Biden to announce executive actions on guns

Yep, real funny, first you want to tax them then you don't feel it's fair. You either have a severe case of ADD or just dumber than a rock.

Income should be taxed as income. A pretty basic idea. The guy digging ditches pays a higher tax than the guy who does nothing.
Why not have a flat income tax with no deductions? That would make it a lot harder for the wealthy to pay a lower percentage.

That's fine but still accomplishes what I said. Income taxed as income, period.
Corporations are pirates and its time to make them pay real taxes

You mean the corporations that have bought all of the high level politicians and bureaucrats. Here's a clue, dude, the corporations DON'T pay taxes. They pass them on to YOU, the consumer. You need to educate yourself.
No business pays taxes. They are all passed on to consumers. All taxes and fees accomplish is to increase the cost of goods and services to consumers.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home

It's so good to have a Left-winger in the White House again. Hahahaha

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home

It's so good to have a Left-winger in the White House again. Hahahaha
Because of you !! I am the most hated here

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home

It's so good to have a Left-winger in the White House again. Hahahaha
Biden's not even a left winger anyway. He just knows what bones to throw to the SJW crowd. It's the standard DNC tactic.

It is rather fun to watch people excuse his past rhetoric concerning race and past legislation concerning drug sentencing, however.

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home

It's so good to have a Left-winger in the White House again. Hahahaha
You don’t need anymore than a shotgun and revolver for self defense
You don't need a lot of things. You don't need a car either, if your area has public transportation. Rights aren't based on need, however.
You can’t even stand up for me !!
You know I am right about many things
And I have been to your beautiful France a few times before the Arabs came

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