Biden Runs Ad Saying He’ll Make Masks Mandatory in Jan


Great way to energize and sway over the moonbats to get them out!

You fuckin' idiot! Masks do not equate to Nazism.

Do you feel the same way about "no shoes, no shirt, no service"?

Do you feel the same way about "no shoes, no shirt, no service"?

Which president mandated that?
Is that what I asked?

No, it isn't.

Nor are you the same idiot I asked. Do you feel some need to defend said idiot?

It's also a deflection, so since you've butted your way in here why don't you answer for him, how do you feel about "no shoes, no shirt, no service"?

how do you feel about "no shoes, no shirt, no service"?

Again, which president mandated it?

(Psst, the OP is about Joe mandating wearing masks as soon as he takes office. Your comment about shirts and shoes-no service is off topic)


Federal Law-I'll wear shirt/shoes.

State Law-I'll wear shirt/shoes.

City Law-I'll wear shirt/shoes.

Rule of the store/restaurant?

I'll shop/eat some place else.

(Does that answer your off topic remark?)

Great way to energize and sway over the moonbats to get them out!

You fuckin' idiot! Masks do not equate to Nazism.

Do you feel the same way about "no shoes, no shirt, no service"?
Required t shirts over the head do nothing but show you’re a submissive to Big Bro.
Did you fall for the t-shirt over the head thing?


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Great way to energize and sway over the moonbats to get them out!

You fuckin' idiot! Masks do not equate to Nazism.

Do you feel the same way about "no shoes, no shirt, no service"?
Required t shirts over the head do nothing but show you’re a submissive to Big Bro.
Did you fall for the t-shirt over the head thing?


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You morons really think t shirt material over your head protects you.
This is over a month and a half old. I believe he's already backed off of that.
Keep trying though. Something's bound to stick eventually..maybe... :)

Seems like he's backed off a lot of things since looking at statistics about how people feel towards his agenda. It doesn't' mean he won't do the things he said before once elected. We can't take that chance.
Yesterday on the Blue Ridge Parkway saw a woman riding the Parkway with a mask. Alone. No cars within sight of mine.

Millennials are just gullible submissives

That goes on all the time here. People are posting Facebook memes all over the place about people in their car all by themselves wearing masks.
I see that a lot now - typically millennials. I have posted pics of an orchestra with the WIND instruments playing while wearing a mask with a mouth hole.
Kabuki Theater

Great way to energize and sway over the moonbats to get them out!

He also said if our "health experts" say it would be a good idea to close down the country, he's closing down the country.

I don't know, but I think that it would require Congress to pass law for something like that to be enforceable. He can't just say he decided it on his own so the people will obey. He can't force people to use masks without creating penalties for those who don't comply. That all has to be done through Congress.

Now even if he is forced to take that route, even Democrat House critters would likely be reluctant to support a bill like that.

Great way to energize and sway over the moonbats to get them out!

You fuckin' idiot! Masks do not equate to Nazism.

Do you feel the same way about "no shoes, no shirt, no service"?
First dipshit, those are not laws form the govt.....those are business that don't want to see that shit in their stores

Do you guys ever think about a post, before you send it?

Second.....why does the govt require us to wear masks? You guys have said that we have had 200,000 deaths (I disagree) and we have been required to wear masks..........but again the only people dying from this are people with medical conditions.....not normal health people, which is most people.
Yesterday on the Blue Ridge Parkway saw a woman riding the Parkway with a mask. Alone. No cars within sight of mine.

Millennials are just gullible submissives

That goes on all the time here. People are posting Facebook memes all over the place about people in their car all by themselves wearing masks.
I see that a lot now - typically millennials. I have posted pics of an orchestra with the WIND instruments playing while wearing a mask with a mouth hole.
Kabuki Theater

You can tell the difference between people who think for themselves, and people who let leaders tell them how they should think. It's been a big problem with our voting for generations.
White nationalists were very happy to get Biden to sign in on their policies so quickly after the endorsement.
This is over a month and a half old. I believe he's already backed off of that.
Keep trying though. Something's bound to stick eventually..maybe... :)

Seems like he's backed off a lot of things since looking at statistics about how people feel towards his agenda. It doesn't' mean he won't do the things he said before once elected. We can't take that chance.

Politics being what they are, trial balloons are floated and then popped on a regular basis. Mask wearing should be a no-brainer for people. There should be no need for a mask mandate. We know how the virus spreads.
What's the issue?
This is over a month and a half old. I believe he's already backed off of that.
Keep trying though. Something's bound to stick eventually..maybe... :)

Seems like he's backed off a lot of things since looking at statistics about how people feel towards his agenda. It doesn't' mean he won't do the things he said before once elected. We can't take that chance.

Politics being what they are, trial balloons are floated and then popped on a regular basis. Mask wearing should be a no-brainer for people. There should be no need for a mask mandate. We know how the virus spreads.
What's the issue?

In this particular topic, it's the idea that believes he'd have such power to do things like this without a fight.
This is over a month and a half old. I believe he's already backed off of that.
Keep trying though. Something's bound to stick eventually..maybe... :)

Seems like he's backed off a lot of things since looking at statistics about how people feel towards his agenda. It doesn't' mean he won't do the things he said before once elected. We can't take that chance.

Politics being what they are, trial balloons are floated and then popped on a regular basis. Mask wearing should be a no-brainer for people. There should be no need for a mask mandate. We know how the virus spreads.
What's the issue?

In this particular topic, it's the idea that believes he'd have such power to do things like this without a fight.

You and I both know he wouldn't. But if he gets in front of the nation on camera and recommends people wear masks and socially distance..all in the name of keeping life as we know it moving forward in some don't think people would listen to that? Because that's within Trump's power to do right now. But he won't do it.
This is over a month and a half old. I believe he's already backed off of that.
Keep trying though. Something's bound to stick eventually..maybe... :)

Seems like he's backed off a lot of things since looking at statistics about how people feel towards his agenda. It doesn't' mean he won't do the things he said before once elected. We can't take that chance.

Politics being what they are, trial balloons are floated and then popped on a regular basis. Mask wearing should be a no-brainer for people. There should be no need for a mask mandate. We know how the virus spreads.
What's the issue?

In this particular topic, it's the idea that believes he'd have such power to do things like this without a fight.

You and I both know he wouldn't. But if he gets in front of the nation on camera and recommends people wear masks and socially distance..all in the name of keeping life as we know it moving forward in some don't think people would listen to that? Because that's within Trump's power to do right now. But he won't do it.

No, I don't think people will listen to that. Our Governor did that multiple times; even had a mandate himself. Some people just won't wear them. Most adults have minds of their own. They're not about to do everything another person tells them to do like a child.
The Biden add is meant to strike fear into the populace. They cannot win unless the populace believes that only Joe can save them from this virus no one can control.

I wonder if they can figure out that most no longer fear this virus that 99.8% of the populace will survive...
Wait till late October when dems spray down football players with covid. Then blame Trump because he wants football. They are sick.
i dont care what any president says.....i wont wear a mask in my car or outside if there is hardly anyone around.......

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