Biden to announce executive actions on guns

Biden maybe the fake president but he is the president

No....he is not in charge thus he is not a Real President...he is a fake President.....who is really calling the shots?

I do not think anyone but a few insiders really know...I suppose it will gradually come out if biden is around very long....most people cannot keep secrets....some will tell someone and on down the line.

Obama appears to be involved from what I have heard....but I think he is more of a contact point for biden to get his marching orders.
I think Obama “ the great slithering serpent “ is running it
Corporations are pirates and its time to make them pay real taxes

You mean the corporations that have bought all of the high level politicians and bureaucrats. Here's a clue, dude, the corporations DON'T pay taxes. They pass them on to YOU, the consumer. You need to educate yourself.

That is just stupid. When corporate taxes were cut did you see them start cutting prices? Hell no you stupid shit, so what is the damn difference? Corporations charge whatever the market will bear, taxes don't even factor in to the calculation.

Wow, you don't understand economics. You MUST be leftist.

LMAO, I have forgot more about economics than you will ever know. How about you explain the Phillip's curve. Do you even know what the cobweb theory is? What can you tell me about corporate tax rates and the WACC. Oh wait, do you even now what WACC means? What is your definition of "free markets"? What is the current risk free rate of return? Can you define the real interest rate? Explain the multiplier effect, and how does defense spending differ than social welfare programs in regards to the multiplier effect? Does the effect of immigration, both legal and illegal, have a positive or negative impact on the US economy? Define rent seeking, and explain how it relates to a "free market" through the writings of Adam Smith.

If you, as a so called expert, can't figure out how corporations pass on their costs to their customer then you are no expert.

What I know, and you don't, is that price has no relationship to cost.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.

Yeah, that's a movie myth. Far too much risk involved. Gangbangers would rob anyone doing that sort of crap, not to mention the fact that cops are all over the place.

Clearly you've never been to a gun show.

I have, No cops and no gang bangers. I can go to the local flea market and buy 80 guns without a background check.

I say that with being fine with that.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.
You need a background check to buy a gun at a gun show, so, you would need a background check to vote at a vote show.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.
Well, then its technically not a gun show sale, then, is it? Thats more of backroom deal, and probably illegal.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.
You need a background check to buy a gun at a gun show, so, you would need a background check to vote at a vote show.
You don't need a background check to buy at a gun show.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.
You need a background check to buy a gun at a gun show, so, you would need a background check to vote at a vote show.
You don't need a background check to buy at a gun show.
Hmm... Guess I've been going to the wrong gun shows? Nah.......

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.
Well, then its technically not a gun show sale, then, is it? Thats more of backroom deal, and probably illegal.


This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.
You need a background check to buy a gun at a gun show, so, you would need a background check to vote at a vote show.

Well I think the is the crux of the matter. There is absolutely no reason that we can't require a simple (and free) identification to show that you are a person that (1) is a United States citizen and (2) you are eligible to vote in elections. It's simple and it would be free. But fascist liberals? Oh hell no........

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.

Yeah, that's a movie myth. Far too much risk involved. Gangbangers would rob anyone doing that sort of crap, not to mention the fact that cops are all over the place.

Clearly you've never been to a gun show.

I have, No cops and no gang bangers. I can go to the local flea market and buy 80 guns without a background check.

I say that with being fine with that.

Huh, no kidding? Look, I'm an old man with an old Wife.....we travel the country (literally) stopping at every flea market we come across (ugh!). I have YET to see a firearm for sale at ANY flea market from Virginia to New York to Orlando to Phoenix to Montana and all points in-betwen. So, basically, I'm calling BS on your post.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.

Yeah, that's a movie myth. Far too much risk involved. Gangbangers would rob anyone doing that sort of crap, not to mention the fact that cops are all over the place.

Clearly you've never been to a gun show.
Again, your opinion is noted but it doesn't change the facts

It's not my opinion. I have been attending gun shows for 60 years. What I stated ARE facts. At the last gun show in Reno, last weekend, there were 10 uniformed police officers. 4 undercover ATF agents, and at least 5 undercover California DOJ agents checking on what the attendees from California were buying.

So yeah, I know far more about gun shows than you ever will.

I Absolutely agree with you.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home

And you are an idiot.

Nothing you want is based on reason.....truth....or reality.

Why on earth should we take anything you post seriously when you want irrational, insane things....?

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
When considering that 3D printers are getting cheaper and the software to build things like guns is not exactly something you can effectively stop the traffic of, it's a dumb idea.

Banning mag sizes is also dumb not only in principle but because the same 3D printing technology can print a mag easier than any other gun component.

I guess the progressives' next move is to try to ban 3D printers?

As the Pudding President said...."Bingo...." That will be next......banning 3D printers...

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.
You need a background check to buy a gun at a gun show, so, you would need a background check to vote at a vote show.
You don't need a background check to buy at a gun show. do.

You do not need to do a background check if you are buying from a private individual..since they are simply selling their own property. But any dealer at a gun show has to do a background idiot.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.

That is not a gun show sale you shithead....that is a private sale of personal property, not a commercial transaction.....

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Now I know you are full of it. I LIVE in Kansas. I have been to shows in Overland Park and right across the border in North Kansas City. You are full of it.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.

Yeah, that's a movie myth. Far too much risk involved. Gangbangers would rob anyone doing that sort of crap, not to mention the fact that cops are all over the place.

Clearly you've never been to a gun show.
Again, your opinion is noted but it doesn't change the facts

It's not my opinion. I have been attending gun shows for 60 years. What I stated ARE facts. At the last gun show in Reno, last weekend, there were 10 uniformed police officers. 4 undercover ATF agents, and at least 5 undercover California DOJ agents checking on what the attendees from California were buying.

So yeah, I know far more about gun shows than you ever will.

Which is why criminals stay clear of them.........criminals use relatives and friends with clean records to buy guns from gun stores.......these people can pass any background check....

Or the criminals steal the guns....often ramming vehicles into the doors of gun stores to steal guns....

Universal Background checks, as you know, are simply the Trojan Horse for gun registration......anti-gun extremists don't give a flying fuck about background checks...they simply know that they need UBCs in order to demand gun registration......

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Kansas. Licensed background checks. There are more unlicensed than licensed at the shows. They are limited on qualities they can bring in, but that's it. I rarely buy guns at the shows, I'm usually looking at trends, new things, and accessories.

Only licensed dealer can do background checks, but every gun show I have even been at, in half dozen different states, required background checks for all gun sales.
It is not federal or state law, but just required by the people running the gun show.
The dealers are the ones that run the background check, regardless of who is selling and who is buying.
Until you make a deal and meet in the parking lot.

Yeah, that's a movie myth. Far too much risk involved. Gangbangers would rob anyone doing that sort of crap, not to mention the fact that cops are all over the place.

Clearly you've never been to a gun show.

I have, No cops and no gang bangers. I can go to the local flea market and buy 80 guns without a background check.

I say that with being fine with that.

Huh, no kidding? Look, I'm an old man with an old Wife.....we travel the country (literally) stopping at every flea market we come across (ugh!). I have YET to see a firearm for sale at ANY flea market from Virginia to New York to Orlando to Phoenix to Montana and all points in-betwen. So, basically, I'm calling BS on your post.

Call it all you want. Rinky Dink Flea Market. Rt7 Marietta Ohio.

Stop in next time through.
Corporations are pirates and its time to make them pay real taxes

You mean the corporations that have bought all of the high level politicians and bureaucrats. Here's a clue, dude, the corporations DON'T pay taxes. They pass them on to YOU, the consumer. You need to educate yourself.

That is just stupid. When corporate taxes were cut did you see them start cutting prices? Hell no you stupid shit, so what is the damn difference? Corporations charge whatever the market will bear, taxes don't even factor in to the calculation.

Wow, you don't understand economics. You MUST be leftist.

LMAO, I have forgot more about economics than you will ever know. How about you explain the Phillip's curve. Do you even know what the cobweb theory is? What can you tell me about corporate tax rates and the WACC. Oh wait, do you even now what WACC means? What is your definition of "free markets"? What is the current risk free rate of return? Can you define the real interest rate? Explain the multiplier effect, and how does defense spending differ than social welfare programs in regards to the multiplier effect? Does the effect of immigration, both legal and illegal, have a positive or negative impact on the US economy? Define rent seeking, and explain how it relates to a "free market" through the writings of Adam Smith.

If you, as a so called expert, can't figure out how corporations pass on their costs to their customer then you are no expert.

What I know, and you don't, is that price has no relationship to cost.

No shit. And you still don't know how corporations pass on their costs to the consumer.

You're an idiot.

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