Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

Remember how the left piled on Trump for saying that he didn't accept responsibility for Covid? Now Biden is refusing to take responsibility for high inflation. It is rather funny though how Biden claimed high inflation was just transitory, we have zero percent inflation, it's American's fault for high inflation, inflation is no longer a problem, and now he's acknowledging that we do indeed have high inflation, but it's not his fault.

Did Trump ever accept responsibility for his RECESSION. Is Biden accepting responsibility for creating the lowest unemployment rate since the 1960s
The buck stops here. Inflation is Biden's fault. He hasn't taken responsibility for anything in his first two years. Everything is someone else's fault.
Two causes of the inflation
1. Pandemic cut supply as everything shut down for a few years and once demand increase prices want up.
2. The rich are inflating the prices because they're evil soulless bastards.

Why do you leftists really think you can win a debate with lies, especially such obvious lies?

Nothing was shut down for two years except some Communist cities perhaps. So what is inflation? Inflation is the definition of paying more for products or services than we have in the past. The more we pay, the worse inflation is. So what caused the inflation?

1. Dementia paying people more to stay home than work by signing a bill from the Communist House that provided federal unemployment on top of state unemployment even though the economy was improving and companies were looking for workers.

2. Because companies had to compete with government for workers, the only way they could do that is greatly increasing pay offers.

3. Because of his attack on our fuel, that greatly increased the price of diesel fuel which greatly increased transportation costs on products.

4. As fuel prices often do, they go up in proportion. That means besides the huge increase for labor, besides the increase in transportation costs, industry also faced paying double for energy such as electricity and natural gas to operate their industries.

All these costs (and more) all gets passed down to us consumers, and as I already stated, the definition is paying more for products and services than we did before.

Keep getting your business information from stupid memes.

McDonald's fourth-quarter global same-store sales also beat estimates with a 12.6% rise, compared with the average analyst estimate of an 8.6% increase, according to data from Refinitiv. The company reported profit of $2.59 per share, an increase of 16%. Analysts on an average expected profit of $2.45.3

Full year comparable sales grew over 10%, and comparable guest counts grew 5%
The issues that caused the high inflation were already largely in place before Biden took office but where Biden is condemnable, is that he added to those issues and he fully supported the previous actions that caused the inflation.

Is Biden solely responsible for the problem? No, years of inflationary policy is BUT Biden has long been a part of that problem.
The issues that caused the high inflation were already largely in place before Biden took office but where Biden is condemnable, is that he added to those issues and he fully supported the previous actions that caused the inflation.

Is Biden solely responsible for the problem? No, years of inflationary policy is BUT Biden has long been a part of that problem.

Inflation was at normal rates throughout the entire Trump term.

Every F-up of this guy, you people say "oh, it isn't his fault!" Yes it is his fault and I explained why. And no if the left didn't cheat our last presidential elections and Trump was still in charge, we wouldn't be experiencing anything like this inflation rate.
You twit, Democratic policies have made inflation worse than it would have been. By the way you twit, Covid was all around the world as well but that didn't stop you guys from attacking Trump for not taking responsibility for it.

Republican policies have also made inflation worse that it would have been.

Who do you think was signing off on trillions of stimulus in 2020?

But I guess that's too inconvenient to mention for a self fancying "independent thinker"
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Republican policies have also made inflation worse that it would have been.

Who do you think was signing off on trillions of stimulus in 2020?

But I guess that's too inconvenient to mention for for self fancying "independent thinker"

And 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008.............
Biden only takes responsibility when it's a positive. He says he lowered gas, increased jobs, fought against fossil fuels, decreased inflation and so on.

But when gas prices go up, jobs are lower, inflation rises and so on suddenly he isn't responsible and it's out of his control contrary to him congratulating himself for supposedly being able to lower them.

But in the end debt problems and inflation are likely part of the plan to change us to a digital dollar. If you scare or hurt people enough they will agree to anything you want. Then he can step in and say "were seeing terrible financial times and the government is here to make sure this never happens again so were introducing the digital dollar to protect all Americans from inflation".

They are already testing it.

Digital dollar means more control over people, more tracking and nothing can be hidden.

The debt market shows how terrible we are financially as bond market is and has been in a inverted yield curve for a while now where 2 year bonds give more returns than a 10 year bond.

Central banks know a big recession is on the way as well because they have been hammering down the price of gold and silver while buying up record amounts of it.

Trump wasn't responsible for covid, but he is responsible for the failed government response to the pandemic, the politicization of the pandemic, and for the deaths of more than a million Americans.

HAHAHAHAA>..... OMG folks!
Has there ever been a more clueless post as this one??
Seriously. Wow... I don't think even Bidens affirmative action press secretary would say this one.
To think there are people out there that actually believe this stuff.
Yes Dragonlady is a "special" kind of poster here.... but damn!
Inflation was at normal rates throughout the entire Trump term.
Yea it was awesome...except a historic economic contraction, unemployment through the roof, consumerism turned on it's head and deficit spending levels not seen since World War II.

But hey, we didn't have inflation kick in on the flip-side just yet, so you are going to try to play that.
Inflation is low now. It's been near zero for the past two months. Learn how the inflation rate is calculated. Biden fixed Trump's inflationary policies.

I get it. Conservatives now need to deflect from Biden's record-setting low unemployment. Don't worry, you're not alone, the whole MSM is just as upset about having to report on Biden's awesome economy. I thought the CNN anchors were about to cry. They so want to tear down all Democrats, in the service of their corporate masters.

And I understand your panic. With the economy this good, a blue wave is inevitable. That's why Republicans keep working hard to sabotage the economy and destroy the USA. All of them put loyalty to TheParty ahead of loyalty to the USA.
Inflation is low now. It's been near zero for the past two months. Learn how the inflation rate is calculated. Biden fixed Trump's inflationary policies.

I get it. Conservatives now need to deflect from Biden's record-setting low unemployment. Don't worry, you're not alone, the whole MSM is just as upset about having to report on Biden's awesome economy. I thought the CNN anchors were about to cry. They so want to tear down all Democrats, in the service of their corporate masters.

And I understand your panic. With the economy this good, a blue wave is inevitable. That's why Republicans keep working hard to sabotage the economy and destroy the USA. All of them put loyalty to TheParty ahead of loyalty to the USA.

Just curious, do you make all this shit up in your head or do you read it in some conspiracy site?
Yea it was awesome...except a historic economic contraction, unemployment through the roof, consumerism turned on it's head and deficit spending levels not seen since World War II.

But hey, we didn't have inflation kick in on the flip-side just yet, so you are going to try to play that.

I understand you're a leftist so you're a born liar, but our economic problems were caused by Joe's buddies in China, not Trump.
Just curious, do you make all this shit up in your head or do you read it in some conspiracy site?
Are you actually denying that inflation has been near zero for the past two months?

I'm just curious as to how blatantly dishonest you'll be in your devoted service to TheParty.

Remember, you can only gaslight your fellow fascist losers. Sure, lying for TheParty earns you brownie points with TheParty, but everyone else just laughs at you.
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