Biden says “No Amendment to the Constitution is absolute”

He's correct.
Well, this could get interesting...

View attachment 478215

He's correct.

However no amendment can be removed from the constitution without a constitutional vote.
Let-s see... 2/3's of the House, 2/3's of the Senate and 3/4"s of the states.

Good Luck, Joe.
He's correct.
Well, this could get interesting...

View attachment 478215

He's correct.

However no amendment can be removed from the constitution without a constitutional vote.
Let-s see... 2/3's of the House, 2/3's of the Senate and 3/4"s of the states.

Good Luck, Joe.
that would mean the government can mandate a state-controlled religion
While true its a pretty vague general statement. While no Amendment is absolute there is very little he can do on his own. Maybe nothing.
all amendments are protected rights therefore they are absolute

No they are not. You can have them all removed through due process and there have been many cases where one conflicts with another and a court has to make a determination.

One of the biggest we have battled with for years is the conflict to the right to life and the right to privacy.
they are absolute until you do the amendment process

Freedom of the Press.

Fort Bend newspaper loses $1 million libel lawsuit

That Freedom is not absolute.
liable is not a protected right
He's correct.
Well, this could get interesting...

View attachment 478215

He's correct.

However no amendment can be removed from the constitution without a constitutional vote.
Let-s see... 2/3's of the House, 2/3's of the Senate and 3/4"s of the states.

Good Luck, Joe.
that would mean the government can mandate a state-controlled religion
IF it would pass a constitutional convention. It would.

Passing a consitutional convention is no easy task. Even getting a constitutional convention to be held
is becoming almost impossible.

Anything in the constitution can be changed, but it damn well is going to have to be a no-brainer, in advance.
He's correct.
Well, this could get interesting...

View attachment 478215

He's correct.

However no amendment can be removed from the constitution without a constitutional vote.
Let-s see... 2/3's of the House, 2/3's of the Senate and 3/4"s of the states.

Good Luck, Joe.
that would mean the government can mandate a state-controlled religion
IF it would pass a constitutional convention. It would.

Passing a consitutional convention is no easy task. Even getting a constitutional convention to be held
is becoming almost impossible.

Anything in the constitution can be changed, but it damn well is going to have to be a no-brainer, in advance.
incorrect if amendments are not absolute then any can be changed at any given time. Therefore if a president says we need a state religion we can have one according to jo "no amendment is absolute" Biden
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Coming from a President that says if he could he would confiscate all weapons from citizens. He wants to repeal the 2nd amendment also.
The problem with saying that no amendment is absolute is that amendments are not the source of rights.
Amendments are just restrictions on the federal government.
And most definitely restrictions on the federal government CAN be absolute.

If he had said that no right is absolute, that would be true, except that still requires the right to need to be restricted due to its harm to others, and that has yet to be shown with things like firearms.
Democrats are as ignorant on the Constitution as they are ignorant on Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science and Ethics.
While true its a pretty vague general statement. While no Amendment is absolute there is very little he can do on his own. Maybe nothing.
all amendments are protected rights therefore they are absolute
So you are pretty happy with a Muslim wrapping themselves in plastic explosive and dead mans trigger and walking into a crowded public area... His buddies are all carrying AK 47s and grenade launchers...

If his rights are absolute then he broke no laws... He can walk around all he likes and the cops can't touch him or his friends...

Actually if rights are really absolute, he can just start building a nuclear bomb...
"....incorrect if amendments are not absolute then any can be changed at any given time."

Which, brings us directly to the curious dynamic between the 18th Amendment and the 21st.

"Amendments" are called 'amendments' for a reason.

They amend.
"....incorrect if amendments are not absolute then any can be changed at any given time."

Which, brings us directly to the curious dynamic between the 18th Amendment and the 21st.

"Amendments" are called 'amendments' for a reason.

They amend.
they are of course absolute until they have been amended
But jo doesn't seem to understand that process make a law change the amendment make an ATF rule change the amendment
You can't change an amendment through new laws or rules those are unconstitutional.
While true its a pretty vague general statement. While no Amendment is absolute there is very little he can do on his own. Maybe nothing.
all amendments are protected rights therefore they are absolute
So you are pretty happy with a Muslim wrapping themselves in plastic explosive and dead mans trigger and walking into a crowded public area... His buddies are all carrying AK 47s and grenade launchers...

If his rights are absolute then he broke no laws... He can walk around all he likes and the cops can't touch him or his friends...

Actually if rights are really absolute, he can just start building a nuclear bomb...
what does that have to do with what I said?
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
lol so you believe only the government should have access to firearms?
FYI why doesn't that militia you keep referencing allowed to keep their weapons on them and at their homes?
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
lol so you believe only the government should have access to firearms?
FYI why doesn't that militia you keep referencing allowed to keep their weapons on them and at their homes?
I know how to read.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
lol so you believe only the government should have access to firearms?
FYI why doesn't that militia you keep referencing allowed to keep their weapons on them and at their homes?
I know how to read.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
evidently, you don't and stop acting as if you've have lost this argument many times
lol so you believe only the government should have access to firearms?
FYI why doesn't that militia you keep referencing allowed to keep their weapons on them and at their homes?

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