Biden scammed young voters with his "student loan forgiveness" promise. How will that affect young voters inn 2024? (Poll)

How will students vote in 2024 since Biden lied to them about forgiving $20,000 of their loans?

  • They will vote for democrats, since that is what students do

    Votes: 22 81.5%
  • They will not vote for anyone since they were lied to

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • They will vote Republican because they will be really pissed at Joe Biden.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
They will remember the Republican SCOTUS overturned it.
Specifically please, how did the Supreme Court "overturn" Congress?

Anyone in the bureaucracy is very, very defensive of "THEIR" patch. President Biden is stomping of the patch of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. There might be someone in Washington more protective of their patch than Nancy Pelosi, but I don't know who!

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Not me. Which is why is mind blowing that our two choices next election might be Trump and Biden.
President Trump might be an obnoxious person, but he got things done in an efficient manner. How is that a bad thing?

LMAO dude, a 6-3 SCOTUS said it was illegal.
They are full of **** anyway. About being unconstitutional not illegal. poor America. the last three are liars and jokes.
How am I wrong? Biden showered inappropriate with his daughter, documented. In her own diary, people got arrested for taking it. So that proves it's real.View attachment 800597
So how does it feel to support a incestuous pedophile?
despicable garbage
President Trump might be an obnoxious person, but he got things done in an efficient manner. How is that a bad thing?


Getting this done efficiently?!?! When did that become the subject of the conversation. Weren’t we talking about this…

“ consistently challenges and dodges our Constitution and signs Executive Orders they KNOW are unconstitutional”
2024 looks like a Democratic landslide now that the country has gotten a load of this Supreme Court and what the GOP has been up to. A bunch of Anti Americanism lying thieves and obstructionists.........
The United States is the only modern country that hasn't figured that out, that's why we are the only one without Healthcare cheap college and training great infrastructure paid parental leave daycare help and mainly taxing the rich. But thank you again for another dead super savage capitalist Englishman pontificating on "how dare the peasants ask for benefits of citizenship".... So we get the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness. Great job dingbat dupes!....
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The United States is the only modern country that hasn't figured that out, that's why we are the only one without Healthcare cheap college and training great infrastructure paid parental leave daycare help and mainly taxing the rich. But thank you again for another dead super savage capitalist Englishman pontificating on "how dare the peasants ask for benefits of citizenship".... So we get the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness. Great job dingbat dupes!....
All lies without proof.
We have healthcare, community colleges, job training, good infrastructure, yadda yadda, plus a great military.

We need to stop borrowing, so I'd like to see a 4% or so Federal sales tax to balance the budget.
Biden cannot force republicans in Congress to vote for student loan forgiveness.

Voters will not fall for your insinuation that we are in a dictatorship where the president waves a wand and things get done.

Can you tell me what Trump or DeSantis will tell students with debt?

Can you tell me why it’s wrong to forgive student debt, and right to forgive PPP loans to privately owned billionaire corporations????
On August 24, 2022 Joe Biden promised to "forgive" up to $20,000 of student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients.

"Department of Education will provide up to $20,000 in debt cancellation to Pell Grant recipients with loans held by the Department of Education, and up to $10,000 in debt cancellation to non-Pell Grant recipients. Borrowers are eligible for this relief if their individual income is less than $125,000 ($250,000 for married couples). No high-income individual or high-income household – in the top 5% of incomes – will benefit from this action."

Now that the USSC will weigh in on the legality of that promise, and most likely will rule that Joe Biden has no legal authority to forgive student loans, how will that lie to young voters affect their energy and outlook in the 2024 elections? Will they come out in force again like for the 2022 mid-terms? Or will they think that they were played and not vote for Biden?
University students, for the most part, have been thoroughly brainwashed by their University handlers and would vote for Hitler if it meant keeping Trump out of office. Given enough time, they'll get used to being lied to by the Demwit Party, but will dutifully vote Dem no matter what.

They will begin to change their stance only after they have to earn a living and realize how much the government steals from them. When they have a personal stake in their financial future, they MAY adopt conservative ideals.

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