Biden to OK massive Alaska Willow oil project: a blow to his green base, in latest Biden shift towards the center...Al Gore:"recklessly irresponsible"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The Willow project is a carbon bomb, a $6 billion proposal from Conoco Phillips
to drill oil in Alaska, in a 23 million-acre region described as critical to local wildlife.

Gee another promise by Biden broken. He lies to everyone, about time the Left sees it.
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"President Biden says the only barrier to more U.S. oil production is recalcitrant drillers. Ok, Mr. President, then are you going to approve Alaska’s Willow project?"
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The Willow project would produce the fewest greenhouse gas emissions of any major oil project in the world. Why would we look to the dictator in Venezuela, with the worst environmental standards, to produce more instead of Alaska?

The Willow project, which has widespread support across Alaska, has already gone through a rigorous and comprehensive review process showing that it will meet & exceed the strictest environmental standards.
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The Trump administration passed this project in their environmental reviews with flying colors. Then, it was five pads. The Biden administration's EIS, or environmental impact statement, took it down to three. We didn't really like that, but that is about the minimum it could go. And they explained in this administration's own environmental impact statement--the scientists, the career staff were saying things like that the greenhouse gas emissions would be ``minimal,'' not a climate bomb like these lower 48 far-left groups keep talking about--minimal.

Here is the number: Emissions from this project, according to President Biden's own environmental impact statement, 0.15 percent, the 2019 emission levels. And they call it ``minimal.''

They also said if you don't do the Willow Project, the market substitution analysis in the Biden administration's own EIS says that, then, we will likely--we, America--have to go to other countries--Saudi Arabia, Venezuela--to get oil, and their environmental records and standards are so bad that the emissions globally from not doing this project will actually rise.

That is in the EIS.
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This is a quote from the Voice of the Arctic Inupiat. This is a group of Tribes and Native leaders, a really broad-based group of the people who live where this project would be. Here is a quote from Nagruk Harcharek:

"Outside activist groups opposing Willow have drowned out local perspective-- and are actively working to supersede the views of the Alaska Native people. This is not environmental justice or any kind of justice. It is a direct attack on Alaska Native self-determination."

Some Native leaders last week were saying: Do you know what really is infuriating? These lower 48 environmental groups that are all driving the opposition of this project, are trying to tell Alaska Natives who have lived in Alaska for thousands and thousands of years how to live and what is good for them.

Do you know what some Native leaders are starting to call this? The second wave of colonialism, eco-colonialism. Condescending lower 48 environmental groups that don't know anything about Alaska
This project will create 2,500 jobs, 75 percent of which are union jobs, building trade jobs.
We are in a new era of authoritarian aggression. The brutal dictators Putin, Xi, and this guy Maduro, they are on the march. But the one thing they fear almost more than anything is American energy power. Read the reporting. Xi is scared to death, the dictator of Beijing, scared to death of American energy power. So is Putin, by the way.

By the way, Willow, at max production, will produce about 200,000 barrels a day.

Every single official in this administration who deals with national security, for 2 years--for 2 years--has said yes. Not one has said no.

My question is this. This administration came in; they wanted to limit the production of American energy. I fully disagree with that approach, but what happened?

Well, the predictable result happened. If you limit supply, prices go up. So prices on energy have gone up on working families for the last 2 years like this. We all know it. Inflation like this.

So what have they been doing? They have been going overseas begging other countries to produce more oil and then poured it into America. Now, why on Earth would you do that when you can do it here?

So we are now importing over 100,000 barrels a day from Venezuela. Can you believe that? That is a fact. Venezuela pollutes--in its processes to produce oil, it is a production and greenhouse gas emission process that is 18 times--with an ``x'' times--more polluting than in America and certainly way more polluting--probably 30 times more than the great State of Alaska's Willow Project.

So if you really care about the environment, why did you just lift sanctions on one of the dirtiest producers in the world? They have a horrible human rights record, a horrible worker rights record, a well-known U.S. adversary, and we are already importing 100,000 barrels a day from them--just started. And we don't want to produce in Alaska, with the highest standards in the world on the environment and workers?

The Native people of Alaska want this. Listen to them. Don't listen to the ecoterrorists down in the lower 48, coastal elites who don't know anything about Alaska and are trying to tell the Native people how to live their lives--insulting, by the way. Don't listen to the ecoterrorists. Listen to the great union members like Terry O'Sullivan, all of whose members support and help enhance the national security of America with strong energy policy in the great State of Alaska.

I hope the Biden administration does the right thing.

We will see. Big stuff for America. Giant stuff for Alaska. I hope they do the right thing for our country, for our workers, for the Native people, for our national security.
Then Biden announced he's banning oil exploration on millions of acres in Alaska, pretty much every acre the Federal government owns. While also attacking existing production and banning infrastructure. Now you know approving the above project was misdirection.
Either he drills and you bitch or he doesn't drill and you bitch. Either way, you all bitch about anything that isn't MAGA.
I haven't been on this board in about a year. Nice false generalization. Are you upset that he changed his mind or that capitalism won?
I haven't been on this board in about a year. Nice false generalization. Are you upset that he changed his mind or that capitalism won?

That he "lied" isn't as important as the fact that you would criticize him no matter what. He's always "wrong" in your eyes because he's not MAGA.

The end.
That he "lied" isn't as important as the fact that you would criticize him no matter what. He's always "wrong" in your eyes because he's not MAGA.

The end.
Again false claims from you. Lies are important. It points to weak character and lack of conviction. He's wrong because history shows him to be wrong most of the time. Why do you support someone who lies and is wrong most of the time?
2/05/23 10:36:05 am - Biden: “listen to my words! NO MORE DRILLING!! We must hold fast to our values, and provide opportunities for green energy…wind and solar! We must NOT open federal land to the spoils and dangers of drilling and oil production!”

2/05/23 10:36:42 am Biden aid: “uhh, mr president, your approval numbers are dipping..reason cited is high gas prices and rising production costs associated with high oil prices”

2/05/23 10:37:05 am Biden: “we MUST open federal land for drilling and fracking. It is imperative to do this as oil is the lifeblood of our economy!”

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