Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

Any additional money made by workers was wiped out by inflation and we are at a bigger loss. Name one policy of this dementia patient that slowed down the inflation he caused, just one. Crashed our economy during covid? The US had the lowest GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and the only reason for that is they created the virus and kept it to themselves giving them a head start on fighting it. Commie cities closing down was the only real damage we sustained.

As for the unemployment rate that's due to the labor shortage he also created. Of course unemployment is low because we don't have enough workers to make the products and get the services we need.

Key points​

  • Americans are saving much less money in recent months.
  • This could leave them vulnerable to emergency expenses.
  • It could also be bad news for the economy as a whole.

Biden was not President when the pandemic began. Republican governors also shut down their economy. Governors who responded responsibly were rewarded. Republican Sununu in NH and Democrat Whitmer in Michigan. No one created the virus. Enough with the conspiracy theories.

Biden is not responsible for any labor shortages. Some people retired. Others got sick of being disrespected by companies. We need more workers in this country which means that we need more immigration.
Past history means nothing. Biden is the one who let the Taliban take over Afghanistan. And, your knowledge of history is flawed. Russia annexed Crimea under Obama and invaded Ukraine under Biden. Russia did nothing of the sort to anyone under Trump. So, who's Putin's bitch?

Trump is the one who agreed to the surrender document. He allowed the Taliban to continue to fight and take over land while withdrawing US troops. Trump did nothing to ensure the Taliban kept their side of the bargain.
Trump is the one who agreed to the surrender document. He allowed the Taliban to continue to fight and take over land while withdrawing US troops. Trump did nothing to ensure the Taliban kept their side of the bargain.

You can negotiate with "terrorists"?
Much of the equipment was destroyed. In addition, some equipment is useless because it cannot be maintained nor are the parts available. Biden is standing up to Putin and sane Americans support it. We should be involved commie.
Yeah giving Ukraine our latest tanks. The metal compounds used on them are still top secret. There you go Putin our secrets handed to him. It's a wonder what you will get of you give Hunter 2.5 million.

They have solutions. None of them have anything to do with fixing problems.

Kick Omar off of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Default on our debt.
Passing anti-abortion legislation.
Attack trans-genders.
Phony investigations into the FBI and Hunter Biden.
Investigating other crazy conspiracies theories.
You are so full of bullshit. Donald Trump is responsible for rising oil prices. OPEC was on the verge of breaking up. Then Trump brokered a agreement to cut production and raise prices. He wanted higher oil prices. You explained nothing. You just gave out right wing talking points. Oil companies are making more money than they ever have and they are happy with keeping prices high. Yet you want to portray them as victims.
The price of gas started going up as soon as Biden was declared the winner. Stop with your bullshit. Biden even said he was going to put oil companies out of business.
Lol, well they failed to do their job on making sure the vaccine was safe. So they aren't doing what we pay them to do.

They did not fail. Your crazy conspiracy theories are nonsense. I took the vaccines, and I am still here so fuck you.
They have solutions. None of them have anything to do with fixing problems.

Kick Omar off of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Default on our debt.
Passing anti-abortion legislation.
Attack trans-genders.
Phony investigations into the FBI and Hunter Biden.
Investigating other crazy conspiracies theories.
Now that Hunter has admitted the laptop is real. Time to investigate, but first arrest him for porn child possession.
Big companies have made big profits before without there being high inflation. You only say that now so you can cover up Biden's responsibility.

Companies are making more money than they have in a long time. In some instances, decades. You are the only one covering things up.
They did not fail. Your crazy conspiracy theories are nonsense. I took the vaccines, and I am still here so fuck you.
Get your 3rd booster, pretty much wipes out your immune system. Isn't government lying to you grand?
Inflation is at record levels all around the world you twit. Are you blaming President Biden for record inflation in the UK, that is if you realise there are other countries in the world besides the US. 😂
Yes, the Right are, due to the amount of shit Lefties threw at Trump over the years. So they're just doing the same to Biden as the idiots on the Left did to Trump, but the Left don't like it. Strange times we live in.
They have solutions. None of them have anything to do with fixing problems.

Kick Omar off of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Default on our debt.
Passing anti-abortion legislation.
Attack trans-genders.
Phony investigations into the FBI and Hunter Biden.
Investigating other crazy conspiracies theories.

How did the Communists fix any problems when they had leadership?

* Go after Trump.
Yeah giving Ukraine our latest tanks. The metal compounds used on them are still top secret. There you go Putin our secrets handed to him. It's a wonder what you will get of you give Hunter 2.5 million.

No we are not. You are either stupid or a treasonous traitor. The armor will be re-configured so they can be exported. That is why it will take time to send them to Ukraine. If we were drawing them out of our current inventory, they would be available in less than a week.

"Instead, exportable armor packages that don't include DU have been developed for the M1 series. Complete Abrams subvariants with other reduced capabilities compared to the latest versions in U.S. service have been created specifically for export, such as the M1A1Ms that the Iraqi Army operates."

Now that Hunter has admitted the laptop is real. Time to investigate, but first arrest him for porn child possession.

Hunter has not admitted the laptop is real. He has admitted that some of the e-mails are real. I suppose the FBI told you what was on the laptops.
Biden was not President when the pandemic began. Republican governors also shut down their economy. Governors who responded responsibly were rewarded. Republican Sununu in NH and Democrat Whitmer in Michigan. No one created the virus. Enough with the conspiracy theories.

Biden is not responsible for any labor shortages. Some people retired. Others got sick of being disrespected by companies. We need more workers in this country which means that we need more immigration.

So where did I say anything about the Democrats created the virus? No wonder you're a leftist having such a wild imagination, that you read words of a post that were never there.

You can't support yourself being sick of being disrespected by a company. We all need money to survive. One of the first things Dementia did was provide federal unemployment during an economy that was starting to uptick. People were making more money staying home than working. He increased food stamps the highest amount since the program began. He increased child tax credits luring mothers to stay out of the workforce and stay home instead. Now if you make under 200% of the poverty level ($21,100 for a single person) government will pay $50.00 a month or more on your cable/internet bill.

Dementia promoted the Democrat goal of making more government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. That's why we have a labor shortage. They conditioned Americans not to work. So the solution is not bringing in more third worlders, the solution is to cut government benefits to younger people that are mentally and physically capable of holding down a job.

Much of the equipment was destroyed. In addition, some equipment is useless because it cannot be maintained nor are the parts available. Biden is standing up to Putin and sane Americans support it. We should be involved commie.

You won't be saying that if he decides to launch a nuke near your town. This is the first time since the 60s we've been threatened by a nuclear war.

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