Biden Stands With Terrorists, Requests Immunity For Saudi Prince From Lawsuits Over Khashoggi Murder

Bin salman was best buddies with epstein.

Is epstein a muslim terrorist?


Epstein a terrorist?

Yeah, a zionist 911 W terrorist

They ALL are including "catholic" ZPF joe

Time for "christians" to get a clue....

Still accept Dykey Nancy as a catholic?
what do yo9u mean by "Catholic" Zpf joe

what is zpf?
While there is a whole lotta truth to that, in Biden's defense, just about every president uses cheat sheets prepared by others for many events.
but the other presidents can actually READ what is there in front of them

latest is: bidim could not do that.. SAID he could not..

we should all be very worried..
Not only did Biden give a fist bump and refuse to talk to the Prince about torturing and cutting Khashoggi into small pieces, now Biden is asking that the Prince be protected from any lawsuits over the murder.

Is this Saudi's price for helping Joe out, pumping more oil?

This is a lie.

‘In a document filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Justice Department attorneys wrote that "the doctrine of head of state immunity is well established in customary international law."

Justice Department lawyers said that the executive branch of U.S. government, referring to the Biden Administration, had "determined that defendant bin Salman, as the sitting head of a foreign government, enjoys head of state immunity from the jurisdiction of U.S. courts as a result of that office."’

So, the Biden Administration is ‘wrong’ to follow international law and settled accepted precedent.
While it is hypocritical, Biden did promise to do something about this. Hypocrisy does not excuse Biden going back on a campaign promise.

Maybe you should hold him accountable?

This involves a civil suit brought by the Khashoggi family, having nothing to do with the official response by the US government to Khashoggi’s murder, a criminal act.

The US government is not refusing to act as a matter of criminal law; rather, it’s acknowledging a fact of civil law that heads of state are immune from lawsuits.

There is no ‘hypocrisy.’

This involves a civil suit brought by the Khashoggi family, having nothing to do with the official response by the US government to Khashoggi’s murder, a criminal act.

The US government is not refusing to act as a matter of criminal law; rather, it’s acknowledging a fact of civil law that heads of state are immune from lawsuits.

There is no ‘hypocrisy.’

Sorry, when are they going to act?
The fiancee of Jamal Khashoggi filed a lawsuit against MBS and 20 other defendants in federal court.

Incredibly, Joe Biden has granted MBS immunity from prosecution in the case.

Not even Trump went this far.

Biden originally claimed he would hold MBS accountable. He called MBS a pariah.

What a fucking douche.

“The Biden administration’s suggestion of immunity for MBS isn’t just a mistake as a matter of law, it’s a mistake as a matter of policy,” argued Sarah Leah Whitson, who heads a group called Democracy for the Arab World Now, or DAWN, which filed the suit with Khashoggi’s fiancee, Hatice Cengiz. Whitson argued that the immunity grant was “an undeserved concession” to the Saudi leader that “will no doubt embolden him to continue his ruthless abuses.”

MBS began seeking immunity in U.S. courts after he was named in a lawsuit filed in federal district court in Washington in August 2020 by Saad Aljabri, a former top Saudi counterterrorism official. Mohammed’s lawyers asked that the suit be dismissed because of what they claimed was sovereign immunity and other issues. The Trump administration did not grant that request.

Also wrong – see post 84.

To allow a lawsuit devoid of legal merit to proceed is not holding MBS ‘accountable.’

And the State Department was clear that the determination had nothing to do with the merits of the case.
The precedent for licking SA ass was already there. Joe just following in his predecessors foot steps. :dunno:

Sorry, when are they going to act?
No idea.

It’s likely nothing can be done.

If you want to be angry at President Biden, be angry at Candidate Biden for promising to do something about Khashoggi's murder.

If you’re going to be critical of the President, at least have a legitimate complaint.
No idea.

It’s likely nothing can be done.

If you want to be angry at President Biden, be angry at Candidate Biden for promising to do something about Khashoggi's murder.

If you’re going to be critical of the President, at least have a legitimate complaint.

I'm pretty sure that was my complaint. There was very little he could do but Candidate Biden sure said he was going to do something.
R-Tom Cotton agrees with President Biden 'granting immunity' from law suits to the Saudi Prince from lawsuits over his torturing and butchering Khashoggi.

Sorry, but (IMHO) I see telling families their government is going to forbid / prevent them from filing a lawsuit against the man, even a Prince, to hold him accountable for the torture, murder, and disection of their family member is over-stepping bounds / authorities ... or should be.


You supported Trump when he ignored this murder.
One man's (or country's) "terrorist", is another's "freedom fighter".

We should have no fucks to give about the middle east anymore. We can get by without their oil, and Israel can defend itself from the threats that remain.

We still have to deal with our own domestic terrorists burning down cities, shooting at police, destroying the infrastructure, undermining our institutions, marginalizing our sovereignty, deliberately enacting policies that prolong or increase poverty, advancing "education" curriculums focused on perversion, deviancy, ignorance, that also fail to teach basic elementary skills, inciting racial division and class warfare.

Obviously I'm asserting the left is our nation's primary threat, and no objective, rational adult can refute the fact that the democrook party's agenda has resulted in the conditions I have described.

Every city in the country that is currently in utter ruin, has been governed exclusively by democrook political whores for decades. Every foreign enemy has been embraced by democrook political whores unless it is politically expedient to pretend to be in conflict with them. The DNC ridiculed the idea Russia was even a threat, now 10 years later they're engaged in yet another proxy war we don't need to be involved in.

The fact you label his very tall predecessor as "kow towing" when bends to shake the hand of a much shorter dignitary and label the very tall Trump in the same position, as "receiving a reward" speaks volumes about your political views.
Was the meat puppet faggot getting an "award" when he folded in half for the emperor of Japan also you fucking apparatchik liar?

Getting an "award" my ass. That big eared stool stuffer would have snorted a line off Abdulla's cock and deep throated it if he thought there were no cameras around.


Khashoggi's death took place in the country of Turkey supposedly inside the Saudi Arabia embassy. He was considered a traitor and hated by most Saudi people that could care less about the guys demise or who allegedly ordered it.
The lying American media has hyped his death as something the US government must be involved in. Even though there is zero benefit doing so, and only damages the once strong U.S. and Saudi Arabian relationship..

Hmm you know what would be a good way for U.S. and Saudi Arabia relationship to not get damaged?

SA king resisting the urge to assassinate his political dissidents, that kinda shit pisses off us freedom loving Americans and makes us wonder why the fuck do we prop up despots like that.
Not only did Biden give a fist bump and refuse to talk to the Prince about torturing and cutting Khashoggi into small pieces, now Biden is asking that the Prince be protected from any lawsuits over the murder.

So once again we find Biden treating America's major problems, some of the worst this country has ever seen, most of which he caused, as SECONDARY to his global oligharchist agenda.

How many different ways does the law allow us to give a BIG NO, to Joe.
Not only did Biden give a fist bump and refuse to talk to the Prince about torturing and cutting Khashoggi into small pieces, now Biden is asking that the Prince be protected from any lawsuits over the murder.

Is this Saudi's price for helping Joe out, pumping more oil?

Read your own fucking article:

"Rooted in international law, sovereign immunity protects states and their officials from some legal proceedings in other foreign states’ domestic courts. The State Department said upholding the concept helps ensure American leaders don’t have to worry about being hauled into foreign courts to face lawsuits in other countries."

I am all on for everyone suing Trump but there has to be reason...

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