Biden slams Trump trip to Kenosha-"Sad display". Biden now headed to Kenosha.

Who is running Biden's shit show of a campaign?

And since when do they speak for "every American"?

A ‘Sad Display’—Biden Campaign Criticizes Trump’s Visit to Kenosha

“Kenosha is in pain, not only from the tragedy of senseless violence, but from immense and avoidable suffering wrought by the Trump administration’s failed and reckless management of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic devastation that has followed,” Bedingfield said, adding the public “didn’t hear a word about a plan to finally control this crisis.”

“While disappointing to every American, this sad display comes as no surprise,” she added.

Biden is 100% correct. A President should be trying to bring this country together. Yet Trump is trying to divide us. He spreads crazy conspiracy theories as he attempts to downplay the coronavirus. His appearance in Kenosha was divisive as expected. He has endorsed vigilante justice. He met with the police but made no attempt to reach out to the family of the man who was shot 7 times.
I bet you thought Obama was the the one to bring us together? He told us if he didn't agree, this is not who we are. Trump tells us, we are all Americans, we can work it out! Yeah, he is the divider.

He has done no such thing. He met with the police but refused to meet with the Blake family. He compared a man being shot 7 times to a golfer missing a short putt. Even Laura Ingraham knew that looked bad so she tried to make him take it back. He praises vigilantes who bring guns into this.
After a 100 plus days you people kill, loot, and burn towns down. Then you gonna stick up for a guy that raped a little girl?
Who is running Biden's shit show of a campaign?

And since when do they speak for "every American"?

A ‘Sad Display’—Biden Campaign Criticizes Trump’s Visit to Kenosha

“Kenosha is in pain, not only from the tragedy of senseless violence, but from immense and avoidable suffering wrought by the Trump administration’s failed and reckless management of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic devastation that has followed,” Bedingfield said, adding the public “didn’t hear a word about a plan to finally control this crisis.”

“While disappointing to every American, this sad display comes as no surprise,” she added.

Biden is 100% correct. A President should be trying to bring this country together. Yet Trump is trying to divide us. He spreads crazy conspiracy theories as he attempts to downplay the coronavirus. His appearance in Kenosha was divisive as expected. He has endorsed vigilante justice. He met with the police but made no attempt to reach out to the family of the man who was shot 7 times.
I bet you thought Obama was the the one to bring us together? He told us if he didn't agree, this is not who we are. Trump tells us, we are all Americans, we can work it out! Yeah, he is the divider.

He has done no such thing. He met with the police but refused to meet with the Blake family. He compared a man being shot 7 times to a golfer missing a short putt. Even Laura Ingraham knew that looked bad so she tried to make him take it back. He praises vigilantes who bring guns into this.
Once again I'm gonna humiliate you by asking for links to back up your bullshit....


In Kenosha he met with and defended cops including the one who shot Blake 7 times. He refused to talk to the family.

Blake was a rapist, a pedophile, why are you defending him?

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