Biden scammed young voters with his "student loan forgiveness" promise. How will that affect young voters inn 2024? (Poll)

How will students vote in 2024 since Biden lied to them about forgiving $20,000 of their loans?

  • They will vote for democrats, since that is what students do

    Votes: 22 81.5%
  • They will not vote for anyone since they were lied to

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • They will vote Republican because they will be really pissed at Joe Biden.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
For the most part, the student will keep voting democrat. They have gone through the
public school indoctrination camps.
- Did you vote for Trump? Yes or no.

- Trumpsters fell for the lie that the wall was going to be built and paid for by Mexico. Are they stupid for believing in that? Yes or no.

Answer the questions this time you stupid bitch. You guys are a bunch of cowards. You should probably just run along now.

Of course I did. You voted for the dementia ridden potato, how'd that work out?

Grow up, I had two choices, a loudmouth who this nation flourished under or a dementia ridden pedophile who I knew would fck everything up....and he has
Of course I did. You voted for the dementia ridden potato, how'd that work out?

Grow up, I had two choices, a loudmouth who this nation flourished under or a dementia ridden pedophile who I knew would fck everything up....and he has
So you voted for Trump, which makes you a Trumpster. Do you understand now why I call you a Trumpster? Stupid Trumpster bitch.

And you didn’t answer the second question AGAIN. Did you forget it twice?

If you’re going to dodge simple questions, maybe you should just run along now. You’ve embarrassed yourself plenty already.
On August 24, 2022 Joe Biden promised to "forgive" up to $20,000 of student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients.

"Department of Education will provide up to $20,000 in debt cancellation to Pell Grant recipients with loans held by the Department of Education, and up to $10,000 in debt cancellation to non-Pell Grant recipients. Borrowers are eligible for this relief if their individual income is less than $125,000 ($250,000 for married couples). No high-income individual or high-income household – in the top 5% of incomes – will benefit from this action."

Now that the USSC will weigh in on the legality of that promise, and most likely will rule that Joe Biden has no legal authority to forgive student loans, how will that lie to young voters affect their energy and outlook in the 2024 elections? Will they come out in force again like for the 2022 mid-terms? Or will they think that they were played and not vote for Biden?
Once this all shakes out it won’t be a Biden scam it will be a Republican overturn. Thats what the young voters will take from it.
So you voted for Trump, which makes you a Trumpster. Do you understand now why I call you a Trumpster? Stupid Trumpster bitch.

And you didn’t answer the second question AGAIN. Did you forget it twice?

If you’re going to dodge simple questions, maybe you should just run along now. You’ve embarrassed yourself plenty already.

Dude nobody fcking cares, you're too fckn stupid to grasp anything but your left loon ideology

Go bother someone else
Dude nobody fcking cares, you're too fckn stupid to grasp anything but your left loon ideology

Go bother someone else
So the stupid Trumpster bitch still can’t answer a simple question. Apparently you care enough to keep following me around.

If you’re going to jump into my conversation, at least answer the fucking question. Go dodge someone else’s questions if you really want to embarrass yourself some more.

Run along now.
So the stupid Trumpster bitch still can’t answer a simple question.

If you’re going to jump into my conversation, at least answer the fucking question. Run along now. Go dodge someone else’s questions if you really want to embarrass yourself more.

Grow up. You're a little shit stain trying to make demands I have no intention of fulfilling

So what now? Stomp your feet and call me a bitch again?

1) Youre so dumb lol. Obviously declaring something legal or illegal also means it is constitutional
2) You are literally just making shit up on the spot. You can’t explain why Biden simply wouldn’t not even sign the EO so you make up shit about 2024 in knee jerk fashion.
1. What shit-hole country are you from, do NOT say the USA.
2. I provided links proving my points, you type lies with no proof. See the difference?

Prove your point with links dumbass.
Democrats vote for something and don’t get it. They’re idiots.
Republicans vote for something and don’t get it. No comment out of you.
If you weren’t such a partisan hypocrite, you might have figured out that you just lost this argument. Thanks for playing.
1. Democrats tried to illegally get student loan forgiveness. They didn't get it.
2. Republicans voted for what and didn't get it?

You need to prove something to win an argument. So far I'm winning.
1. What shit-hole country are you from, do NOT say the USA.
2. I provided links proving my points, you type lies with no proof. See the difference?

Prove your point with links dumbass.
So what does your link prove exactly?
1. Democrats tried to illegally get student loan forgiveness. They didn't get it.
2. Republicans voted for what and didn't get it?

You need to prove something to win an argument. So far I'm winning.
Right. So if Democrats vote for something and don’t get it, they’re idiots. If Republicans vote for something and don’t get it, that‘s ok. You can try to spin it all you want, that’s what it comes down to.

You lost the argument the moment you resorted to this pathetic attempt at partisan spin to justify your obvious hypocrisy.
Did Biden reneg on that or did conservatives stop it from happening
the POTUS doesnt control the purse springs of the country ... if dems want to forgive debt they need to put a bill up in congress .. congress controls spending !
the POTUS doesnt control the purse springs of the country ... if dems want to forgive debt they need to put a bill up in congress .. congress controls spending !
I hope you caused a stink about that when trump tried to use EOs to pay for his border wall
You’re still not explaining why Biden signed the EO to begin with.
My understanding, from several sources, is that Vice President Kamala Harris exerted a great deal of pressure on the President to push forward and sign the Executive Order.

Even addled brain Biden knew it was unconstitutional but signed it anyway.
So what does your link prove exactly?
re-read post #120, that's what we were debating.
1. Your first line makes no sense. The USSC has the final say on legality and constitutionality.
2. This was in the news, but in case you haven't heard, Biden will promise to forgive student loans again in 2024, he will get kids to vote enmasse, and then fail again.
Right. So if Democrats vote for something and don’t get it, they’re idiots. If Republicans vote for something and don’t get it, that‘s ok. You can try to spin it all you want, that’s what it comes down to.
You lost the argument the moment you resorted to this pathetic attempt at partisan spin to justify your obvious hypocrisy.
1. Nancy Pelosi told Biden he did NOT have the authority to forgive student loans. Biden is a moron.
2. When did Republicans approve a law that was obviously illegal?
My understanding, from several sources, is that Vice President Kamala Harris exerted a great deal of pressure on the President to push forward and sign the Executive Order.

Even addled brain Biden knew it was unconstitutional but signed it anyway.
That’s what happens when the opposition party turns absolutist on obstruction and no compromise. Sad state of affairs
My understanding, from several sources, is that Vice President Kamala Harris exerted a great deal of pressure on the President to push forward and sign the Executive Order.

Even addled brain Biden knew it was unconstitutional but signed it anyway.
Lol such bullshit
re-read post #120, that's what we were debating.
1. Your first line makes no sense. The USSC has the final say on legality and constitutionality.
2. This was in the news, but in case you haven't heard, Biden will promise to forgive student loans again in 2024, he will get kids to vote enmasse, and then fail again.
Lol none of this explains why he would sign the EO to begin with. You’re just spewing useless fluff

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