Biden to announce executive actions on guns

Biden maybe the fake president but he is the president

No president has the authority to ban things.
Only congress has that authority.
All a president is supposed to do is enforce what Congress enacts.

Indeed. No President makes "laws". That's what the worthless Congress is supposed to do. Now, let's say that tomorrow the House passes a "gun confiscation" law. That moron Pelosi sends it to the Senate and say (what the hell) and THEY pass it. It goes to dementia Joe's desk and HE signs it. Then it (temporarily) becomes "law".

The next day it goes to the SCOTUS where they deem the law unconstitutional. So much for that.

That's what checks and balances are for......;)
Biden maybe the fake president but he is the president

No president has the authority to ban things.
Only congress has that authority.
All a president is supposed to do is enforce what Congress enacts.

Indeed. No President makes "laws". That's what the worthless Congress is supposed to do. Now, let's say that tomorrow the House passes a "gun confiscation" law. That moron Pelosi sends it to the Senate and say (what the hell) and THEY pass it. It goes to dementia Joe's desk and HE signs it. Then it (temporarily) becomes "law".

The next day it goes to the SCOTUS where they deem the law unconstitutional. So much for that.

That's what checks and balances are for......;)
There is no USSC , anymore

This is the only thing I agree with xiden on and raising the taxes on corporations
We agree on only 2 issues

He is going to ban 3D printed guns and ghost kits
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons
They also should have federal laws that only restrict guns to your home
LOL....assault looking weapons....LOL....

Big Scary Bang Bangs.
I want no high capacity clips
Do you know the difference between a clip and a magazine?

Of course. A "clip" is a set of rounds that are bound to a "clip" and placed into the weapon (a M1 Garand is a great example) for firing. When the rounds have been used - the clip is ejected and a new clip pushed in.

A "magazine" holds the number of rounds (7-10-15 whatever) and the shells are fed into the weapon by the Bolt and the extractor. When they have been used, you must eject the magazine and insert a new magazine.

Just that simple. I know, I cringe every time I hear someone say a AR15 "Clip".....hurts the ears.................
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons

This is why idiots on the left should never be in charge of anything having to do with the 2nd Amendment.

Right here you admit to wanting to ban a gun not for the damage that it can inflict but, rather, on how scary it looks.

What you're saying is that you would not insist on banning this rifle, which is commonly referred to as a "ranch gun":


But you would absolutely want to ban this gun, the AR-15, based solely its looks:


What dipshits like you fail to realize is that, operationally, they are the exact same weapon. They each fire a .223 round with the same muzzle velocity. They inflict the same level of damage. And, before you whine about the magazine on the AR-15, understand that high capacity magazines are readily available for the ranch gun.

Wanting to ban something because of how it looks is beyond stupid...
Biden maybe the fake president but he is the president

No president has the authority to ban things.
Only congress has that authority.
All a president is supposed to do is enforce what Congress enacts.

Indeed. No President makes "laws". That's what the worthless Congress is supposed to do. Now, let's say that tomorrow the House passes a "gun confiscation" law. That moron Pelosi sends it to the Senate and say (what the hell) and THEY pass it. It goes to dementia Joe's desk and HE signs it. Then it (temporarily) becomes "law".

The next day it goes to the SCOTUS where they deem the law unconstitutional. So much for that.

That's what checks and balances are for......;)
There is no USSC , anymore

Well, there are a bunch of old farts that occupy the seats....... :cool:
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons

This is why idiots on the left should never be in charge of anything having to do with the 2nd Amendment.

Right here you admit to wanting to ban a gun not for the damage that it can inflict but, rather, on how scary it looks.

What you're saying is that you would not insist on banning this rifle, which is commonly referred to as a "ranch gun":


But you would absolutely want to ban this gun, the AR-15, based solely its looks:


What dipshits like you fail to realize is that, operationally, they are the exact same weapon. They each fire a .223 round with the same muzzle velocity. They inflict the same level of damage. And, before you whine about the magazine on the AR-15, understand that high capacity magazines are readily available for the ranch gun.

Wanting to ban something because of how it looks is beyond stupid...

HAHA........ I can do more damage with my 7mm bolt action Mauser at long range than I ever could with the "monstrous" AR-15.........and yeah, those idiots would ban the AR-15 while leaving the ranch rifle alone - even though they are basically the exact same gun...
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons

This is why idiots on the left should never be in charge of anything having to do with the 2nd Amendment.

Right here you admit to wanting to ban a gun not for the damage that it can inflict but, rather, on how scary it looks.

What you're saying is that you would not insist on banning this rifle, which is commonly referred to as a "ranch gun":


But you would absolutely want to ban this gun, the AR-15, based solely its looks:


What dipshits like you fail to realize is that, operationally, they are the exact same weapon. They each fire a .223 round with the same muzzle velocity. They inflict the same level of damage. And, before you whine about the magazine on the AR-15, understand that high capacity magazines are readily available for the ranch gun.

Wanting to ban something because of how it looks is beyond stupid...
Yeah....but the black one looks scarier.
What he needs to do is ban any large mags over 7 rounds and all Assault looking weapons

This is why idiots on the left should never be in charge of anything having to do with the 2nd Amendment.

Right here you admit to wanting to ban a gun not for the damage that it can inflict but, rather, on how scary it looks.

What you're saying is that you would not insist on banning this rifle, which is commonly referred to as a "ranch gun":


But you would absolutely want to ban this gun, the AR-15, based solely its looks:


What dipshits like you fail to realize is that, operationally, they are the exact same weapon. They each fire a .223 round with the same muzzle velocity. They inflict the same level of damage. And, before you whine about the magazine on the AR-15, understand that high capacity magazines are readily available for the ranch gun.

Wanting to ban something because of how it looks is beyond stupid...
Yeah....but the black one looks scarier.

That;s racist!! :)
Corporations are pirates and its time to make them pay real taxes

Sure...and who would be paying those real taxes?

Tax Capital Gains at the same rate as regular income.

Yep, that ought to boost investments...dumbass.

Why do we not care about the investment options of the ditch digger paying more in taxes?

WTF, you want to tax their investments. You've got to be the dumbest person on this board.

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