Biden Taps Islamofascist Activists to Vet US Military for ‛Extremism’

Here's a lesson for you. Very few intellectuals have no read about Marxism etc. I have. Obama never showed one Istance where he attempted to compliment one policy. So that argument is bullshit.
Did you mean "one incident where Obama tried to implement one Marxist policy"?

You don't seem all that smart but you don't truly think the POTUS would try to actually implement
Marxist policies, do you? He was the president of the US. Not Venezuela.

An admiration for Saul Alinsky, an attempt to socialize medicine in the US (incrementally, of course), pals with
Jeremiah Wright and other Chicago radicals, being benefactors to Iran, etc.

Obama did what he could while still remaining in power in the USA.
You wouldn't throw away that sea side mansion, and the book deals, and the Netflix money by acting foolishly, would you?
Here's a lesson for you. Very few intellectuals have no read about Marxism etc. I have. Obama never showed one Istance where he attempted to compliment one policy. So that argument is bullshit.

As for being angry. When ever republicans are faced with the facts of what a lying incompetent cittupt pussy grabbing president you voted in, it is immediately interpreted as angry when in fact it is the truth and you know it.
2 impeachments. Chucked out of office because he was a lying buffoon.
Is that enough.

It's not about disliking anyone. It's about facts that surround that idiot. If Obama had did it, you would be calling for blood but trump does it and you want him beatified. Dobt make me vomit.
He was thrown out by his own voters, republicans. The sent majority spoke. They knew he was a idiot. You
If lying was a measuring stick Senile Joe would never have survived the party primaries.
Every day the lie totals mount higher and higher for Senile Joe. You don't mind liars at all.

You're just scared shitless by Trump. The giant ball of lies has yet to even partially unravel.
There is still much to come. Save your angry spittle for later, when you'll need it.
Here's a lesson for you. Very few intellectuals have no read about Marxism etc. I have. Obama never showed one Istance where he attempted to compliment one policy. So that argument is bullshit.
Did you mean "one incident where Obama tried to implement one Marxist policy"?

You don't seem all that smart but you don't truly think the POTUS would try to actually implement
Marxist policies, do you? He was the president of the US. Not Venezuela.

An admiration for Saul Alinsky, an attempt to socialize medicine in the US (incrementally, of course), pals with
Jeremiah Wright and other Chicago radicals, being benefactors to Iran, etc.

Obama did what he could while still remaining in power in the USA.
You wouldn't throw away that sea side mansion, and the book deals, and the Netflix money by acting foolishly, would you?

Since you mentioned it, what do you know about government healthcare?
What's your view of taxpayers assisting thise who cannot afford?
Do you feel you shouldn't have to pay for someone else?
Is it ok when you use it and someone pays for you?

In fact, I'll bet you will reply by implying it's a slow takeover by the communists.
Examples of it like Britain and Australia are testimony to the success of it. Even Cuba have it and is a socialist country.

So blurt your hatreds in the best way you can.

Hina Shamsi...Woman....? That doesn't line up

Patel isn't even a Muslim name? She's just a human rights lawyer from Pakistan? Again can't be an islamofascist as a woman with a job

Khurrum Wahid, ok he might be a terrorist lol

Iman Boukadou another woman

Maybe have a little cynical eye before you parrot this shit. At most one of these people could be a "terrorist" not that I give a shit. What's he going to do? Nothing
You look it up. I've done so. It's not propaganda that Left Wing Shitcakes post. Who gives a shit if their women or men? Who gives a shit if their Heritage is not the place of their birth. They all hate America like Left Wing American Assholes
the islamofascists care you dumbass, lol

you need some "strategic empathy"
you must be one of those dumbass islamofascists. or a straight up deutschbag. lmao

I think you need to read a bit

Muslims take their religion a bit more seriously than Christians, especially in fucking Pakistan

They're not sending Muslim female plants. Not how they do things.
Stop before you hang yourself. Your obviously an unlettered person.

Says the guy quoting Jewish propaganda obviously designed to manipulate christians. Ok
Incorrect. I am a Christian, Numbnuts.

Are you mentally ill?
You're pissed off because they are democrats. There has never been a Marxists ever elected to government. Never. Although trump was a fascist.
Democrats aren't controlling America, NitWit. They are a subservient party to the Left Wing Extremists. Open your Fucking Eyes, Shitcake
Are you mentally ill?
You're pissed off because they are democrats. There has never been a Marxists ever elected to government. Never. Although trump was a fascist.
Dumbass ...

More evidence you dumbass Leftist DO NOT live in reality.

So you live in a reality that marxists etc have infiltrated the inner sanctums of government and youre the only one that has irrefutable evidence to prove that.
That's a reality???
Clearly you don't know what reality is.
You said nothing about trumps fascist traits when he was there or anything that he incited the violence in the capitol yet it's those pillaging hordes of Marxists causing the trouble.
What was that you said about reality?
You know nothing of the definition of Marxism, Numbnuts

Hina Shamsi...Woman....? That doesn't line up

Patel isn't even a Muslim name? She's just a human rights lawyer from Pakistan? Again can't be an islamofascist as a woman with a job

Khurrum Wahid, ok he might be a terrorist lol

Iman Boukadou another woman

Maybe have a little cynical eye before you parrot this shit. At most one of these people could be a "terrorist" not that I give a shit. What's he going to do? Nothing
You look it up. I've done so. It's not propaganda that Left Wing Shitcakes post. Who gives a shit if their women or men? Who gives a shit if their Heritage is not the place of their birth. They all hate America like Left Wing American Assholes
the islamofascists care you dumbass, lol

you need some "strategic empathy"
you must be one of those dumbass islamofascists. or a straight up deutschbag. lmao

I think you need to read a bit

Muslims take their religion a bit more seriously than Christians, especially in fucking Pakistan

They're not sending Muslim female plants. Not how they do things.
Stop before you hang yourself. Your obviously an unlettered person.

Says the guy quoting Jewish propaganda obviously designed to manipulate christians. Ok
Incorrect. I am a Christian, Numbnuts.

....and you thought i didn't know this because....?

what part of you're parroting propaganda made by jews to manipulate you was unclear?

FrontPage Magazine is an American right wing to far right political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The website has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, and Islamophobic. Wikipedia
Look at you using Google after the fact .....

What a smart lil' Leftist you are.

Now Google Hina Shamsi and get back with us.
creptius tried to tell me that Egyptians are black and that they invented algebra.
Southern Egyptians were black and the Arabs invented Algebra.

Are you mentally ill?
You're pissed off because they are democrats. There has never been a Marxists ever elected to government. Never. Although trump was a fascist.
Democrats aren't controlling America, NitWit. They are a subservient party to the Left Wing Extremists. Open your Fucking Eyes, Shitcake

You certainly have a colourful turn of phrase. Its a shame your a nasty brain dead intellectual vacuum.
Shot YOUR ignorant mouth.

Ooh! Straight from the Conservitard Daily News so it must be true!
Actually it's based on a story from Frontpage Magazine .... but, thanks for playing anyway dumbass.
Well that makes it all ok!

FrontPage Magazine is an American right wing to far right political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The website has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, and Islamophobic. Wikipedia
I am describing you as there, now go get help for your racism

Hina Shamsi...Woman....? That doesn't line up

Patel isn't even a Muslim name? She's just a human rights lawyer from Pakistan? Again can't be an islamofascist as a woman with a job

Khurrum Wahid, ok he might be a terrorist lol

Iman Boukadou another woman

Maybe have a little cynical eye before you parrot this shit. At most one of these people could be a "terrorist" not that I give a shit. What's he going to do? Nothing
You are a fool who allows what you think is their stereotypes are get in the way of seeing their ultimate goal.

THe irony of you saying that as you parrot Jewish propaganda is palpable, my little goy

The man maybe is a terrorist

Rest absurd on the face of it.
another jew hater...yawn, so liberal

Hina Shamsi...Woman....? That doesn't line up

Patel isn't even a Muslim name? She's just a human rights lawyer from Pakistan? Again can't be an islamofascist as a woman with a job

Khurrum Wahid, ok he might be a terrorist lol

Iman Boukadou another woman

Maybe have a little cynical eye before you parrot this shit. At most one of these people could be a "terrorist" not that I give a shit. What's he going to do? Nothing
You are a fool who allows what you think is their stereotypes are get in the way of seeing their ultimate goal.

THe irony of you saying that as you parrot Jewish propaganda is palpable, my little goy

The man maybe is a terrorist

Rest absurd on the face of it.
another jew hater...yawn, so liberal

lol nazi apartheid supporters trying to take the high moral ground

It's 2021 apparently your time is done better go hide

FrontPage Magazine is an American right wing to far right political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The website has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, and Islamophobic. Wikipedia
Look at you using Google after the fact .....

What a smart lil' Leftist you are.

Now Google Hina Shamsi and get back with us.
creptius tried to tell me that Egyptians are black and that they invented algebra.
Southern Egyptians were black and the Arabs invented Algebra.
No Ancient Egyptians were uniformly classified as belonging to any particular race.
Babylonians did invent Algebra

FrontPage Magazine is an American right wing to far right political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The website has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, and Islamophobic. Wikipedia
Look at you using Google after the fact .....

What a smart lil' Leftist you are.

Now Google Hina Shamsi and get back with us.
creptius tried to tell me that Egyptians are black and that they invented algebra.
Southern Egyptians were black and the Arabs invented Algebra.
You mean the Nubians. They weren't Egyptians.

Are you mentally ill?
You're pissed off because they are democrats. There has never been a Marxists ever elected to government. Never. Although trump was a fascist.
Democrats aren't controlling America, NitWit. They are a subservient party to the Left Wing Extremists. Open your Fucking Eyes, Shitcake

You certainly have a colourful turn of phrase. Its a shame your a nasty brain dead intellectual vacuum.
Shot YOUR ignorant mouth.
Failed Comeback. Bitchslapped!!
You people are headed for the showers.........history repeats


Buh bye

FrontPage Magazine is an American right wing to far right political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The website has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, and Islamophobic. Wikipedia
Look at you using Google after the fact .....

What a smart lil' Leftist you are.

Now Google Hina Shamsi and get back with us.
creptius tried to tell me that Egyptians are black and that they invented algebra.
Southern Egyptians were black and the Arabs invented Algebra.
No Ancient Egyptians were uniformly classified as belonging to any particular race.
Babylonians did invent Algebra

FrontPage Magazine is an American right wing to far right political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The website has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, and Islamophobic. Wikipedia
Look at you using Google after the fact .....

What a smart lil' Leftist you are.

Now Google Hina Shamsi and get back with us.
creptius tried to tell me that Egyptians are black and that they invented algebra.
Southern Egyptians were black and the Arabs invented Algebra.
You mean the Nubians. They weren't Egyptians.
No, dumass!

FrontPage Magazine is an American right wing to far right political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The website has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, and Islamophobic. Wikipedia
Look at you using Google after the fact .....

What a smart lil' Leftist you are.

Now Google Hina Shamsi and get back with us.
creptius tried to tell me that Egyptians are black and that they invented algebra.
Southern Egyptians were black and the Arabs invented Algebra.
No Ancient Egyptians were uniformly classified as belonging to any particular race.
Babylonians did invent Algebra
The word Algebra is Arabic.
Again, in plain sight. Not a peep from the MSM. We saw what happened when Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeiers expressed concerns about Marxist propaganda in the military. Incredibly, his book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military, is out of stock at Amazon! Plenty in stock at other booksellers, but somehow the largest bookstore in the world is out of stock.

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