Biden Snaps at Reporter Asking Why He Compromised on the Debt Ceiling: “I Didn’t. I Made a Compromise on the Budget” (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
He "reimagined" the Debt Ceiling.
Well, as President he can fix things by just thinking about them.

Biden holy glare mopped floor.jpg
Biden, he is the smartest Democrat, the best, by far

so sad, to ask a man suffering from dementia such hard questions
The Usurper's deteriorated mind is in complete shambles. We are not surviving as a nation much longer if this guy isn't removed.

The proposed agreement reportedly raises the debt ceiling by $4T in 19 months.

Current debt is ~$31.8T.

That would be an astounding 13% total, or over 8% per year.

Cost per capital of $4T is 12,000.

All paid for by printing money. to take us past the next election, of course.

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