prices because they're evil soulless bastards.
Bullshit, of course. Your current bogey man, "The Rich," are keeping the country operating. Do you believe that "the rich" put their riches in their mattresses?
Why do you leftists really think you can win a debate with lies, especially such obvious lies?

Nothing was shut down for two years except some Communist cities perhaps. So what is inflation? Inflation is the definition of paying more for products or services than we have in the past. The more we pay, the worse inflation is. So what caused the inflation?

1. Dementia paying people more to stay home than work by signing a bill from the Communist House that provided federal unemployment on top of state unemployment even though the economy was improving and companies were looking for workers.

2. Because companies had to compete with government for workers, the only way they could do that is greatly increasing pay offers.

3. Because of his attack on our fuel, that greatly increased the price of diesel fuel which greatly increased transportation costs on products.

4. As fuel prices often do, they go up in proportion. That means besides the huge increase for labor, besides the increase in transportation costs, industry also faced paying double for energy such as electricity and natural gas to operate their industries.

All these costs (and more) all gets passed down to us consumers, and as I already stated, the definition is paying more for products and services than we did before.
You dip shit. China… where you get the thing you are typing this nonsense on was shut down many times last year. Production only normalized this year in most industries.

1. Employment is at record highs. We need more immigration. No one is sitting at home chump.

2. Nope. No one is home, chump.

3. We are producing record oil exports and producing more oil than ever. There is zero policies restricting gas production.

4. Supply and demand. Are you a communists or do you want supply and demand to dictate pricing? You see Exxon’s record profits? There’s your cost buddy.
Remember how the left piled on Trump for saying that he didn't accept responsibility for Covid? Now Biden is refusing to take responsibility for high inflation. It is rather funny though how Biden claimed high inflation was just transitory, we have zero percent inflation, it's American's fault for high inflation, inflation is no longer a problem, and now he's acknowledging that we do indeed have high inflation, but it's not his fault.

Inflation is a global problem brought on by the pandemic supply
Remember how the left piled on Trump for saying that he didn't accept responsibility for Covid? Now Biden is refusing to take responsibility for high inflation. It is rather funny though how Biden claimed high inflation was just transitory, we have zero percent inflation, it's American's fault for high inflation, inflation is no longer a problem, and now he's acknowledging that we do indeed have high inflation, but it's not his fault.

Inflation is a global problem brought on by pandemic supply chain.

So explain to all of us how Biden is responsible for glibal inflation?
Bullshit, of course. Your current bogey man, "The Rich," are keeping the country operating. Do you believe that "the rich" put their riches in their mattresses?

Wrong fuckwit. The rich arent doing anything. The working class is.
A great success story would have been in not creating the messes to start with.
And how exactly would you do that?

Ignore a deadly novel virus pandemic and just live like nothing is happening while bodies overflow from morgues into freezer trucks and your healthcare system collapses like it did in Italy?
Remember how the left piled on Trump for saying that he didn't accept responsibility for Covid? Now Biden is refusing to take responsibility for high inflation. It is rather funny though how Biden claimed high inflation was just transitory, we have zero percent inflation, it's American's fault for high inflation, inflation is no longer a problem, and now he's acknowledging that we do indeed have high inflation, but it's not his fault.

Just another Sippy Cup whopper lie.
We didn't have economic bubble in 2020 we had a massive economic standstill, unployment and a recession.

That's when our last bubble started to pop. We most certainly had a major bubble with the trillions of dollars the Fed pumped.
Why do you leftists really think you can win a debate with lies, especially such obvious lies?

Nothing was shut down for two years except some Communist cities perhaps. So what is inflation? Inflation is the definition of paying more for products or services than we have in the past. The more we pay, the worse inflation is. So what caused the inflation?

1. Dementia paying people more to stay home than work by signing a bill from the Communist House that provided federal unemployment on top of state unemployment even though the economy was improving and companies were looking for workers.

2. Because companies had to compete with government for workers, the only way they could do that is greatly increasing pay offers.

3. Because of his attack on our fuel, that greatly increased the price of diesel fuel which greatly increased transportation costs on products.

4. As fuel prices often do, they go up in proportion. That means besides the huge increase for labor, besides the increase in transportation costs, industry also faced paying double for energy such as electricity and natural gas to operate their industries.

All these costs (and more) all gets passed down to us consumers, and as I already stated, the definition is paying more for products and services than we did before.

You are the one who is lying. Apparently you are unable to count.

What has caused inflation? Companies are raising their prices to increase their profits. At one time, companies made their money by selling more product. Now they have made the determination that raising prices will outweigh the loss in potential sales. This is the result of the pandemic.

The proof of this is in company financial statements. Many companies are making more money than they ever have. That clearly shows that they are raising prices more than their costs are increasing. Their costs may increase 5% but they are raising prices 15% and pocketing the extra 10%. Oil companies have decided that keeping supplies low and prices high means huge profits. A Dallas Fed survey in 2022 showed that 59% of oil executives are not increasing drilling activities because of shareholders. Only 7% cite government regulation.

A second factor is the lack of competition in many sectors. The prices of flat screen tvs has fallen because they are commodities and very6 competitive. The meat industry is a oligopoly and due to the lack of competition, they can keep prices high.

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