Biden sides with anti-Christian bigots who set St Johns church on fire.


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2020
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
I trust military officers over the white house, any day.
White House protest account disputed by National Guard officer
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
its due to this:


Thank you for this thread...I watched that last night...Biden sounded like one of the people with the torches......

Yes, how could Biden say, with Venom in his voice, "holding up the Bible"?

I have been saying for a long time that the only person that the Left-Wing HATES more then TRUMP is

This is the truth. And it's not just the radical American left who hates Christ. Many, many modern men and women, including millions of young people addicted to social media and online cyberspace, despise the root concept of GOOD PEOPLE. Whenever these folks see true good in a fellow human being they attack it like trained killer dogs. Any good, upright Christian man or woman who attempts to rise to power will be shouted down, attacked . . . assassinated. There are ONLY two types of people in this whole world: those who worship gold and those who do not. Those who do are Satan's willing chattel; those who do not have within them at least a fighting chance at being human.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
I trust military officers over the white house, any day.
White House protest account disputed by National Guard officer
And, from your article

The 34-year-old - who ran in 2018 for Congress as a Democrat on a platform that was heavily critical of Mr Trump- has been invited to give evidence by the Democratic head of the committee.
Thank you for this thread...I watched that last night...Biden sounded like one of the people with the torches......

Yes, how could Biden say, with Venom in his voice, "holding up the Bible"?

I have been saying for a long time that the only person that the Left-Wing HATES more then TRUMP is

This is the truth. And it's not just the radical American left who hates Christ. Many, many modern men and women, including millions of young people addicted to social media and online cyberspace, despise the root concept of GOOD PEOPLE. Whenever these folks see true good in a fellow human being they attack it like trained killer dogs. Any good, upright Christian man or woman who attempts to rise to power will be shouted down, attacked . . . assassinated. There are ONLY two types of people in this whole world: those who worship gold and those who do not. Those who do are Satan's willing chattel; those who do not have within them at least a fighting chance at being human.
Well..he was endorsed by the church of Satan..he is playing to his base.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
I trust military officers over the white house, any day.
White House protest account disputed by National Guard officer
And, from your article

The 34-year-old - who ran in 2018 for Congress as a Democrat on a platform that was heavily critical of Mr Trump- has been invited to give evidence by the Democratic head of the committee.
Look honey, if you think he lied to Congress, start another of your nothing burger investigation. I trust the Commissioned Officer, Major over the lying trumpers. They have shot their credibility, plain and simple, politics be damned. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as ashamed of walking with trump that day, also.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
its due to this:


The St John's church fire and vandalism occurred BEFORE the President showed up. I am VERY disappointed in the clergy who have forgotten the words of our SAVIOR, JESUS.

John 15:18-20
18 “If the world hates you, [a]you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.

TRUMP understands this and the horrible persecution that Christians face in this world and that this attack was part of the anti-Christian HATE. His visit to St John's church was an acknowledgement of this.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.

Trump blew that one, but Biden was lying all night.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.

You are a liar. The demonstrators were peaceful when they were attacked so Trump could create his photo-op. Using a church for a cheap political photo-op is anti-Christian.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
I trust military officers over the white house, any day.
White House protest account disputed by National Guard officer
And, from your article

The 34-year-old - who ran in 2018 for Congress as a Democrat on a platform that was heavily critical of Mr Trump- has been invited to give evidence by the Democratic head of the committee.
Look honey, if you think he lied to Congress, start another of your nothing burger investigation. I trust the Commissioned Officer, Major over the lying trumpers. They have shot their credibility, plain and simple, politics be damned. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as ashamed of walking with trump that day, also.
"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as ashamed of walking with trump that day, also."

I kind of understand General Mark A. Milley's thinking in that he wants the military to be apolitical and many look at TRUMP's actions as being political. I too want the military to be apolitical.

Where I disagree with Gen Milley is that TRUMP's visit was not political at all, but rather he was carrying out his duties as President.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.

You are a liar. The demonstrators were peaceful when they were attacked so Trump could create his photo-op. Using a church for a cheap political photo-op is anti-Christian.

It was the Park Police that attempted to clear the area outside the White House, so your theory is that they starting using some crowd dispersing gas without warning. More likely the "protestors" refused to leave peacefully and that lead to police force.

The church was Literally attacked by anti-Christian and anti-American forces. Certainly, there was NO Connection between the Church and George Floyd's death.

"Using a church for a cheap political photo-op..." I disagree, it was a required action by the President.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
I trust military officers over the white house, any day.
White House protest account disputed by National Guard officer
And, from your article

The 34-year-old - who ran in 2018 for Congress as a Democrat on a platform that was heavily critical of Mr Trump- has been invited to give evidence by the Democratic head of the committee.
Look honey, if you think he lied to Congress, start another of your nothing burger investigation. I trust the Commissioned Officer, Major over the lying trumpers. They have shot their credibility, plain and simple, politics be damned. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as ashamed of walking with trump that day, also.
"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as ashamed of walking with trump that day, also."

I kind of understand GeneralMark A. Milley's thinking in that he wants the military to be apolitical and many look at TRUMP's actions as being political. I too want the military to be apolitical.

Where I disagree with Gen Milley is that TRUMP's visit was not political at all, but rather he was carrying out his duties as President.
It looked political to me and I took the exact same oath Gen Milley took and look at it in a similar way. Gassing peaceful protestors for a photo op holding a bible was for the campaign. The clergy of the church did not need, request or want him.
Leftist bigots like Biden have no problem attacking Christians, but they'll bow and smile to muslims for that vote. Hypocrites.
The right-wing republicans forgot about Jesus, his life, and his teachings a long time ago. Theirs is a variation of Christianity that doesn't have any Jesus in it. They just want to use His name in order to pick political fights. They do not represent Jesus in any way.

Biden is a Christian, so I don't think that he would be bigoted against Christians. That's absurd.
Biden(from the debate) "there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House. What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military to use tear gas on em so he could walk across to a church and hold up a bible."


The protesters knew what they were doing, believe me.
I trust military officers over the white house, any day.
White House protest account disputed by National Guard officer
And, from your article

The 34-year-old - who ran in 2018 for Congress as a Democrat on a platform that was heavily critical of Mr Trump- has been invited to give evidence by the Democratic head of the committee.
Look honey, if you think he lied to Congress, start another of your nothing burger investigation. I trust the Commissioned Officer, Major over the lying trumpers. They have shot their credibility, plain and simple, politics be damned. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as ashamed of walking with trump that day, also.
Cry me a fucking river, they're just trying to get a contracter position....

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