Biden to announce executive actions on guns

Nonetheless, the “Chinese old man sock puppet “ is the president but I think he takes his orders from China , Russia and the DNC
....federal laws that only restrict guns to your home.
He needs to specify that law-abiding citizens who
own guns at home have every right to do so. There are times when transporting weapons is necessary like if someone's moving. There could be a federal website to have a permit printed out with no fee, or something like that.

People carry guns openly in some states like Texas, and transport them to shooting ranges etc.

But make no mistake, the majority of rich Washington bureacrats , including Uncle Joe probably, want the assault weapons ban, and the MSM and Hollywood will no doubt be pushing for public approval.

There's already laws on transporting guns across State lines, there's no need for more. Also very few civilians own actual assault weapons and they need a special license from the ATF.


This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Screw Biden and his gun grabbing second amendment hating democrats .
I also support Russia and China on destroying the US military and the Stalinist Dems

Wow, you really are a treasonous bastard. With any luck covid will take your ass, slowly and painfully.

They stole the election from Trump and I will never ever ever forget
I am taking my second shot in 6 days , so Covid won’t get me

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Ok, so you've banned any magazine over 7 rounds. Now what? Are you going to go door to door across the nation collecting them?

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Just make everyone who wants to own a gun have a psych eval.

Tell you what, I'll trade your Psych eval for voter ID. How's that sound? That's what I thought......
I've long said voter ID for gun licenses.
Hmm., how about we make voting like getting a gun. so, to vote you would need to be 21, and would have to pass a background check, and can't be a felon, and would have to prove citizenship, and would have to provide an ID? Sounds fair...
If some commie dipshit like President Dufus can do away with our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms by an EO then the Bill of Rights is not worth the parchment it is written on.

I don't trust the Supreme Court to protect our individual Liberties. They let the filthy Democrats get away with stealing the election so they have proven to be too chickenshit to do the right thing.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Sounds like you're just a commie stupid as he is.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Ok, so you've banned any magazine over 7 rounds. Now what? Are you going to go door to door across the nation collecting them?

The Communists will have a hard time finding my 30 round AR magazines. They were tragically lost in a boating accident.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
Screw Biden and his gun grabbing second amendment hating democrats .

It is not that the Communists just hate the Second Amendment. They hate all individual Liberties. It is counter to their agenda of collectivism.

However, the Second is the one that is they are most afraid will prevent the US from becoming the Socialist shithole they all desire so much. After that freedom of speech, freedom of religion and just about everything else the Left Wingers hate so much will be gone.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
He has no authority to do any of that on his own. Clearly unconstitutional.

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