Biden Released Brittney Griner from Russian Prison

moscow just released Britney Griner in a prisoner exchange for arms dealer Victor Bout.

  • fair trade

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • US (Free World) got rolled

    Votes: 36 78.3%

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Milley Vanilley is a stooge of the Deep State that lies his ass off about everything. Russia was provoked into war by US warmongers pining for this war for several years (pre-Trump).

Milley is more concerned about “white rage” than military readiness.
I dont read them . still do you think that it was A GOOD DEAL FOR US ?
Of course he does. He cannot criticize Biden. A black drug user is the type of person Democrats revere. She’ll instantly get a book and TV movie deal and they will pay her millions for it. That way they can go on encouraging drug use and drug smuggling as something noble and she is stunning and brave for enduring the racist laws that put her in jail.
He did it, he did it! That sleepy ole man finally did it.

He got Russia to release Brittney Griner from prison.

Amidst all these ongoing tensions.

Man, there's nothing that sleepy old man can't do!

Yoooooooo JOE!!!!
Veggie Joe turned over one of the most wanted arms dealers for a druggie.

Awesome job, Brandon.
Of course he does. He cannot criticize Biden. A black drug user is the type of person Democrats revere. She’ll instantly get a book and TV movie deal and they will pay her millions for it. That way they can go on encouraging drug use and drug smuggling as something noble and she is stunning and brave for enduring the racist laws that put her in jail.

This entire episode was just a tremendous deal for Griner. Spend a few months in a Russian clink, get out and become a real celebrity.

Before she decided to smuggle drugs into the Russian Federation, she was just a tall, gangly black girl who 99% of the people wouldn't recognize. Now, she's an international celebrity, and the world is her oyster. I wouldn't be surprised to see her on TV shilling for everything from nike to subway or even running for political office.
Yep, when you're dealing from a position of have to settle for what you can get.

Maybe he should hire Trump to work out his deals for him.
Trump negotiated important peace deals between Arab countries and Israel and all he gets is investigated for wiping his ass wrong.
Biden trades a a merchant of death for a person that we don't need in this country.
Democrats just think about the political aspects of everything instead of the practical aspects.
This is why they have to steal elections and censor the news.

Trump would have sold us out to Putin months ago
He would not lift a finger to help a black Lesbian Basketball Star.

Just look at how the Trumptards on this thread are acting
Getting an American out of a Russian jail, good news. It is not necessary for you to like her. Don't be such a spoil sport
Trump would have sold us out to Putin months ago
He would not lift a finger to help a black Lesbian Basketball Star.

Just look at how the Trumptards on this thread are acting
We don't have to speculate one what Trump would have done...he was already President...and he didn't.

Meanwhile Xiden got played by Putin, and released the Merchant of Death....literally...that's his Putin.
Trump would have sold us out to Putin months ago
He would not lift a finger to help a black Lesbian Basketball Star.

Just look at how the Trumptards on this thread are acting

Trump would have gotten the chick out immediately, and without releasing the Merchant of Fucking Death.
He did it, he did it! That sleepy ole man finally did it.

He got Russia to release Brittney Griner from prison.

Amidst all these ongoing tensions.

Man, there's nothing that sleepy old man can't do!

Yoooooooo JOE!!!!
Why in the hell would that piece of shit do anything to release that American hating drug addicted queer from a foreign prison?

Joe Potatohead never did anything right in his life.

If anybody should be released from any prison it should be the American Patriots that protested on 1/6 Potatohead and the Democrat filth stealing an election.
Worst people on the planet? Do you think hyperbole is going to make your case stronger? Do you think putting Bout in prison meant the end of arms dealing in the world?
Obviously, it wasn't an even trade given the nature of the crimes. But let's recognize the reality of the abuse Griner was being subjected to for a petty violation.
I find it telling that your first impulse is not to call Putin a monster but rather direct your ire at Biden.
I am eager to see him obtain the release of every other American jailed abroad on drug charges who are not rich, black, anti-American celebrities. I won't hold my breath.
Putin certainly did a stellar job with this one, starting with Griner's arrest. He played Biden like a finely tuned violin. I am absolutely impressed with the ease Putin led Fuckwad Biden to do exactly what he wanted.

Out playing the Democrats is easier than taking candy from a baby.

Now the World is on notice.....Want one of your most strategic Anti-American players held in America released? Find some worthless anti-American US citizen with some far Left affiliation, jail them on ANY charge and BOOM!

These people are without a doubt completely destroying America....while we do nothing.
Russia has been declared to be a state sponsor of terrorism.

I thought the US didn't negotiate with terrorists?

Joe Potatohead does. Stupid sonofabitch.
We just traded “The Merchant of Death” Viktor Bout, a man who sold arms to warlords, for Brittney Griner, a WNBA player. This may be the worst trade deal in history.

we should have executed Viktor before sending him on his way. it would have saved us a lot of trouble later on
Xiden makes the best deals. He learned how to negotiate from Cornpop.

Next week: Amnesty for MS-13.

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