Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police

Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.
I have never seen an armored vehicle in my neighborhood

if you have then you must be doing something wrong
Why didn't you play the entire video that gave context. His full statement was that when people see the police coming at them with all that military equipment, They can no longer be seen as police there to protect and serve, but look more like an attacking enemy.
The SWAT team is certainly needed when looters are burning down the city, as blacks and guilt-ridden white liberals are doing now
SWAT teams are rarely needed. But a bunch of cowboys like playing dress up so they bust out their toys to play whenever they get the excuse.

you seem very bitter, colfax. A personal anecdote: Long ago---like about 30 years ago,
the neighborhood in which I, then, lived was under SIEGE ----wild vandals and looters all over the place. One evening on returning by train from work, I heard THUNDER overhead. I ascended to street level and there it was-----the STATE MOUNTIES in what seemed to me to be in the thousands. They seemed to be having a good time on their horses. I was delighted----the siege was broken. The local cops could not do it even with riot gear
Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.
I have never seen an armored vehicle in my neighborhood

if you have then you must be doing something wrong
Sounds just what an authoritarian would say.

The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.
I have never seen an armored vehicle in my neighborhood

if you have then you must be doing something wrong
Sounds just what an authoritarian would say. Submit.

yes it does sound that way------but he has an explanation
Yes. The explanation is that the people must be controlled. By any means.
The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
I dont see cops as the enemy

but I am white when there is a lot of anti white hate coming from the left, meaning blacks

most conservatives are well armed and now I think militant blacks are buying ar-15s in preparation for a race war

if the cops are disbanded or just refuse to intervene a lot of Americans are going to die
The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
I dont see cops as the enemy

but I am white when there is a lot of anti white hate coming from the left, meaning blacks

most conservatives are well armed and now I think militant blacks are buying ar-15s in preparation for a race war

if the cops are disbanded or just refuse to intervene a lot of Americans are going to die

The cops may not see you as the enemy, but in other neighborhoods they may see the people as the enemy. That’s why things are so screwed up. Police used to serve the people. Now it sometimes feels like it’s the other way around.
Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.
I have never seen an armored vehicle in my neighborhood

if you have then you must be doing something wrong
Sounds just what an authoritarian would say. Submit.

yes it does sound that way------but he has an explanation
Yes. The explanation is that the people must be controlled. By any means.

you feel "controlled"? What are you prevented from doing? ------looting Macy's?
Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.
I have never seen an armored vehicle in my neighborhood

if you have then you must be doing something wrong
Sounds just what an authoritarian would say. Submit.

yes it does sound that way------but he has an explanation
Yes. The explanation is that the people must be controlled. By any means.

you feel "controlled"? What are you prevented from doing? ------looting Macy's?

Ever heard of stop and frisk?
The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
I dont see cops as the enemy

but I am white when there is a lot of anti white hate coming from the left, meaning blacks

most conservatives are well armed and now I think militant blacks are buying ar-15s in preparation for a race war

if the cops are disbanded or just refuse to intervene a lot of Americans are going to die

The cops may not see you as the enemy, but in other neighborhoods they may see the people as the enemy. That’s why things are so screwed up. Police used to serve the people. Now it sometimes feels like it’s the other way around.

there are neighborhoods in which the cops are the enemies. There are neighborhoods in which bill collectors are the enemies and meter maids and people who sue for non-payment and people who serve court papers and------even "bookies" "the other way around"??? some cop demanded that you do something for HIM?
Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.
I have never seen an armored vehicle in my neighborhood

if you have then you must be doing something wrong
Sounds just what an authoritarian would say. Submit.

yes it does sound that way------but he has an explanation
Yes. The explanation is that the people must be controlled. By any means.

you feel "controlled"? What are you prevented from doing? ------looting Macy's?

Ever heard of stop and frisk?

yup it was done on simple suspicion ----but the rules have been tightened. Are you carrying something Illegal ?
The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
I dont see cops as the enemy

but I am white when there is a lot of anti white hate coming from the left, meaning blacks

most conservatives are well armed and now I think militant blacks are buying ar-15s in preparation for a race war

if the cops are disbanded or just refuse to intervene a lot of Americans are going to die

The cops may not see you as the enemy, but in other neighborhoods they may see the people as the enemy. That’s why things are so screwed up. Police used to serve the people. Now it sometimes feels like it’s the other way around.

there are neighborhoods in which the cops are the enemies. There are neighborhoods in which bill collectors are the enemies and meter maids and people who sue for non-payment and people who serve court papers and------even "bookies" "the other way around"??? some cop demanded that you do something for HIM?
When cops behave with disregard for people’s rights and freedoms, some people may begin to see them as the enemies.

Hence defund the police. One should not have to pay for their own mistreatment.
The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
I dont see cops as the enemy

but I am white when there is a lot of anti white hate coming from the left, meaning blacks

most conservatives are well armed and now I think militant blacks are buying ar-15s in preparation for a race war

if the cops are disbanded or just refuse to intervene a lot of Americans are going to die

The cops may not see you as the enemy, but in other neighborhoods they may see the people as the enemy. That’s why things are so screwed up. Police used to serve the people. Now it sometimes feels like it’s the other way around.

there are neighborhoods in which the cops are the enemies. There are neighborhoods in which bill collectors are the enemies and meter maids and people who sue for non-payment and people who serve court papers and------even "bookies" "the other way around"??? some cop demanded that you do something for HIM?
When cops behave with disregard for people’s rights and freedoms, some people may begin to see them as the enemies.

Hence defund the police. One should not have to pay for their own mistreatment.

when do cops behave with disregard for people's rights and freedoms? can you give me some examples?
Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.
I have never seen an armored vehicle in my neighborhood

if you have then you must be doing something wrong
Sounds just what an authoritarian would say. Submit.

yes it does sound that way------but he has an explanation
Yes. The explanation is that the people must be controlled. By any means.

you feel "controlled"? What are you prevented from doing? ------looting Macy's?

Ever heard of stop and frisk?

yup it was done on simple suspicion ----but the rules have been tightened. Are you carrying something Illegal ?

Lowering the threshold to be subject to such a search should never have been allowed.

Probable cause is already a joke. Reasonable suspicion is even more so.
The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
I dont see cops as the enemy

but I am white when there is a lot of anti white hate coming from the left, meaning blacks

most conservatives are well armed and now I think militant blacks are buying ar-15s in preparation for a race war

if the cops are disbanded or just refuse to intervene a lot of Americans are going to die

The cops may not see you as the enemy, but in other neighborhoods they may see the people as the enemy. That’s why things are so screwed up. Police used to serve the people. Now it sometimes feels like it’s the other way around.

there are neighborhoods in which the cops are the enemies. There are neighborhoods in which bill collectors are the enemies and meter maids and people who sue for non-payment and people who serve court papers and------even "bookies" "the other way around"??? some cop demanded that you do something for HIM?
When cops behave with disregard for people’s rights and freedoms, some people may begin to see them as the enemies.

Hence defund the police. One should not have to pay for their own mistreatment.

when do cops behave with disregard for people's rights and freedoms? can you give me some examples?

This guy was just minding his own business.
The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
I dont see cops as the enemy

but I am white when there is a lot of anti white hate coming from the left, meaning blacks

most conservatives are well armed and now I think militant blacks are buying ar-15s in preparation for a race war

if the cops are disbanded or just refuse to intervene a lot of Americans are going to die

The cops may not see you as the enemy, but in other neighborhoods they may see the people as the enemy. That’s why things are so screwed up. Police used to serve the people. Now it sometimes feels like it’s the other way around.

there are neighborhoods in which the cops are the enemies. There are neighborhoods in which bill collectors are the enemies and meter maids and people who sue for non-payment and people who serve court papers and------even "bookies" "the other way around"??? some cop demanded that you do something for HIM?
When cops behave with disregard for people’s rights and freedoms, some people may begin to see them as the enemies.

Hence defund the police. One should not have to pay for their own mistreatment.

when do cops behave with disregard for people's rights and freedoms? can you give me some examples?

This guy was just minding his own business.

the operative word is "MISTAKEN" -----have you ever made a mistake? There is a lawsuit----that's what "torts" are for. -------readending a car is also a "TORT"
Even a stopped clock right twice a day. Had to get something right, even if it was on accident

Please tell me, that you don't actually think Police are the Enemy....

Please tell me that you are capable of grasping the obvious fact that an armed force --"the effect of the bayonet constantly held at the breast of every citizen, and which resembles very much the stillness of the grave"-- is precicely the tyranny that history warns of.

And the even more obvious fact that police today, with their tanks, gas and heavy weaponry, and no regard for basic freedoms such as assembly and the press are the precice embodiment of such a force.

Such a force is not aimed at securing life, liberty and persuit of happiness. History shows that they have only ever been destructive of these ends.

So yes, not only are they The Enemy, but so is everyone who defends their power and impunity. They are traitors to everything that may properly be called American

Yeah.... right, I've had a bayonent on my chest.... never... so. And no tanks.... no gas.... no heavy weapons...

And assembly isn't a problem of police, but rather the government. The police don't care at all if I go to church. It's the government that says they are required to prevent church gatherings. The police are merely doing their job.

Vote out the politicians that are making these laws.

And honestly you attacking police, is going to result in the very tyranny you claim to be against.

If you tear down the police, the government will just replace them with someone that won't care... like the military. And when you have actual tanks and APVs with military people armed with rifles and 50 cals, who won't have a problem mowing you down... then you will know what real tyranny is.

If you think the police are tyrannical, you are crazy. You have not seen real tyranny. And if you attack and defund the police until there is pure chaos in the cities, so that government has to step in with the military, you will get exactly what you claim to be against.
Not asking for an equal match. I’m just asking that the police not act like a military occupation.
I have never seen an armored vehicle in my neighborhood

if you have then you must be doing something wrong
Sounds just what an authoritarian would say. Submit.

yes it does sound that way------but he has an explanation
Yes. The explanation is that the people must be controlled. By any means.

you feel "controlled"? What are you prevented from doing? ------looting Macy's?

Ever heard of stop and frisk?

The irony of that, was that it was to stop black criminals from killing black people.

You fixed that didn't you? No more stop and frisk, and now hundreds of blacks are dead, and you can pat yourself on the back for having a hand in it. Good job.
The second you start seeing the people as the enemies, you’ve gone too far.
I dont see cops as the enemy

but I am white when there is a lot of anti white hate coming from the left, meaning blacks

most conservatives are well armed and now I think militant blacks are buying ar-15s in preparation for a race war

if the cops are disbanded or just refuse to intervene a lot of Americans are going to die

The cops may not see you as the enemy, but in other neighborhoods they may see the people as the enemy. That’s why things are so screwed up. Police used to serve the people. Now it sometimes feels like it’s the other way around.

there are neighborhoods in which the cops are the enemies. There are neighborhoods in which bill collectors are the enemies and meter maids and people who sue for non-payment and people who serve court papers and------even "bookies" "the other way around"??? some cop demanded that you do something for HIM?
When cops behave with disregard for people’s rights and freedoms, some people may begin to see them as the enemies.

Hence defund the police. One should not have to pay for their own mistreatment.

when do cops behave with disregard for people's rights and freedoms? can you give me some examples?

This guy was just minding his own business.

the operative word is "MISTAKEN" -----have you ever made a mistake? There is a lawsuit----that's what "torts" are for. -------readending a car is also a "TORT"

Their mistake was total disregard for this person’s rights and dignity.

I suppose it was also a mistake when they wrote false reports to pin the blame on an innocent man.

So when you ask yourself why people don’t trust police, this is why.

Their “mistakes” are swept under the rug. No justice.
The cops may not see you as the enemy
black radicals will say its white privilege, but I dont sell drugs, I dont break into houses or steal cars, and so I dont attract police attention

in the unlikely event that I was falsely arrested I dont beat up the cops and try to take their gun away

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