Biden scammed young voters with his "student loan forgiveness" promise. How will that affect young voters inn 2024? (Poll)

How will students vote in 2024 since Biden lied to them about forgiving $20,000 of their loans?

  • They will vote for democrats, since that is what students do

    Votes: 22 81.5%
  • They will not vote for anyone since they were lied to

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • They will vote Republican because they will be really pissed at Joe Biden.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
By all means...explain the context.

You DID claim that you didn't vote for Trump and then admitted you had...
1) You projected I "believe anything Trump says"... which certainly also alludes to full support.
2) I said basically... "try again" in your assumptions because I didn't vote for Trump.
3) You didn't believe me
4) So I clarified and again stated I didn't vote for Trump when he ran the first time because I couldn't bring myself to do it, and then said I voted for him the 2nd time only because I was afraid America was actually going to elect an elderly man in CLEAR cognitive decline. Which clearly states in that vote, I am really trying to stop the election of a person unable to perform the duties of a President.

So - in that statement, you erased, it is clear that I "don't believe anything Trump says" - because I did not vote for him the first round, and only voted for him to try and stop the madness of electing a person in serious cognitive decline.
Which clearly disputes your original claim.

Which I understand you want to deflect from.
I think the pols agreed to tax "remittances" which is money sent out of the US. That is about $150b a year, more than enough to fund the wall, DHS, and more stuff.
You're welcome.

The discussion was about dem voters expecting a financial benefit for voting, like reparations and student loan forgiveness, not the wall. Thanks for playing.
Democrats vote for something and don’t get it. They’re idiots.

Republicans vote for something and don’t get it. No comment out of you.

If you weren’t such a partisan hypocrite, you might have figured out that you just lost this argument. Thanks for playing.
About like Potato campaigning on deadbeats not repaying the money they owe.

Anyone with a lick of sense knew it wasn't going to that reparation BS
Kinda like how you guys fell for the obvious lie that Mexico was going to pay for the wall? Anyone with a lick of sense knew that wasn't going to happen.

Run along now.
Kinda like how you guys fell for the obvious lie that Mexico was going to pay for the wall? Anyone with a lick of sense knew that wasn't going to happen.

Run along now.
Well Bannon was gonna build the wall… or at least collect money from these rubes and not do it.
I'm not a Trumpster you goddamn flaming loon

Get a fcking grip, absolutely nobody takes you seriously
- Did you vote for Trump? Yes or no.

- Trumpsters fell for the lie that the wall was going to be built and paid for by Mexico. Are they stupid for believing in that? Yes or no.

Answer the questions this time you stupid bitch. You guys are a bunch of cowards. You should probably just run along now.

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