Biden took no questions after his “historic speech”.

There's your sign leftists. Makes one wonder how your brains disfunction or how you were raised.
He had the answers for all you repigs during the election when you said he couldn't possibly win, he was senile and his son eats kids.
He won. Suck eggs.
Yes he did. Though the video is "unavailable" now, we all heard and watched him say it.

"We're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," Biden said during a campaign event.

Colin norris
Nope. Unlike you I have a brain and I use. it.

Oh and I'm not a Rep but you sure are a Dem. LOL

I don't need Trump or anyone else to tell me what I see and hear. This country was in great shape under Trump and it sure isn't now under Biden.

Take your blinders off and really look at what Biden's done in the 7 months he's been POTUS. He's made one big mess and cost we tax payers up the ass.

Keep lying to yourself. You're a pro at it.
Actually, Joe Biden has done nothing except say whatever his handlers tell him to say, sprinkled with brain farts of his own. He doesn't know where he is, what day it is, or who wipes his butt.
Actually, Joe Biden has done nothing except say whatever his handlers tell him to say, sprinkled with brain farts of his own. He doesn't know where he is, what day it is, or who wipes his butt.

Just once I wish someone would ask Xiden what day, month, year and season it is. Welcome to the way of doing things sponsored & stamped by the evilness of leftism. They installed a puppet with dementia who cannot possibly speak for himself, so they guard him like the invalid he is and to the left that's progressive.

Stealing elections is progressive too, same with your feelings are more important than results.
Go away you brainwashed insignificant fool. Who's paying the tariffs that China put on after trumps folly? Teump said they were paying them. Yes he did. It made imported goods more expensive and exports to China more expensive so they shopped elsewhere.
He sent thousands of farmers broke and eventually handed them 32 billion to stop the banks foreclosing. But you didn't know that because your head is up your butt.
How about all the manufacturing jobs that evaporated because if his tariffs? You didn't mention them when you thought he was an economic wizkid.

Basically darling. You know nothing but hatred of dems and still bitchy about dickhead in chief getting boot.

Somebody sure is extra bitchy today. Could it be he knows his Dementia Riddled fool just made a massive mistake and everybody knows it? Can’t scream racism or hater or the normal leftist cover so he just screams.
Take a Midol and go to your safe space until it’s over.
Does Biden realize that in 20 years there have been 2,354 casualties in Afghanistan and during the same time period Chicago has had over 10,000 homicides? Maybe he should deploy the Army to Chicago however Chicago is much more dangerous than Afghanistan.
This is the reason why Joe Dufus turned Afghanistan over to the Chinese.

That money the Chicoms gave to make the Biden family filthy rich is going to pay off.

The stupid Dufus administration is forcing L-I EV on the American public with stupid emission standards and the L is in Afghanistan and the Chinese will extract it and make the trillion dollars.

It is good to have their man in the White House, isn't it?

Americans miss Trump more and more each day. Biden is so pathetic, only a Democrat could support him.

It's funny really. All the Left did for four years was make Trump out as this rank, bumbling amateur yet the guy got more done than any president in ages, no problem was too big, and he did it all under the worst possible opposition!

And now we have Joe Biddum in office who was sold to us as this career veteran highly competent professional with all this experience with Washington and the world's foreign affairs, only to see that now in office, he is the one leading like a rank, bumbling amateur!!! :smoke:
Does Biden realize that in 20 years there have been 2,354 casualties in Afghanistan and during the same time period Chicago has had over 10,000 homicides? Maybe he should deploy the Army to Chicago however Chicago is much more dangerous than Afghanistan.
Also, we lost more folks on 9/11 than we've lost servicemen in those 20 years. So our presence may have precluded a great amount of terrorist activity. Yes, it was expensive in $$ but the coming years may show that maintaining the presence may save countless lives.
Somebody sure is extra bitchy today. Could it be he knows his Dementia Riddled fool just made a massive mistake and everybody knows it? Can’t scream racism or hater or the normal leftist cover so he just screams.
Take a Midol and go to your safe space until it’s over.

You repigs will interpret anything dems do as a mistake.
The irony is you never shed a tear when we were blowing the snot out of them and 90% supported the war yet now you are crying crocodile tears feeling sorry for them. Don't make me vomit.

You'd wouldn't open your mouth if trump made the same decision.

Admit It. Your criticism is political.
Gutless coward Biden ran away from reporters just like he ran away from Afghanistan after his surrender.

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