*Biden Sent The Goons To Mar-Largo*

Again: they absolutely knew. Your ignorance is on full display.
There's no indication whatsoever that this is true.
Absolute nonsense. “We have to pass the bill to know what’s in it” type “thinking.”
That doesn't make sense. Without knowing what Trump had taken or what he had supposedly declassified, they couldn't assess the threat to national security.
Have that attempted sentence taken outside and shot. The permission needed from the President was supposed to be limited to the current work of the White House. The archivist “needed” it (maybe). But Brandon just wanted to enable DOJ to get the search warrant. That point is clear.
The DoJ investigation is the current work of the current administration.
Your lack of counter argument is telling. You refuse to acknowledge the lack of logic in your claim.
There's no indication whatsoever that this is true.
Of course there is. But keep your eyes tightly shit. That will keep the bogeyman away from under your bed. :itsok:
That doesn't make sense. Without knowing what Trump had taken or what he had supposedly declassified, they couldn't assess the threat to national security.
You moron. The government makes the decision on what to mark as classified. The documents get particularized identification numbers. When the documents go from one place to another, it is noted (or supposed to be). So there is absolutely no way (absent massive governmental screwups) for them not to know which document is where (as of the latest entry). Accordingly, they knew what classified material was currently in the possession of President Trump.
The DoJ investigation is the current work of the current administration.
No, it’s not. And the term you meant was the “White House,” not “administration.”
Your lack of counter argument is telling. You refuse to acknowledge the lack of logic in your claim.
I absolutely acknowledge the lack of logic in your claims. I also acknowledge that you don’t support you assertions, either.
Your thread title refers to FBI agents, acting on a duly signed search warrant authorized by a federal judge, after reviewing the evidence, as "goons".

If you consider the D0J and the FBI, and the US court system, as goons, you must be a well informed citizen
So there is absolutely no way (absent massive governmental screwups) for them not to know which document is where (as of the latest entry). Accordingly, they knew what classified material was currently in the possession of President Trump.

I clipped this part of your post because the first time the NA said they didn't know what was missing or what Trump still had, I wondered "Why not". Aren't they logging things in and out, and following up when they're not returned as expected?

They said that they knew some of the stuff he had, but until they knew what was missing, they couldn't possibly know everything he had. Don't they have a list that says Document #123 was given to DJT on 12/10/2019, still outstanding?????

But you nailed it with "massive governmental screwup".
Of course there is
Then reveal it.
. So there is absolutely no way (absent massive governmental screwups)
You’re so close. You get the answer right and then just ignore it. Trump lead a chaotic administration. It’s really not surprising that they didn’t keep track of classified material very well. Especially when Trump demonstrated little interest in any rules that normally constrain the president.
No, it’s not. And the term you meant was the “White House,” not “administration.”
It is. DoJ is part of the executive. Their business is the same as Biden’s business. .

I absolutely acknowledge the lack of logic in your claims. I also acknowledge that you don’t support you assertions, either
Provided was the statement from Trump’s lawyer indicating they had turned over everything. What were the supposedly negotiating over then? Be careful about attacking me for not supporting my assertions. You never support yours.
Your thread title refers to FBI agents, acting on a duly signed search warrant authorized by a federal judge, after reviewing the evidence, as "goons".

If you consider the D0J and the FBI, and the US court system, as goons, you must be a criminal, or consort with criminal types.
Sorry bout that,

1. Those that were sent were goons, they broke the law, and Biden lied about doing it, so he is a goon too.
2. Clear?
3. I hope this passes into your mind, and finds a ledge to rest their, otherwise, its going into your toilet, where most things that come your way go.


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