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Biden Russian Foreign Policy Revealed: 'Speak LOUDLY.....Carry A TWIG'

When these stupid Moon Bats voted for and then ignored the fact that Dufus stole an election this is the kind of typical weak Democrat foreign policy we get.

Joe Dufus is weak, stupid and corrupt and Putin knows it.

Putin thinks America is a country of idiots for electing this clown and he would be right.
Biden just stated in his press conference after his meeting with Putin that he accomplished his objectives of bringing up to Putin the issues he is not happy with...and they agreed to disagree...but this is a starting point. "I informed Putin I believe there will be consequences in the future for Russia's action'.

He was just asked by a reporter what concrete solutions or responses to Russian election meddling:

"It's not just what I do but what other nation's do as well."

Is this Biden's 'Red Line' Bluff in which he is saying 'the whole world' will respond to the crimes and attacks against the US...and in the end Biden does nothing & 'the world' sits back and laughs at Biden, like they laughed at Barry and his 'The WORLD's Red Line' in regarding Syria?
Russia engaged in election meddling, tested microwave weapons against Americans resulting in cases of brain damage, have practiced Cyber warfare against the US by shutting off / down energy and food distribution in the US, and Biden is talking to Americans like children, talking about how he made it known to Putin we are not happy about these issues, and i think he knows we are serious'

Biden defended only spending 2 hours talking to Putin alone before bringing in advisors, etc...In other words Biden could not hold his mental own in 2 hours / longer than 2 hours without handlers.

Biden says he thinks the things each nation will do moving forward will work....does anyone think Putin would agree to anything substantial, like stopping his cyber attacks (Biden says there are 16 so far) on the US? Do you think Putin would agree to any US sanctions being used?

Biden just said that comparing the 6 Jan events / group - he called criminals - to Black Lives Matter, a group fighting to be heard, is a false comparison.

1. Biden LIED by claiming the 6 Jan rioters killed a police officer. This has been debunked and is a lie he is STILL pushing.

2. BLM members are not criminals, just 'a group fighting to be heard'....by looting, burning, destroying, attempting to murder federal agents and cops by burning them alive in federal buildings and police cars, and racking up BILLIONS of dollars of damage to US communities?

Putin stated Russia will not allow such groups that threaten the Russian govt and nation to be formed / operate.

Biden just defended foreign/democrat-funded and supported domestic terrorists where as Putin declared no such terrorist groups will be allowed to form and run wild in Russia.

Putin denied the allegations / issues Joe Biden raised, he did not agree with the issues of human rights violations and attacks on the Us, and rejected any actions Biden suggested Russia do, according to a reporter at the very end, asking Biden why he is confident Putin will take action and change.

Biden quickly turned around angrily to address the reporter declaring he never said he trusted Putin will make changes. Biden angrily said, What I said is if the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY takes action to stand against Putin he believes change can happen....

So....when did the US / US Presidents run to 'the international community' to ask them to help solve US security issues / problems like cyber attacks, weapons testing on US citizens, etc.... When did we make our nation's defense dependent on what the International Community does?

Clarification on the 16 Cyber attacks:
Biden gave Putin a List of 16 infrastructure targets that are 'OFF limits' FOR Russian Cyber Hackers.....

WTF? 'Ummmm, President Biden, why aren't ALL 'cyber targets' in the US 'OFF LIMITS'? why did you just give Putin permission for his cyber warfare teams to attack all those other targets, except his list of 16?

"President Putin....pleeeeaaaassse don't target these 16 critical US infrastructure targets..."

It was reported that Putin responded by denying Russia is responsible for any Cyber attacks on the US - he blew Biden off about cyber attacks.

And thank you Joe Biden for handing Putin and his Russian Cyber Hackers a BLUEPRINT of US targets they should focus on and aggressively go after.

Good Lord. Where the hell was Biden's baby-sitters at this point?
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Right wingers make the best Russian tools.
Wrong - ancient, dementia-ravaged, mentally unqualified, self-serving elitist politicians / Presidents who sell out to the Russians by taking MILLIONS from them during the election campaign are.

Joe Biden handed Putin Nord Stream 2 pipeline support after Russia has used microwave weapons against American citizens, is holding US hostages, & engaged in cyber warfare against the US ... and Biden just waked away from negotiations / talks with Putin with a bagful of denials and no agreement on any definitive, substantial agreements that will resolve these issues.
Biden just stated in his press conference after his meeting with Putin that he accomplished his objectives of bringing up to Putin the issues he is not happy with...and they agreed to disagree...but this is a starting point. "I informed Putin I believe there will be consequences in the future for Russia's action'.

He was just asked by a reporter what concrete solutions or responses to Russian election meddling:

"It's not just what I do but what other nation's do as well."

Is this Biden's 'Red Line' Bluff in which he is saying 'the whole world' will respond to the crimes and attacks against the US...and in the end Biden does nothing & 'the world' sits back and laughs at Biden, like they laughed at Barry and his 'The WORLD's Red Line' in regarding Syria?
Other nations are not that concerned with attempting to hold a nation accountable for what a country like the US is ALLOWING a country like Putin is doing to them.

They are more concerned with their own security, their economy, oil, energy, etc...

So Biden's declaration that our national security depends on the 'International Community' coming together to hold Russia accountable for what they are doing to the US is another massive Policy Failure / Plan.
Right wingers make the best Russian tools.
Wrong - ancient, dementia-ravaged, mentally unqualified, self-serving elitist politicians / Presidents who sell out to the Russians by taking MILLIONS from them during the election campaign are.

Joe Biden handed Putin Nord Stream 2 pipeline support after Russia has used microwave weapons against American citizens, is holding US hostages, & engaged in cyber warfare against the US ... and Biden just waked away from negotiations / talks with Putin with a bagful of denials and no agreement on any definitive, substantial agreements that will resolve these issues.
It was for the benefit of our German friends and allies.
It was for the benefit of our German friends and allies.
President Trump told our NATO allies tha tfor their own security and protection they needed to eliminate their dependency on Russian energy, that the US could provide what they need.

Now Biden comes along, surrenders our own Energy Independence - making US, too, dependent on out enemies for more of our energy needs.

Now Biden comes along and reverses course with our NATO allies by strengthening their dependence on Russian (one of our biggest NATO enemies) energy.

"Come on, Europe, out your heads / necks a little further into the noose...."

It's like convincing a shooting victim to hand the shooter THEIR own weapon, the one the shooter will use to kill / shoot them with.

There is literally NOTHING to stop Putin from turning the pipeline off, denying these nations much needed energy whenever he wants to for whatever reason that benefits them.

Yeah, bright f*ing move!
It wasn't because of the Russians but because of the Germans.
With Biden cutting the US pipeline, putting fossil fuel industries on notice as being on the 'Endangered Species List' - after Trump had NATO nations convinced WE could supply all their energy needs (another horrific reversal of Trump policy) - Germany and Western Europe was left with little choice but to give Putin control of their nations' energy supply -giving Putin the power to shut off that energy supply anytime he wants.

Agreed, the choice to do so was Germany's decision, based on Biden taking away their only other option.
It wasn't because of the Russians but because of the Germans.
With Biden cutting the US pipeline, putting fossil fuel industries on notice as being on the 'Endangered Species List' - after Trump had NATO nations convinced WE could supply all their energy needs (another horrific reversal of Trump policy) - Germany and Western Europe was left with little choice but to give Putin control of their nations' energy supply -giving Putin the power to shut off that energy supply anytime he wants.

Agreed, the choice to do so was Germany's decision, based on Biden taking away their only other option.
I agree to disagree. We should upgrade Colonial so Canada can go through that infrastructure rather than degrade our environment more with a separate pipeline.
GOP warns against Biden's ‘tough words but weak actions’ as president kicks off summit with Putin's ‘tough words but weak actions’ as president kicks off summit with Putin

GOP warns against Biden's ‘tough words but weak actions’ as president kicks off summit with Putin

Microwave Weapons Testing / Attack On Americans That Cause Brain Damage
- No Response from Biden

Cyber Warfare Testing, Taking Down Power Grids And Major US food Supply
- No Response From Biden

Biden Removes Sanctions From Nord Stream 2, Putin's pipeline to Europe that strengthens his hold on Western Europe energy dependency....that he can choke off anytime he wants later.
- Biden was paid Millions by the Russians during his Presidential run - Conflict of Interest that should be investigated.

Biden calls Putin a 'Killer' then walks it back at G7 Summit, praising Putin for being an intelligent man and worthy adversary
- Way to back tack and kiss ass before your meeting with Putin, Joe

Biden refuses to share the stage with Vlad during joint press conference
- Portrays weakness, as everyone knows Joe doesn't have the mental faculties to spar with Putin

Have there been any hacking spy the Russians since Putin met with Biden? A Russian troops still massing on the border with Ukraine?

Putin has been stirring up shit since the day that Biden was elected. He’s been very quiet since he met with Biden. No Russian hackings in the USA. Putin stop threatening the Ukraine too, and the warship pulled out of the Crimea.

Oh and everything that they spoke up is on record with notes. None of the “secret conversations with Vlad” horseshit that we saw with Trump
Which is one of the things he was proven to be right about.

Barry weaponized our entire Intelligence Community, as confirmed by Clapper, who was caught TWICE committing Perjury about illegally spying on Americans.

Barry weaponized the CIA, as exposed by Brennan being caught Un-Constitutionally and illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Congress, the USSC, and Trump and his team - he was exposed for all of this by D-Diane Feinstein. To avoid prison Brennan was forced to stand before Congress and admit he had illegally spied on them...and then 'promised not to do it again'. :p

Barry weaponized the FBI, which the FISA Court wxposed as having Unconstitutionally and illegally having defrauded the FISA court and having illegally spied on Americans for DECADES, going back to CRIMINAL FBI Director Mueller (Barry's hand-picked special counsel and then current FBI Director Comey's mentor) & James Comey....and that it still continues under new FBI Director Wray!

Barry used the full power of the United States Intel Agencies, DOJ, CIA, & FBI in an attempt to try to affect a political coup.......all of which has been completely proven, substantiated.
You know what's really fucked up? I'll tell you any way. Over half of the country don't have a clue. I have seen tree stumps with higher intelligentsia and I believe a lot of them hang out here.
You know what's really fucked up? I'll tell you any way. Over half of the country don't have a clue. I have seen tree stumps with higher intelligentsia and I believe a lot of them hang out here.
I call them Weapons Grade Stupid, and they're being used as weapons, have no doubt. They're currently running amok in democrook cities destroying shit.

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