Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police

we got the huddled masses------as for France, I would not walk MOST of the streets past 9 pm

France took in Syrian refugees by the thousands.

Canadian police killed 18 people last year and you can walk most streets after midnight.
we got the huddled masses------as for France, I would not walk MOST of the streets past 9 pm

France took in Syrian refugees by the thousands.

Canadian police killed 18 people last year and you can walk most streets after midnight.

LOL "by the thousands"------we got the huddled masses from EVERYWHERE by the millions. For the record----the arabs refer to the maronites as Frenchmen-----as to the other refugees from arab lands in France----try to be realistic
Boston was a disgrace
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.

That was obama that gave away all that light armor to police nation wide
While we were talking about it last decade you idiots had your heads planted firmly up your ignorat dumbed down asses

The current program started in 1997 when Clinton established the Law Enforcement Support Office, but the first transfer of military equipment started after Desert Storm in 1991, under George H.W. Bush.

Blah blah blah and bill clinton apologized for joe bidens crime bill
Well as some one who has been following the issue for decades now No shit sherlock
And yet why ignore what Obama did
Why don't you inform everyone what happened under affirmitive action super hero?

Like the department of educations swat team
Boston looked like soviet light armor rolled into town

How big did those programs expand under teleprompter?
Boston was a disgrace
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.

That was obama that gave away all that light armor to police nation wide
While we were talking about it last decade you idiots had your heads planted firmly up your ignorat dumbed down asses

The current program started in 1997 when Clinton established the Law Enforcement Support Office, but the first transfer of military equipment started after Desert Storm in 1991, under George H.W. Bush.

Blah blah blah and bill clinton apologized for joe bidens crime bill
Well as some one who has been following the issue for decades now No shit sherlock
And yet why ignore what Obama did
Why don't you inform everyone what happened under affirmitive action super hero?

Like the department of educations swat team
Boston looked like soviet light armor rolled into town

How big did those programs expand under teleprompter?

huh----could you expand on your stuff? Is Obama "affirmative action" super hero? ----what happened in Boston? -----"teleprompter"?
The majority of the "street party" Blm and antifa supporters who were just screaming for police reform will go home while the idiots attention is now turned to corona .... the issue of police misconduct and the larger issue of the erosion of your rights will still be there it has been ...for year after year

They can blow it out thier ass
The lot of em
The majority of the "street party" Blm and antifa supporters who were just screaming for police reform will go home while the idiots attention is now turned to corona .... the issue of police misconduct and the larger issue of the erosion of your rights will still be there it has been ...for year after year

They can blow it out thier ass
The lot of em

my sense----of my life----here in the naked city-----------IS the criminals are ERODING MY RIGHTS a
lot---LOT MORE than are the cops. -----now stop complaining about DA MASK LAW-----it is beyond
trivial........go wash your hands ---SLOB!!!!!!!
let me HASTEN to add-----local government and courts IN MY TOWN-----have tied the hands of the cops------they might just as well have clapped them into handcuffs
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Biden is trying to appeal to the gutter
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.

Uh, I did show the video that says that in context. An armored police vehicle is seen as “the enemy”. He wants to defund the police, take away the armor they literally need to stay alive. He hates the police now, because his handlers have told him so.

Watch the Hannity video, there is a lot more.

You think Hannity is a credible source for anything?
At least Joe has come out of the "moderate" closet and is now carrying the socialist banner.
Defund the police? What an idiotic notion. I wonder who Biden thinks will answer calls?? The government that runs the cities?? That should work out well.

After a few of them are shot on any site I'd bet the defund the police bullshit goes away in one big hurry.
Even a stopped clock right twice a day. Had to get something right, even if it was on accident

Please tell me, that you don't actually think Police are the Enemy....

American cops killed 1500 last year. French cops killed 26. Forty years of Republican "law and order policies" have created a police state where a country with 5% of the world's population, is home to 20% of the world imprisoned people. Republican's War on Drugs, Zero Tolerance, and minimum sentences, have seen the prison population explode by 450%, which means that more and more people are being charged and jailed. Even as crime rates have been dropping for more than 30 years.

Even as crime rates dropped, police budgets rose. School budgets were cut, city service budgets were slashed. Everyone had to do more with less, except the police. They got more and better equipment and resources, especially after the Iraq war ended, and became heavily militarized.

In 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected, there were 479,958 people in jails and prisons in the USA. In 2016, there were 2,198,873 people in jails or prisons, but crime rates have been going down for 30 years. Why are more people going to jail, when there is less crime being committed?

There are more people in jail in the USA than in China or Russia - and those are repressive states, where they jail you for anything.

Raises and promotions for police officers are based on arrests and convictions. You have a situation where more and more police officers are chasing fewer and fewer criminals. I mean you had 4 cops going after George Floyd for passing a phony $20.

Every time you see one of these "police incidents" on video, you have a half dozen cops swarming some petty criminal. How many cops were involved in the Eric Garner killing? Over the guy selling cigarettes.

It costs, on average, $31,000 per year to keep someone in prison. Not to mention, if someone is in jail, they're not working, or paying taxes, so lost revenue there too. In some states, the per capita cost is $60,000 per year. Last year, cities of over 100,000 people paid out over $250 million on "excessive force claims". That's in addition to the 1500 people who were either shot by police or died while in police custody

When you look at the cold hard data, it's hard not to believe the police are out of control. And American taxpayers are paying the price. Sheriff Joe Arpaio wasn't voted out of office because the people of Maricopa County wanted illegals in their County. He was voted out of office, because the taxpayers had to pay out $20 million in court cases and settlements for harassment, intimmidation, false arrest and false imprisonment, and wrongful death.

Next time you need someone to save your stupid ass I'm sure you won't call the police as they are all killers. LOL

Oh and just so you know. There are 350 million Americans. How many French are there?? Oh and its pretty easy to get a gun in America. Not so easy in France which has disarmed its people for "their own protection." You sure are a whiny little shit.

Take care of your own stupid ass. Good luck. You will surely need it. dumbass.
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Even a stopped clock right twice a day. Had to get something right, even if it was on accident

Please tell me, that you don't actually think Police are the Enemy....

Please tell me that you are capable of grasping the obvious fact that an armed force --"the effect of the bayonet constantly held at the breast of every citizen, and which resembles very much the stillness of the grave"-- is precicely the tyranny that history warns of.

And the even more obvious fact that police today, with their tanks, gas and heavy weaponry, and no regard for basic freedoms such as assembly and the press are the precice embodiment of such a force.

Such a force is not aimed at securing life, liberty and persuit of happiness. History shows that they have only ever been destructive of these ends.

So yes, not only are they The Enemy, but so is everyone who defends their power and impunity. They are traitors to everything that may properly be called American
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.

Uh, I did show the video that says that in context. An armored police vehicle is seen as “the enemy”. He wants to defund the police, take away the armor they literally need to stay alive. He hates the police now, because his handlers have told him so.

Watch the Hannity video, there is a lot more.

You think Hannity is a credible source for anything?

He's a credible sourse for simpering bootlicking.
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.

Democrats see police as the enemy because most criminals are Democrats.

Voting for Democrats is like voting for crime
Maybe if Biden wins he can keep Barr on?

Unfair policing of African Americans a 'widespread phenomenon,' Attorney General Barr says

Even a stopped clock right twice a day. Had to get something right, even if it was on accident

Please tell me, that you don't actually think Police are the Enemy....

American cops killed 1500 last year.

And that's just what gets reported in the papers (since police don't release accurate date on their extrajudicial exectutions). However it isn't counting all those like the victims of the Golden State Killer, who have been killed just for fun without it ever being called in to headquarters.
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Joe Biden can go to hell. The police are supposed to give up protective equipment that helps protect their lives and gives them a chance of returning home to their wives and kids because lawless mobs and criminals refuse to behave and obey the law? Who's side is Joe Biden on wow.
Biden has already lost the election and everyone knows it.

The reason the Democrats are burning everything down is they've lost the election and everyone knows it.
I dont know about that. You're depending on the wisdom, intelligence, and political awareness of the American People.

At LEAST 45% will vote for the vegetable Biden because he has a D next to his name. Countless more vote purely out of emotion.

When the People become as dumbed down as they now seem to be, nothing is certain.

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