Biden to young girl Charlotte: Women lose thousands of dollars each year, & hundreds of thousands over a lifetime because of gender & racial wage gaps

When you consider that women do not stay with employers as long as men due to them getting pregnant, being more susceptible to health issues (they got more moving parts that us guys that can break), and the cultural acceptance of women not working (non-working women are moms and housewives; non-working men are lazy motherfuckers who are good for nothing). This means it costs more to employer a woman. If you have to train your worker, then lose her in 5 years when she gets knocked up, then you have to start over by hiring a replacement, training said replacement, and waiting for said replacement to start earning his or her keep. This necessarily results in a loss of production. If you put a skirt in a particular job, then you are statistically going to get fucked. Women are more risky and more likely to put employers in a bad spot.

Therefore, women should NOT be compensated in the same amount as men who do the same jobs. Women are objectively not worth as much as men because of the productively problems they cause when they quit. Paying them the same wage as men for the same job is actually OVERPAYING women. Employing women adds costs to the employer that do not exist if it only employed dudes.

Now, before you smooth brained leftist maggots start spouting off in a knee-jerk manner, calm down, put your bongs down, and try to think about this logically. Look at actuarial tables. Men objectively earn more over their lives than women, and not based upon gender pay disparity. Women as a general rule do not work as long as men. Therefore, on a strictly monetary level, yes, men are more valuable than women. Therefore, it is completely irrational to conclude that women should be paid as much as men for doing the same job JUST BECAUSE OF GENDER. Objectively speaking, she should be paid LESS.

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