Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

Thanks for proving my point the average price of gas October 2020, right before the election was 2.17 a gallon. Didn't take Biden long.

Are you clamoring for the covid economy again? Was that a good time for you?
His latest trick is to take credit for all the jobs being created which are actually jobs we lost during the pandemic that the people who control him likely started to derail Trump.

Prove me wrong .... it's sure starting to look that way.
Are you clamoring for the covid economy again? Was that a good time for you?
I did the same as I always did. Just my happy hour buddies came to my land when they shut our hangout down. Other than that same ole for me. Even bought a case of 48 roll box of toilet paper from a buddies work. So that didn't even effect me.
More right wing talking points. Government has always provided federal unemployment insurance. In addition, there is no evidence that anyone stayed home. Food stamp benefits are hardly a huge amount of money. I suppose you think that food stamp recipients are eating steak every day. Many mothers had to stay home to take care of their children. Child tax credits drove down child poverty rates in the US. They should be increased permanently. The federal government has been subsidizing local telephone rates and other things for rural inhabitants for decades.

Government must step in when capitalism fails. It is failing miserably. That is why there are fewer workers. No one is being conditioned not to work. More right wing talking points. We should bring in more people by increasing immigration. We can start with DACA recipients. Many are providing benefits to this country and should be given citizenship.

More Communist propaganda. Of course people are living off of something, and if they're not working, where are they getting their money from? The Communists main goal is to get as many foreigners in this country as possible, so by paying people to stay home, they make the excuse that we need more foreigners.

114 billion a year is hardly a huge amount of money? That is our expense for food stamps every year. And no, we didn't always provide federal unemployment, we only used it when unemployment is high during a bad economy and state unemployment ran out for a lot of people. But never did we provide federal unemployment while people were also collecting state unemployment until we got hit with covid, and that was to help keep the economy going. But that wasn't the case with Dementia. Businesses were opening up and looking for workers when he signed the bill in March of 2021.
I did the same as I always did. Just my happy hour buddies came to my land when they shut our hangout down. Other than that same ole for me. Even bought a case of 48 roll box of toilet paper from a buddies work. So that didn't even effect me.

Good times!!
So what is the point in still supporting them? They know they can do whatever they want and youll be there to carry the water for them.

How am I carrying the water for them when I just voiced a complaint about it? You people on the left really have major comprehension problems, I'll tell ya.
What are you going to cut? Air traffic control? Police? Military? Meat inspections? The only worthless thing is you.
The entire government could be cut by 50%, except the military. You know one of the only things the federal government should do. Keep us safe.
Putin is responsible for that. We should retaliate by blowing Russia off of the map.

Why when it's none of our business? It's the European counties that should be handling this, not our country because the Biden crime family made so much money there.
They know your vote will be there no matter what they do (or don't do).

Then show me a party or politician that's willing to tear apart these bureaucracies and I'll vote for them. We have a better chance with Republicans doing it than Democrats who always strive for a bigger government. They know statistically, the more government workers, the more voters because that's how federal government workers vote to keep their jobs.
Then show me a party or politician that's willing to tear apart these bureaucracies and I'll vote for them. We have a better chance with Republicans doing it than Democrats who always strive for a bigger government. They know statistically, the more government workers, the more voters because that's how federal government workers vote to keep their jobs.

You note the Republicans won't do it but still carry their water for them by claiming they are more likely to do it.

Make up your mind.
Two causes of the inflation
1. Pandemic cut supply as everything shut down for a few years and once demand increase prices want up.
2. The rich are inflating the prices because they're evil soulless bastards.
Well Biden GAVE the fossil fuel industry complete green flag to raise prices when he said this:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Joe tells this industry with over 6,000 products made from fossil fuels, for example 2 billion tires use 300 million barrels of oil and of the 94% asphalt roads nearly 1.5 BILLION barrels of oil is used, let along the gas prices.
That's why the CEO of Chevron said this:
The above statement DISCOURAGED oil companies from investing in more refineries as this quote verifies:
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
So these oil companies raised the prices of ALL oil products including GAS!

But this is truly typical of an idiot who recently said this:

President Biden: 'More than half the women in my administration are women'​

President Biden made a bizarre boast that more than half of the women in his administration were women in a widely mocked clip during a White House event.

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