Biden Tests The Old Adage If You Lie About Something Enough People Will Believe It

Actually I believe I did. I think I started a 'drinking game' thread then. I could be mistaken.


To those triggered by this thread and demonstrate you have no sense of humor, feel free to gtfo, ignore the thread, and don't post.

Here's a 'truth bomb' for you:

Water is wet, the sun is hot, politicians lie and have agendas, many politicians are corrupt / criminal as hell, and if you EVER start to think to yourself 'not MY party, not the politicians I support' then realize you have been indoctrinated / brainwashed / 'partisanly weaponized', and its time for some therapy / de-programmng.

There has only been 1 perfect person to ever walk the face of this planet, beyond ridicule, reproach, wrongdoing, or sin - and he had no party affiliation.

Life is too short.
Get a sense of humor...
Or you're going to die sooner than later....


You're the one who's triggered here Sleazy. You're angry that we keep pointing out your hypocrisy and that Trump lied 37,000 times.
Alinsky Rules for Radicals #10 "If you push a negative hard enough it will push through and become a positive".
So you actually believe rich old white two time presidential candidate failure racial jungle you ain’t black *Joe received more black votes than Obama?
Population growth.
Pretty simple.
Plus, there was a huge effort to get new voters registered.

It's simple math dude.
Hasn't total votes always risen over the years?
Population growth.
Pretty simple.
Plus, there was a huge effort to get new voters registered.

It's simple math dude.
Hasn't total votes always risen over the years?

So you actually believe rich old white two time presidential candidate failure racial jungle you ain’t black *Joe received more black votes than Obama?

Are you stupid or something?

I believe the states who counted, canvassed their results, some recounted, some audited, then all certified their results. All performed by Democrats AND Republicans together.

Whereas... you believe Trump. :lmao:

And I take your response as being one of the imbecilic cultists who still believes the election was stolen even though there still isn't proof after 27 months and counting.
'Biden keeps making claims about the economy that just aren't true. These facts don't lie'

President Joe Biden has gotten into a revisionist history habit.

He has repeatedly claimed that he inherited an economic disaster. It was his policies, he alleges, which brought us back from the brink -- and Biden is likely to repeat that narrative in his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

The only problem with Biden’s version of events is the facts.

Contrary to what President Biden says, inflation was not out of control when he took office

His inflation is NOT 'transitory'

He brags about job growth that is non-existent. He recentky claimed credit for 517,000 jobs added when actually 2.5 million jobs were lost.

Before trying to 'misrepresent' inconvenient economic facts in his State of the Union address tonight, Biden should consider the words of Winston Churchill:

"United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts. Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is."

Just based on what I can observe with my own eyes, I strongly questioned that 517,000 new jobs in January gleefully reported last week. And sure enough, it does appear to be a lie, pure fabrication, numbers manipulation or whatever. "Marketwatch", nobody's idea of a conservative or right wing publication, agrees with Fox on this one saying more than 2 million jobs were actually lost in January. And the market that has pretty much been significantly dropping every day since that jobs report came out is reflecting that, much more than what a .25% interest rate hike would have caused.
You got a link for those 2.5 Million Jobs Lost?
Of Course you don't.

Where's that apology, you exposed, zero-credibility, falsely-accusing, dishonorable little troll?

At least admit you were completely wrong.
Population growth.
Pretty simple.
Plus, there was a huge effort to get new voters registered.

It's simple math dude.
Hasn't total votes always risen over the years?

When you throw rocks make sure you don't live in a glass house.

Positioning Biden supporters as liars because of jobs being from COVID recovery invites direct comparisons to the rights similar lies.

If you don't like it, either don't comment or move on.

Sure, your justification of your whataboutism/deflection makes it valid.

It's a form of ad hominem fallacy. None of your gyrations changes a single thing about that. In your mind, anything that flames Trump is fair game, but in the world of actual logic, that is junk.
'Biden keeps making claims about the economy that just aren't true. These facts don't lie'

President Joe Biden has gotten into a revisionist history habit.

He has repeatedly claimed that he inherited an economic disaster. It was his policies, he alleges, which brought us back from the brink -- and Biden is likely to repeat that narrative in his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

The only problem with Biden’s version of events is the facts.

Contrary to what President Biden says, inflation was not out of control when he took office

His inflation is NOT 'transitory'

He brags about job growth that is non-existent. He recentky claimed credit for 517,000 jobs added when actually 2.5 million jobs were lost.

Before trying to 'misrepresent' inconvenient economic facts in his State of the Union address tonight, Biden should consider the words of Winston Churchill:

"United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts. Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is."

That is how Democrats control the narrative on everything. They use their Media to push the lies and half truths every minute of ever day.
So you actually believe rich old white two time presidential candidate failure racial jungle you ain’t black *Joe received more black votes than Obama?

Are you stupid or something?

Only stupid people think he didn't beat Trump. Why would any sane person vote for 4 more years of disease, death and debt????
I said that.
I'll say it again.
TRUE: trump NEVER said 'drink bleach'

They don't care. Self-identified idiots like Winc get a talking point stuck inside their little pea-sized, indoctrinated, TDS- suffering minds, and nothing - not all the facts, evidence, and links in the world - will get them to accept reality.

They cling to their talking points and falsely accuse others of partisan bullshit....and cowardly refuse to admit when they are wrong...even when exposed for all to see.
Sure, your justification of your whataboutism/deflection makes it valid.

It's a form of ad hominem fallacy. None of your gyrations changes a single thing about that. In your mind, anything that flames Trump is fair game, but in the world of actual logic, that is junk.
Sure, cause no Trump supporter ever brought up Biden in a thread about Trump because I am sure if they had, you would be calling them out on it.

Surely I can see this in your post history, right?

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