Biden to announce executive actions on guns

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.

Yeah, that's a movie myth. Far too much risk involved. Gangbangers would rob anyone doing that sort of crap, not to mention the fact that cops are all over the place.

Clearly you've never been to a gun show.

I have, No cops and no gang bangers. I can go to the local flea market and buy 80 guns without a background check.

I say that with being fine with that.

Huh, no kidding? Look, I'm an old man with an old Wife.....we travel the country (literally) stopping at every flea market we come across (ugh!). I have YET to see a firearm for sale at ANY flea market from Virginia to New York to Orlando to Phoenix to Montana and all points in-betwen. So, basically, I'm calling BS on your post.

I actually saw guns for sale at a flea market in Sacramento California one time. The booth was being run by Cali DOJ agents.

They were trying to entrap people who didn't know the laws.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Assault looking weapons ?

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.

Yeah, that's a movie myth. Far too much risk involved. Gangbangers would rob anyone doing that sort of crap, not to mention the fact that cops are all over the place.

Clearly you've never been to a gun show.

I have, No cops and no gang bangers. I can go to the local flea market and buy 80 guns without a background check.

I say that with being fine with that.

Huh, no kidding? Look, I'm an old man with an old Wife.....we travel the country (literally) stopping at every flea market we come across (ugh!). I have YET to see a firearm for sale at ANY flea market from Virginia to New York to Orlando to Phoenix to Montana and all points in-betwen. So, basically, I'm calling BS on your post.

I actually saw guns for sale at a flea market in Sacramento California one time. The booth was being run by Cali DOJ agents.

They were trying to entrap people who didn't know the laws.

There may be laws in California that stop people from selling their guns to others but there isn't in Ohio (or WV). There are always many guns for sale in the local Bulletin Board.
Xiden can't get his own son to properly safely keep a gun, or not violate the law in regards to background checks...yet he expects to get the rest of the country to?

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
I agree on the 3d printed guns. Banning mags and assault gun look alikes is just a snowflake on steroids. My AR15 with seven 30 round mags disagree also.
....federal laws that only restrict guns to your home.
He needs to specify that law-abiding citizens who
own guns at home have every right to do so. There are times when transporting weapons is necessary like if someone's moving. There could be a federal website to have a permit printed out with no fee, or something like that.

People carry guns openly in some states like Texas, and transport them to shooting ranges etc.

But make no mistake, the majority of rich Washington bureacrats , including Uncle Joe probably, want the assault weapons ban, and the MSM and Hollywood will no doubt be pushing for public approval.
I think all concealed guns must be illegal

I think you should move to a country that has the same values as you do. Leave us to our own devices. You aren't needed, or wanted here.
What the hell ?? I was born in Michigan and I voted Trump

Who cares. If you hate the RIGHTS that are enumerated in the Bill of Rights, then you are NOT an American. Period.
Corporations are pirates and its time to make them pay real taxes

You mean the corporations that have bought all of the high level politicians and bureaucrats. Here's a clue, dude, the corporations DON'T pay taxes. They pass them on to YOU, the consumer. You need to educate yourself.

That is just stupid. When corporate taxes were cut did you see them start cutting prices? Hell no you stupid shit, so what is the damn difference? Corporations charge whatever the market will bear, taxes don't even factor in to the calculation.

Wow, you don't understand economics. You MUST be leftist.

LMAO, I have forgot more about economics than you will ever know. How about you explain the Phillip's curve. Do you even know what the cobweb theory is? What can you tell me about corporate tax rates and the WACC. Oh wait, do you even now what WACC means? What is your definition of "free markets"? What is the current risk free rate of return? Can you define the real interest rate? Explain the multiplier effect, and how does defense spending differ than social welfare programs in regards to the multiplier effect? Does the effect of immigration, both legal and illegal, have a positive or negative impact on the US economy? Define rent seeking, and explain how it relates to a "free market" through the writings of Adam Smith.

If you, as a so called expert, can't figure out how corporations pass on their costs to their customer then you are no expert.

What I know, and you don't, is that price has no relationship to cost.

No shit. And you still don't know how corporations pass on their costs to the consumer.

You're an idiot.

If you agree that price is not a function of cost, and it is not a function of cost. Price is a function of supply and demand. But, if you do agree, then how is the corporate tax rate relevant to price? And if the corporate tax rate is a function of price, then why did prices not decline when the corporate tax rate was cut? I mean you call me an idiot but you are the one being stupid here.

But to take it further, corporate taxes are only paid on profits, so a company would first have to make a profit before they worried about the tax. And even then, corporate taxes are only paid on profits that are not reinvested back in to the company. You are actually contending that the corporate tax is a "cost" derived before profit, and is factored into price. It is delusional to believe that companies sit around and go, well we got to pay the corporate tax so we need to add that to the cost of the product. It just does not work that way.

And that is the thing. You are demonstrating classic thinking of the right. Some numbnut told you that corporations merely pass on an increase in the corporate tax to their customers. You blindly believed it, and are even spouting it here. Even though you claim to understand that cost is not a factor of price. And even if it was, corporate taxes are not a cost until a profit is achieved. And further, they are not a cost if you reinvest those profits back into the business. You are too lazy, or too ignorant, to attempt some critical thinking.

I mean think about. Say you have a company that does actually increase their price because of an increase in the corporate tax rate. But another company, perhaps a growing company seeking to gain market share and plowing all their profits right back into the company, doesn't even pay a corporate income tax. They are not going to increase their price on a competing product, or a product that can be substituted. The company that increases their prices is going to have their ass handed to them. They are going to lose sales and market share. The marketplace operates independently of the corporate tax.structure. And although that might not be Econ 101, it is pretty damn close.

The deal is that the corporate tax rate is merely a price. It is the price corporations pay to take money out of their business, to take money off the table. Like a rake in a poker game. And like that rake, the higher the corporate tax rate, the less likely a company is to take money off the table. But a low corporate tax rate, like the current corporate tax rate, encourages companies to take money off the table. It make that profit that much more valuable. That does not encourage price cutting, it does not encourage reinvestment, it does not encourage increased salaries or better benefits or improved training. Nope, it encourages taking money off the table, distributing it to shareholders in dividends or stock buybacks, or even building up huge cash reserves. And that my friend has a huge impact on the expansion of the frontier curve and the growth in GDP. When corporate tax rates were much higher we consistently experienced double digit GDP growth. Today, well even an anemic 4% would be considered a victory.

The real proof. Remember all those bonuses companies like Walmart and Verizon distributed after the corporate tax rate was cut? Every damn one of them distributed those bonuses after the tax rate was cut, but BEFORE it went into effect. Now that the tax rate is lower they are much less likely to distribute bonuses, mostly because the opportunity cost of doing so would be higher than when the tax rate was higher. The reality is increasing the corporate tax rate would encourage businesses to reinvest, to seek ways to make more pie, because the cost of a loss would be more heavily subsidized by a decrease in the tax liability. Low corporate tax rates discourage reinvestment, instead of seeking to make more pie, companies seek to take more of the pie that is already there. That is the definition of rent seeking, and no matter how you want to look at it, rent seeking is very destructive to economic growth. It is the biggest problem we face today. Every economist worth two shits will tell you as much.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.
You need a background check to buy a gun at a gun show, so, you would need a background check to vote at a vote show.
You don't need a background check to buy at a gun show.
The “gun show loophole” refers to the fact that most states do not require background checks for firearms sold or traded at gun shows by private individuals.

Any licensed firearm dealer at a gun show must issue a background check. Private sale do not in some states, but then that would be the same as selling someone selling you a gun in their living room.

I'm pretty sure to set up a booth at a gun show you need an FFL. I don't believe they are going to let any non FFL set up a booth at a gun show.
He has no authority to ban anything.

And as far as raising taxes on corporations, they don't actually pay taxes but pass them along. In fact, corporate taxes should be ZERO.
There is lots of law and Supreme Ct rulings which limit the power of executive orders. Biden ignores it. He thinks he is King George III.
He has no authority to ban anything.

And as far as raising taxes on corporations, they don't actually pay taxes but pass them along. In fact, corporate taxes should be ZERO.
Corporations will do what Biden did,they will creat charities to avoid paying taxes.

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