*Biden Sent The Goons To Mar-Largo*

Not true, I just don't swallow the B.S dance that they do after the fact, with the libtard media, and you, doing everything possible to make sure people think it's a non issue, and didn't even happen

Here is mac's idea of 'both sides " of a story.

No specific story
Any story.

I have to admit that as Honorable and decent as the Democrats are, occasionally by accident or by being misled they do end up on the wrong side of an issue.

But those fucking Republicans.................Blah, blah, ......................................................blah, blah,..........................................Blah.
Are you serious? You're a put on right? If it's on the up and up why did Biden lie and say he had no knowledge of it? You think the weaponization of the federal government against a political opponent is peachy, even though Joe then had the same issue with documents? It is BECAUSE Pedo Joe knew about the finding of documents that he had, that this was done. To provide cover for his Classified Documents.

She is a complete and total joke.
Are you serious? You're a put on right? If it's on the up and up why did Biden lie and say he had no knowledge of it? You think the weaponization of the federal government against a political opponent is peachy, even though Joe then had the same issue with documents? It is BECAUSE Pedo Joe knew about the finding of documents that he had, that this was done. To provide cover for his Classified Documents.
Boy oh boy, you certainly love making up shit, out of nothing.

but that is a Trumper trait..... :rolleyes:

of course Biden knew Trump stole all of the presidential records when he left office....

and of course he was notified a year later when the 15 cases were returned...

and knew the FBI had to take NARA's spot to get the rest back due to top secret documents disbursed in them...and the referral to the FBI by NARA.

what Biden did not know was the FBI grand jury determined search warrant, and what they had planned on the date of August 8th....
Typical of the New Republicans. When you got nothing, just lie.

I have to admit the success of the Democrat Media Bubble Cult to brainwash its followers
into believe anything that the Cult tells them to the utter exclusion of actual facts is remarkable.

Should a free society survive, this phenomenon will be studied for years.
I have to admit the success of the Democrat Media Bubble Cult to brainwash its followers
into believe anything that the Cult tells them to the utter exclusion of actual facts is remarkable.

Should a free society survive, this phenomenon will be studied for years.
Sorry but a president can't authorize a search warrant or issue one of them subpoenie thingies.

This is old shit going for a new spin.
Sorry but a president can't authorize a search warrant or issue one of them subpoenie thingies.

This is old shit going for a new spin.

Experts say that even the decision to seek a warrant to search a former president’s property would probably have to have been approved by top officials at the Justice Department.

Guess who the justice department reports to?

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