Biden sends 3000 troops to Europe to defend Ukraine’s border

Well, here we go.

The corporate press and Biden need a war so badly.

What a load of BULLSHIT!!!

That article's title is TOTALLY misleading. If you actually read the article, you'd know that Biden is sending troops to NATO allies in East Europe, not to the Ukraine and not to defend Ukraine's border.

Try reading articles before you post them.

I guess this is a typical conservative media scam - post articles with misleading headlines knowing that most Conservatives never bother reading the article - resulting in continued Conservative misinformation.
Imo this is a play by Putin to instigate xiden and show how xiden would rather defend Europe borders than his own! It’s playing loud and clear
Well, I agree that Biden shows no interest in having a secure US Mexico border. I wish he was, but I'm also for more immigration from Mexico and other spanish speaking places.
Nato will not militarily defend Ukraine. BUT if Russia occupies part of Ukraine, imo both the US and UK (and other E European Nato members) will help finance a long term resistance.
Putin needs good economic relations with germany

war can be avoided and ukraine still saved by using our economic superiority over russia
That’s the point, have a distraction.. he can say he’s fighting fascist! lol while our border gets raped

Why doesn't somebody (either him or have his handlers talk for him) just come right out and say that they're in charge and they hate America. It's not like we don't already know it from their actions. They obviously hate anybody who tries to help America as well.

If he actually put troops in Ukraine it would end the conflict right there, Russia is not going to march through US troops. This is a simple fact.

He also did not put troops in Ukraine so the 'deployment' is a bullshit one. Those troops are there for looks and all but telegraphs to Putin that we will not intercede if he makes a military move on Ukraine.
Well, here we go.

The corporate press and Biden need a war so badly.

Your OP is a lie.

About 3,000 U.S. troops will deploy to locations in Eastern Europe in the coming days in response to the continued Russian buildup near the borders of Ukraine and in Belarus.
The deployments include 1,000 who will be moving from Germany to Romania, and 2,000 from the U.S. who will head to Germany and Poland.

And they will not be defending Ukraine's border. He is sending a message to Putin. Your boy T-Rump would not have stood up to him the way that Bid is. If Trump were still president , the Russians would own Ukraine by now
Your OP is a lie.

About 3,000 U.S. troops will deploy to locations in Eastern Europe in the coming days in response to the continued Russian buildup near the borders of Ukraine and in Belarus.

And they will not be defending Ukraine's border. He is sending a message to Putin. Your boy T-Rump would not have stood up to him the way that Bid is. If Trump were still president , the Russians would own Ukraine by now


So predictable.

She says the article is a lie.

Your OP is a lie.

About 3,000 U.S. troops will deploy to locations in Eastern Europe in the coming days in response to the continued Russian buildup near the borders of Ukraine and in Belarus.

And they will not be defending Ukraine's border. He is sending a message to Putin. Your boy T-Rump would not have stood up to him the way that Bid is. If Trump were still president , the Russians would own Ukraine by now
And yet...

Bush - Russia invades Georgia
Obama - Russia invades Ukraine
Trump - Russia invades.... no one
Biden - Russia prepares to invade Ukraine again

So your premise is utter bullshit.

So predictable.

She says the article is a lie.

It is.

0 troops are going to Ukraine. They are going to NATO allies.

It is a fucking publicity stunt to make it look like we are doing something while we are basically telling Russia we are not interested and Putin can do whatever he wants to do with Ukraine.

Coupled with Germany's failure to stand with us, deploying troops there is possibly the WORST IDEA POSSIBLE. No troops deployed would be far better at least that would not be directly stating we have no interest in Ukraine as we would not have taken actions that show our rhetoric is just that, empty rhetoric. Either place them as a tripwire like we did with South Korea or don't move anyone there.
What a load of BULLSHIT!!!

That article's title is TOTALLY misleading. If you actually read the article, you'd know that Biden is sending troops to NATO allies in East Europe, not to the Ukraine and not to defend Ukraine's border.

Try reading articles before you post them.

I guess this is a typical conservative media scam - post articles with misleading headlines knowing that most Conservatives never bother reading the article - resulting in continued Conservative misinformation.
"There were good people on both sides" ring any bells? Many lefties still haven't figured out that that was a misquote/mischaracterization. Democrats get their news from social media in one liners.
That's the question everyone should be asking.

And just what are three thousand American troops going to do against a Russian army?? Not a damned thing. He's putting them in harms way during an issue most Americans don't give shit one about.

However American do give a shit about our border and another million illegals that cost we tax payers billions each year. He can send our men and woman to Ukraine but he can't sent the NG to our border where we are being overrun with illegal aliens.

What an idiot that man is.

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