Biden scammed young voters with his "student loan forgiveness" promise. How will that affect young voters inn 2024? (Poll)

How will students vote in 2024 since Biden lied to them about forgiving $20,000 of their loans?

  • They will vote for democrats, since that is what students do

    Votes: 22 81.5%
  • They will not vote for anyone since they were lied to

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • They will vote Republican because they will be really pissed at Joe Biden.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You see where you’re tripping up in your argument, right? You attack Biden for not doing anything but then say he isn’t constitutionally allowed to do anything
Who wants a President who consistently challenges and dodges our Constitution and signs Executive Orders they KNOW are unconstitutional?

How does that benefit America?
Who wants a President who consistently challenges and dodges our Constitution and signs Executive Orders they KNOW are unconstitutional?

How does that benefit America?
Not me. Which is why is mind blowing that our two choices next election might be Trump and Biden.
Student loan forgiveness was nothing but a BRIBERY SCHEME FOR VOTES and Dems know it. Dems offered $10k to $20k for each vote and it worked, the vast majority of those with student loans voted Dem. Biden knew it was illegal. Pelosio knew it was illegal. They didn't give a shit, all that mattered was dangling it out there to buy votes.
Not me. Which is why is mind blowing that our two choices next election might be Trump and Biden.
Trump will be your savior. He will bring real growth to our nation which is seriously needed. The Supreme Court decisions are not like Prog nasty dictums. They are of negotiation. Not like it was and not of pure Prog extremism. We all survive. And time will heal any wounds.
All you Biden/Dem voters...SUCKERS!!! :auiqs.jpg: You thought you were going to get a check for $10k to $20k, instead you got $5 gas and sky high inflation and laid off from your jobs. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump will be your savior. He will bring real growth to our nation which is seriously needed. The Supreme Court decisions are not like Prog nasty dictums. They are of negotiation. Not like it was and not of pure Prog extremism. We all survive. And time will heal any wounds.
You act like I haven’t seen what a disaster Trump was as president. And that he LOST to a 130 year old Joe Biden. Why in the world would y’all run him again?!
Student loan forgiveness was nothing but a BRIBERY SCHEME FOR VOTES and Dems know it. Dems offered $10k to $20k for each vote and it worked, the vast majority of those with student loans voted Dem. Biden knew it was illegal. Pelosio knew it was illegal. They didn't give a shit, all that mattered was dangling it out there to buy votes.
so people like Marjorie Taylor Green is that right get PPP loans for $240,000 and don't have to pay it back it's fine. You are a brainwashed functional moron. lol arghhh
All you Biden/Dem voters...SUCKERS!!! :auiqs.jpg: You thought you were going to get a check for $10k to $20k, instead you got $5 gas and sky high inflation and laid off from your jobs. :auiqs.jpg:
That was your hero the scumbag Putin as everyone in the world but you fools knows.
Franco calm down and take your meds brother.
Answer the question , dingbat dupe LOL. What about all the people that got ppp loans and were forgiven those? You people are so brainwashed with BS you are total morons- Divisive idiocy.... Nothing new relaxez-vous...
Answer the question , dingbat dupe LOL. What about all the people that got ppp loans and were forgiven those? You people are so brainwashed with BS you are total morons- Divisive idiocy.... Nothing new relaxez-vous...
Tell us how that has anything to do with Biden's illegal attempt to forgive student loans? The SCOTUS has spoken, feel free to make a counter argument.
Franco it's sad that the Dem party has fallen so far that they have to beg people for votes with bribes.
So I suppose everyone should return the $2600 biden gave them to survive the pandemic, right? It's called intelligence and helping the country. The GOP probably would have run another depression like they always do.
You see where you’re tripping up in your argument, right? You attack Biden for not doing anything but then say he isn’t constitutionally allowed to do anything
he knew he wasnt constitutionally allowed to make good on those promises when he maid them to get votes !
Tell us how that has anything to do with Biden's illegal attempt to forgive student loans? The SCOTUS has spoken, feel free to make a counter argument.
You don't know lol? It's not illegal, how was Biden supposed to know that the trump scotus would be a total pos. You crazy gopers are just giving away a landslide in 2024. This is crazy stuff...
nobody knew the Trump idiot scotus would be a total POS
ya mean ruling that congress controls spending ?? lol ! the left can still get it done if they can pass it through both houses of congress !

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