Biden to announce executive actions on guns

It was an Executive Order. Something he did on his own.
You're right, but If you talk to most AR-15 owners I'm sure you would find most could care less about bump stocks though. I know many people who own AR's (I'm one of those people) and none of them are equipped with bump stocks.
I don't think you need that AR-15. I hope uncle Sam comes and takes it from you, bro.
Quote the part of the Second Amendment where it says "....but you must get that Dumbfuck AFrench2 to OK your weapon first"....

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Ok, so you've banned any magazine over 7 rounds. Now what? Are you going to go door to door across the nation collecting them?

The Communists will have a hard time finding my 30 round AR magazines. They were tragically lost in a boating accident.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Ok, so you've banned any magazine over 7 rounds. Now what? Are you going to go door to door across the nation collecting them?

The Communists will have a hard time finding my 30 round AR magazines. They were tragically lost in a boating accident.
guns float.jpg

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...

Sounds like a plan!

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Ok, so you've banned any magazine over 7 rounds. Now what? Are you going to go door to door across the nation collecting them?

The Communists will have a hard time finding my 30 round AR magazines. They were tragically lost in a boating accident.

Mine too.......... :icon_sjung:

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...

Sounds like a plan!
See post #126.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
He can sign till he cramps up and shits himself. A law against the Constitution is not a law. It is grounds to pull him from office and turn him into a Mississippi wind chime. Fuck that fraud. All will see he put those National Guard on the wrong side of the razor wire. Americans won't stand for it. 8 million super gun owners all have ammunition they have stocked since Clinton. while the Left haven't saved a food stamp. I bet biden hasn't found anyone as stupid as he to get those guns. Don't sweat those AR-15's, what you should worry are the AR-10's that will reach way out and touch you.

We have a Leftist gun group here in Phoenix called the John Brown Gun Club. When not at an immigration office chanting what ever it is they chant they hang out at a desert dumping spot East of town. They have made a video. It's on Youtube and if anyone needs a good laugh go and see this video. After watching I went to their web page and was concern about safety issues. There were 20 to 30 out there shooting but only had one 4 wheel drive to drive them all to the sight. If you watch the video you will also see safety issues and will agree it's a miracle they haven't shot each other yet. I was a nice guy giving them a few clues as when that happens in their hurr as if they tape their target to their barrely to get the one shot to the hospital they will forget the roof crue and they will all die of exposure while they are still 2 pints short of getting to the hospital in time. I gave them other helpful clues too as if they tape their targets to the end of their barrel they might hit one. But you know how the Left is. Check out the one when they are carrying their guns through town protesting what ever they protest and one unarmed reporter gets all their panties all bunched up.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.
It was an Executive Order. Something he did on his own.
You're right, but If you talk to most AR-15 owners I'm sure you would find most could care less about bump stocks though. I know many people who own AR's (I'm one of those people) and none of them are equipped with bump stocks.
I don't think you need that AR-15. I hope uncle Sam comes and takes it from you, bro.
Quote the part of the Second Amendment where it says "....but you must get that Dumbfuck AFrench2 to OK your weapon first"....
We just nominated run your well regulated Militia.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
But he/she could vote at a "vote show" with no background check or even verification of citizenship. And don't even get me started on buying a vote from your neighbor or from craiglist.

I have been to several gun shows over the years and yes, I have bought a rifle and a pistol (hell, actually 2). Every time I have purchased a weapon at a gun show they have ran a background check on me through the FBI database.

So, if your idea holds any water, you should welcome FBI data base background checks on ALL people BEFORE they can cast a vote.

You, like a typical leftist, believe that every redneck in the mountains comes down and walks into the gun show and buys the place out. Get a life, will you?
Well they don't here.

Ah, I've been to a lot of gun shows?
There are at least two a year here and I go every time.

So you are telling me that at every gun show you attend, you have never bought a gun and had a FBI background check run on you? Interesting. Tell me, what state do you live in?
Corporations are pirates and its time to make them pay real taxes

You mean the corporations that have bought all of the high level politicians and bureaucrats. Here's a clue, dude, the corporations DON'T pay taxes. They pass them on to YOU, the consumer. You need to educate yourself.

That is just stupid. When corporate taxes were cut did you see them start cutting prices? Hell no you stupid shit, so what is the damn difference? Corporations charge whatever the market will bear, taxes don't even factor in to the calculation.
I also support Russia and China on destroying the US military and the Stalinist Dems

Wow, you really are a treasonous bastard. With any luck covid will take your ass, slowly and painfully.

They stole the election from Trump and I will never ever ever forget
I am taking my second shot in 6 days , so Covid won’t get me



My allegiance is too democracy and not the Maoist Dems

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