Biden Shows true American Strength and NATO Unity against Trump's ally Putin

I posted verifiable facts. If I tear anything its shredding your lies.
You post "happy talk" bullshit.

My post #36 lists the FACTS

thats why he is in diapers right now dude as i just showed earlier.:lmao:
I didn't see that picture. Still, I'm sure his moniker refers to his job as a fluffer at a sperm bank. No one who works with real money is that stupid.
well sense you missed that picture of him that I posted earlier,here it is again.It came from a very reliable source this is a recent pic of him,they mystery is over,we all know what he really looks like in real life now.:abgg2q.jpg: i posted it twice so it kinda gets redundant if ipost it again so here is the link

The growth rate was 2.9% in 2018, moron. Trump inherited a 1.6% GDP growth rate from Obama.
Yea, 2.9% in 2018 and 2.13% in 2019. TERIBLE

Obama had 2.95 in 2015

Biden just gave us +7 % !!!!!

Trump's best year was the same as Obama's best year. the Trump economy was mediocre at best, the same as Obama's.
Biden has the best economy of the 3. The numbers prove this
You mean trump's pathetic weak terrible little +2.13% GDP in 2019
And mega massive world record deficits...
I mean the (20) facts I posted in my post #36. Still waiting...
Xiden doesn't have anyone that compares to Navarro & Lightheizer to drive the US economy and trade deals, so we now have "supply chain" problems, duh.
Dispense with America's domestic political fighting. It accomplishes nothing more than trolling and spamming the other side to useless rhetoric.

The situation calls for much more adult behaviour now.
The Blooeys Want Us to Calm Down and Surrender to Them

1860 called. It wants its step-by-step march towards an inevitable Civil War back. But it ain't gonna get it!
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Yea, 2.9% in 2018 and 2.13% in 2019. TERIBLE

Obama had 2.95 in 2015

Biden just gave us +7 % !!!!!

Trump's best year was the same as Obama's best year. the Trump economy was mediocre at best, the same as Obama's.
Biden has the best economy of the 3. The numbers prove this
COVID gave us 7%, dumbass. That's purely a result of the shutdowns being lifted and recovery from less than zero economic growth they created.

Under Trump we had 2.9% growth, 1% inflation, no shortages, $2.30/gal gas.
I don't see Biden doing fuck all. He keeps announcing to Putin that US troops won't go into Ukraine.

All Biden is going is flapping his pie hole.
Putin is an asshole and so are the people that back him, and that includes the pathetic tough
guy rhetoric of Joe Biden.

By talking tough and not matching words with deeds all you accomplish is highlighting what an
empty bag of hot air you are giving Putin supporters reasons to find hope .
Show us a post where someone claims you are a Trumper.


I don't see where anyone calls you a Trumper in that thread.
"There’s no reason to suspect that Sec. Blinken was lying, and every reason to suspect that he and the State Department were overruled by President Biden (apparently at the NSC’s urging). Nor, apparently, is this the first time: In May, the administration waived sanctions against Nord Stream 2 AG, the company building the pipeline, and its CEO, former Stasi agent and Putin confidant Matthias Warnig. The State Department found that Warnig and the company had engaged in “sanctionable behavior”—of course they had, because under U.S. law building Nord Stream 2 is sanctionable—but Sec. Blinken found that an exception was in the “U.S. national interest.” How he came to such a conclusion, other than by order of the White House, is unclear.

The thread is a lie and the OP is a big liar...that is the only conclusion that is possible.

This is Joe Biden pretending he is "being tough" on Putin and Russia. Frankly he is full of bull shit!.
What a cowardly liar! How can anyone believe Trump is getting tough on Russia?
Is he the leader of the West and standing up to Putin? It looks more like he is bending over for Vlad and has anyone checked to see if Joe Depends has received any large checks from Russia recently."
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