Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

Why should he take the blame? Big businesses are gouging customers to fatten their bottom line. The fact that companies are making big profits proves this.
Big companies have made big profits before without there being high inflation. You only say that now so you can cover up Biden's responsibility.
Did Trump ever accept responsibility for his RECESSION. Is Biden accepting responsibility for creating the lowest unemployment rate since the 1960s
So, you're saying that even though Biden is responsible for inflation, he should not take responsibility for it because others didn't take responsibility for things in the past.
Trump did NOTHING that Faucci recommended. In fact, he did the opposite. Two weeks after cases started to drop, and three days after the report was issued that blacks and Hispanics were dying at much higher rates than white people, Trump demanded that the entire nation re-open - immediately. Even though you still didn't have a proper testing system, and the death rate was still climbing. The effect was a second wave of infections that no other nation in the world, endured. That's ALL on Donald Trump.

Then when Trump's strategy was proven to be a disaster, he blamed it all on Faucci. Trump did what he wanted and then blamed others for his failures. No other first world nation on earth had the level of disease or death that the USA had, and you supposedly have the "best healthcare system in the world".

You don't. If you did, you life expectancy wouldn't have started declining in 2014, and it wouldn't be steadily declining.
Trump wanted to isolate the elderly and people with weak immune systems, and let the healthy go on as usual. Would save lives and money, but Fauci didn't want that. Trump's worst mistake for listening to him.
Trump did NOTHING that Faucci recommended. In fact, he did the opposite. Two weeks after cases started to drop, and three days after the report was issued that blacks and Hispanics were dying at much higher rates than white people, Trump demanded that the entire nation re-open - immediately. Even though you still didn't have a proper testing system, and the death rate was still climbing. The effect was a second wave of infections that no other nation in the world, endured. That's ALL on Donald Trump.

Then when Trump's strategy was proven to be a disaster, he blamed it all on Faucci. Trump did what he wanted and then blamed others for his failures. No other first world nation on earth had the level of disease or death that the USA had, and you supposedly have the "best healthcare system in the world".

You don't. If you did, you life expectancy wouldn't have started declining in 2014, and it wouldn't be steadily declining.

Our life expectancy didn't start a decline until covid. Life expectancy is not always related to healthcare, in fact healthcare has little to do with it.

Insist on bills he would sign and support.

Trump wanted people to worship Trump, nothing more.
Trump wanted the healthy to carry on with their lives and isolate the elderly and vulnerable. Which would've work fine, but he listened to Fauci. Which I think was a stupid mistake on his part.
Republican policies have also made inflation worse that it would have been.

Who do you think was signing off on trillions of stimulus in 2020?

But I guess that's too inconvenient to mention for a self fancying "independent thinker"
Democrats signed off on it. Bills start in Congress and get sent to the president. Democrats are the ones who sent big stimulus bills to Trump to sign. Are you saying that we should not have had Covid stimuluses?
Trump wanted the healthy to carry on with their lives and isolate the elderly and vulnerable. Which would've work fine, but he listened to Fauci. Which I think was a stupid mistake on his part.

Not really what I was discussing.

Trump wasn't blamed for the covid pandemic. Trump was attacked for his handling of the covid crisis, which was to do NOTHING and let the virus run wild, killing over a million Americans, and crashing the economy. Please note that no other first world country managed to crash their economies in the pandemic. Only in the USA.

Biden isn't responsible for inflation and NO, Democratic policies didn't make it worse. The USA had some of the lowest inflation in the first world, even when it was at its highest. Biden may have been a bit slow at getting inflation fighting policies in place, but he did it, and they're working.

Best economic recovery in history! Lowest unemployment rates since 1969. Wages rising at the fastest rates for the lowest paid Americans.

Republicans have been pushing "supply side economics" for 40 years, and it's destroyed the working and middle class. Biden is pushing "supply and demand". Paying workers living wages and income supplements have allowed working people to have savings, raises and disposable income for the first time in 40 years. The economy is booming because FINALLY, working people have disposable income and they're buying.

Republicans hate it when the workers make money. They want to keep them poor and desperate and willing to work for nothing.
If we did what Trump wanted, the economy wouldn't of crashed. We wouldn't of spent trillions more than we needed. Isn't that what you're talking about, spending?

Trump was president. You are arguing he was incapable of leading. OK.
I understand you're a leftist so you're a born liar, but our economic problems were caused by Joe's buddies in China, not Trump.
Bullshit, I've used exactly the same standard that you did - DURING TRUMP'S TERM.

Where did I blame Trump?

You are playing stupid heads-I-win-tails-you-lose games again, where you get to claim that because inflation happened during Biden's term and not Trump's then therefore it's his fault. Then calling me a liar for pointing out things that did happen under Trump that were precursors to the inflation problems.

I guess it takes some minimum intelect to not post all the laughably hypocritical, doubles standard bs that you do.
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