Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police

The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Joe Biden's communist agenda:

  1. Get police out of the way.
  2. Stop all gun manufacturing.
  3. stop all gun accessory manufacturing.
  4. Incrementally ban certain types of weapons.
  5. after more violence, ban more weapons.
  6. Complete ban and confiscation.
  7. Allow additional uncontested rioting.
  8. Surrender the office to his communist vice president.
  9. VP will continue with nationwide shut down until the entire system collapses.
  10. Cloward-Piven is achieved.
The Joe Biden presidency is a communist plot.

An unaccountable authoritarian police system is a far more realistic threat to liberty than any imagined “communist” plot.
Biden thinks that the police is the problem but the Black Democrat voting block that commits the most Black on Black crime in this country that the police have to deal with would not be the problem?????

Biden is an idiot, isn't he?

Only an idiot would vote for him.

Barr just said that the police are a problem. Are you going to demand that Trump fire him?


Unfair policing of African Americans a 'widespread phenomenon,' Attorney General Barr says

actually Barr made more of the fact that African Americans do not TRUST the cops----than anything indicating that THE COPS are overly suspicious of blacks. It seemed to me that he laid most of the blame for "too much suspicion' on the general population. That sort of bias in humans----does happen and it is good to address it. HOWEVER making unsubstantiated claims about BIAS AT EVERY LEVEL does more harm than good. It is certainly true that black americans do not trust the cops----AND cops are far less likely to get the cooperation of THE PEOPLE in a black neighborhood than in a white neighborhood-----ie----IT's A MUTUAL THING
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Joe Biden's communist agenda:

  1. Get police out of the way.
  2. Stop all gun manufacturing.
  3. stop all gun accessory manufacturing.
  4. Incrementally ban certain types of weapons.
  5. after more violence, ban more weapons.
  6. Complete ban and confiscation.
  7. Allow additional uncontested rioting.
  8. Surrender the office to his communist vice president.
  9. VP will continue with nationwide shut down until the entire system collapses.
  10. Cloward-Piven is achieved.
The Joe Biden presidency is a communist plot.

An unaccountable authoritarian police system is a far more realistic threat to liberty than any imagined “communist” plot.

Imagined and construed FEAR and HATRED FOR the cops is even worse
Biden thinks that the police is the problem but the Black Democrat voting block that commits the most Black on Black crime in this country that the police have to deal with would not be the problem?????

Biden is an idiot, isn't he?

Only an idiot would vote for him.

Barr just said that the police are a problem. Are you going to demand that Trump fire him?


Unfair policing of African Americans a 'widespread phenomenon,' Attorney General Barr says

actually Barr made more of the fact that African Americans do not TRUST the cops----than anything indicating that THE COPS are overly suspicious of blacks. It seemed to me that he laid most of the blame for "too much suspicion' on the general population. That sort of bias in humans----does happen and it is good to address it. HOWEVER making unsubstantiated claims about BIAS AT EVERY LEVEL does more harm than good. It is certainly true that black americans do not trust the cops----AND cops are far less likely to get the cooperation of THE PEOPLE in a black neighborhood than in a white neighborhood-----ie----IT's A MUTUAL THING

"Policed differently"

Amid nationwide unrest and frustration with law enforcement, Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday acknowledged that communities of color are often policed differently from white ones, calling the unfairness a “widespread phenomenon.”

Like being pulled over for having a "wide set nose".
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Joe Biden's communist agenda:

  1. Get police out of the way.
  2. Stop all gun manufacturing.
  3. stop all gun accessory manufacturing.
  4. Incrementally ban certain types of weapons.
  5. after more violence, ban more weapons.
  6. Complete ban and confiscation.
  7. Allow additional uncontested rioting.
  8. Surrender the office to his communist vice president.
  9. VP will continue with nationwide shut down until the entire system collapses.
  10. Cloward-Piven is achieved.
The Joe Biden presidency is a communist plot.

An unaccountable authoritarian police system is a far more realistic threat to liberty than any imagined “communist” plot.

Imagined and construed FEAR and HATRED FOR the cops is even worse

You don’t think some fear of police is justified?

After what happened to Floyd?
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Joe Biden's communist agenda:

  1. Get police out of the way.
  2. Stop all gun manufacturing.
  3. stop all gun accessory manufacturing.
  4. Incrementally ban certain types of weapons.
  5. after more violence, ban more weapons.
  6. Complete ban and confiscation.
  7. Allow additional uncontested rioting.
  8. Surrender the office to his communist vice president.
  9. VP will continue with nationwide shut down until the entire system collapses.
  10. Cloward-Piven is achieved.
The Joe Biden presidency is a communist plot.

An unaccountable authoritarian police system is a far more realistic threat to liberty than any imagined “communist” plot.

Imagined and construed FEAR and HATRED FOR the cops is even worse

You don’t think some fear of police is justified?

After what happened to Floyd?

no. the "FEAR" should be a "FEAR" of committing the crime of RESISTING ARREST.
I have seen LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of resisted arrests. and LOTS AND LOTS of bound up and chained up arrestees. In all cases of resistance to
arrest----the arrest gets VIOLENT. That someone is going to be really hurt------is inevitable. The cops did not grab Floyd whilst he was
strolling down the sidewalk and suddenly grab him and step on his neck. Based on what Floyd did to the cop------it is the cops who have a RIGHT to be apprehensive.
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
Even a stopped clock right twice a day. Had to get something right, even if it was on accident

Please tell me, that you don't actually think Police are the Enemy....

American cops killed 1500 last year. French cops killed 26. Forty years of Republican "law and order policies" have created a police state where a country with 5% of the world's population, is home to 20% of the world imprisoned people. Republican's War on Drugs, Zero Tolerance, and minimum sentences, have seen the prison population explode by 450%, which means that more and more people are being charged and jailed. Even as crime rates have been dropping for more than 30 years.

Even as crime rates dropped, police budgets rose. School budgets were cut, city service budgets were slashed. Everyone had to do more with less, except the police. They got more and better equipment and resources, especially after the Iraq war ended, and became heavily militarized.

In 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected, there were 479,958 people in jails and prisons in the USA. In 2016, there were 2,198,873 people in jails or prisons, but crime rates have been going down for 30 years. Why are more people going to jail, when there is less crime being committed?

There are more people in jail in the USA than in China or Russia - and those are repressive states, where they jail you for anything.

Raises and promotions for police officers are based on arrests and convictions. You have a situation where more and more police officers are chasing fewer and fewer criminals. I mean you had 4 cops going after George Floyd for passing a phony $20.

Every time you see one of these "police incidents" on video, you have a half dozen cops swarming some petty criminal. How many cops were involved in the Eric Garner killing? Over the guy selling cigarettes.

It costs, on average, $31,000 per year to keep someone in prison. Not to mention, if someone is in jail, they're not working, or paying taxes, so lost revenue there too. In some states, the per capita cost is $60,000 per year. Last year, cities of over 100,000 people paid out over $250 million on "excessive force claims". That's in addition to the 1500 people who were either shot by police or died while in police custody

When you look at the cold hard data, it's hard not to believe the police are out of control. And American taxpayers are paying the price. Sheriff Joe Arpaio wasn't voted out of office because the people of Maricopa County wanted illegals in their County. He was voted out of office, because the taxpayers had to pay out $20 million in court cases and settlements for harassment, intimmidation, false arrest and false imprisonment, and wrongful death.
You rail about the number of people in US prisons, Dragon Lady...yet you seem ready to elect the man who helped craft the piece of legislation that put more black Americans into prison than any other law passed in America! Joe Biden DID that but now you see him as the "answer" to the problem? I'm baffled by that! Trump on the other hand actually got prison reforms through a hostile Congress but you see him as the "problem"? How does that work exactly?

OLDE, what was the piece of legislation that has put blacks into prisons?
It's commonly known as the Clinton Crime Bill.

Joe Biden wrote the Senate version of the bill.
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Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.
SWAT is called out when civilian lives are at risk. It's not something that happens "whenever they get the excuse"! It's when responding Police appraise the situation and make a determination that things could go very bad.
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.
SWAT is called out when civilian lives are at risk. It's not something that happens "whenever they get the excuse"! It's when responding Police appraise the situation and make a determination that things could go very bad.

SWAT teams are used when police think their lives are at risk. But they’re also used a lot more than that. Plus our funding structure supports it. Police don’t get funding for things they don’t use.

good----I like to see cops well protected----it makes them less APPREHENSIVE and less likely to resort to
VIOLENT self-defense
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.
SWAT is called out when civilian lives are at risk. It's not something that happens "whenever they get the excuse"! It's when responding Police appraise the situation and make a determination that things could go very bad.

SWAT teams are used when police think their lives are at risk. But they’re also used a lot more than that. Plus our funding structure supports it. Police don’t get funding for things they don’t use.

Can you think of anything that's more dangerous than serving a search warrant at a residence where drugs are being sold? Or executing arrest warrants against violent offenders? For some reason you seem to think that should be the purview of regular Police officers that don't come close to having the training that a SWAT team would have! Gee, what do you think will be the result when less trained Police have to perform those tasks? Do you really think that citizens will be in less danger? Or do you even care?
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.
SWAT is called out when civilian lives are at risk. It's not something that happens "whenever they get the excuse"! It's when responding Police appraise the situation and make a determination that things could go very bad.

SWAT teams are used when police think their lives are at risk. But they’re also used a lot more than that. Plus our funding structure supports it. Police don’t get funding for things they don’t use.

Can you think of anything that's more dangerous than serving a search warrant at a residence where drugs are being sold? Or executing arrest warrants against violent offenders? For some reason you seem to think that should be the purview of regular Police officers that don't come close to having the training that a SWAT team would have! Gee, what do you think will be the result when less trained Police have to perform those tasks? Do you really think that citizens will be in less danger? Or do you even care?
Besides law enforcement is not a tennis match where both sides deserve an equal chance
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.
SWAT is called out when civilian lives are at risk. It's not something that happens "whenever they get the excuse"! It's when responding Police appraise the situation and make a determination that things could go very bad.

SWAT teams are used when police think their lives are at risk. But they’re also used a lot more than that. Plus our funding structure supports it. Police don’t get funding for things they don’t use.

Can you think of anything that's more dangerous than serving a search warrant at a residence where drugs are being sold? Or executing arrest warrants against violent offenders? For some reason you seem to think that should be the purview of regular Police officers that don't come close to having the training that a SWAT team would have! Gee, what do you think will be the result when less trained Police have to perform those tasks? Do you really think that citizens will be in less danger? Or do you even care?
Besides law enforcement is not a tennis match where both sides deserve an equal chance
If someone DOES break my door down with a search warrant (which I'm not expecting to happen any time soon!) then I'd like it to be someone who does that all the time and isn't freaking out!

Colfax wants it to be some beat cops. Good luck with that...
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.
SWAT is called out when civilian lives are at risk. It's not something that happens "whenever they get the excuse"! It's when responding Police appraise the situation and make a determination that things could go very bad.

SWAT teams are used when police think their lives are at risk. But they’re also used a lot more than that. Plus our funding structure supports it. Police don’t get funding for things they don’t use.

Can you think of anything that's more dangerous than serving a search warrant at a residence where drugs are being sold? Or executing arrest warrants against violent offenders? For some reason you seem to think that should be the purview of regular Police officers that don't come close to having the training that a SWAT team would have! Gee, what do you think will be the result when less trained Police have to perform those tasks? Do you really think that citizens will be in less danger? Or do you even care?

Yeah. Dangerous.
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.
SWAT is called out when civilian lives are at risk. It's not something that happens "whenever they get the excuse"! It's when responding Police appraise the situation and make a determination that things could go very bad.

SWAT teams are used when police think their lives are at risk. But they’re also used a lot more than that. Plus our funding structure supports it. Police don’t get funding for things they don’t use.

Can you think of anything that's more dangerous than serving a search warrant at a residence where drugs are being sold? Or executing arrest warrants against violent offenders? For some reason you seem to think that should be the purview of regular Police officers that don't come close to having the training that a SWAT team would have! Gee, what do you think will be the result when less trained Police have to perform those tasks? Do you really think that citizens will be in less danger? Or do you even care?
Besides law enforcement is not a tennis match where both sides deserve an equal chance
Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.

Fuck me for respecting civil rights.
The radicals completely own Braindead Joe. He now says the police are the enemy.

Police don’t need armored vehicles? I guess Basement Joe hasn’t seen the BLM riots. Anyone going through a black neighborhood needs an armored vehicle.

Joe Biden's communist agenda:

  1. Get police out of the way.
  2. Stop all gun manufacturing.
  3. stop all gun accessory manufacturing.
  4. Incrementally ban certain types of weapons.
  5. after more violence, ban more weapons.
  6. Complete ban and confiscation.
  7. Allow additional uncontested rioting.
  8. Surrender the office to his communist vice president.
  9. VP will continue with nationwide shut down until the entire system collapses.
  10. Cloward-Piven is achieved.
The Joe Biden presidency is a communist plot.

The Democrats rioters don't understand that those police they hate are protecting them from the general public. If the police step down, the crazies will step up.

Another one of those careful what you wish for moments.
Naturally should he-who-gropes make it The Secret Service will immediately be defunded and disbanded.

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