Biden speaks gibberish


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
So pathetic......someone needs call the ambulance for ole slo joe biden

....and the Rats are saying that Joe Hiden will

they say that after all the mail in FRAUD votes are sorted out....Joe Hiden should win

give me a freaking break!


You scum demonRATS!
I saw Biden's "press conference" and it was mostly worn out cliches about getting along, BUT 2 things slipped out. The Federal Government can run a deficit so they can help with a states bills AND "contact tracing" where government can not only keep track of a sick citizen but follow all their acquaintances.

He is a perfect Empty Suit for the FASCIST BILLIONAIRES to control America.
The weirdness of Slow Joe’s Speech. “The speech itself was a mind-numbing collection of platitudes, cliches, and lies. To that extent it was a conventional political speech. Listening to it, however, is painful. Biden has become a deeply contrived figure. Thus the artificiality of the staging.”
Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab
Stephen L. Miller

From all appearances, Biden can't go off script or disobey aides or staff to keep talking or even respond to people going off the script. I've never seen anything like this.

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Biden Questions His Own ‘Leadership,’ Flips On His National Mask Mandate.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden called for a national mask mandate to fight the COVID in mid-August. At the time he called such a mandate “real leadership” and criticized President Trump for not calling for a similar mandate forcing all Americans to wear face masks.

Biden’s call included forcing Americans to wear masks even when they are outside, and claimed the mandate would “save over 40,000 lives.”

CNBC reported on Biden’s comments and his running mate Kamala Harris’s support for the mandate at the time

Now in a rare lucid moment, Biden remembered that America has a Constitution which limits the powers of the presidency. Biden is walking back the mandate talk, reports the NY Post:

“But here’s the deal, the federal government — there’s a constitutional issue whether federal government could issue such a mandate. I don’t think constitutionally they could, so I wouldn’t issue a mandate.”​

Biden in August: Force Americans to wear masks because “real leadership.”

“So let’s just institute a mass mandate nationwide starting immediately. And we will save — the estimates are that we will save 40,000 lives in the next three months once that is done.”
Biden in September. Eh, maybe not.

He was vice president for 8 years and a senator since the Nixon administration. He’s just now discovering the Constitution?

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