Biden tries to claim credit for Israel cease fire.

Jealousy everywhere. Biden is an adult. Handling his role like a professional. The results matter:

- Vaccines distributed
- Economy growing fast
- Stock market all time high
- Cease fire brokered fast
- Lowest unemployment filings in 14 months
- Drove the shit out of an electric truck

What else can Joe do in his first 4 months. He’s killing it.
Jealousy everywhere. Biden is an adult. Handling his role like a professional. The results matter:

- Vaccines distributed
- Economy growing fast
- Stock market all time high
- Cease fire brokered fast
- Lowest unemployment filings in 14 months
- Drove the shit out of an electric truck

What else can Joe do in his first 4 months. He’s killing it.
You Bidenista Cultists are cute. :itsok:
Jealousy everywhere. Biden is an adult. Handling his role like a professional. The results matter:

- Vaccines distributed
- Economy growing fast
- Stock market all time high
- Cease fire brokered fast
- Lowest unemployment filings in 14 months
- Drove the shit out of an electric truck

What else can Joe do in his first 4 months. He’s killing it.
You Bidenista Cultists are cute. :itsok:
Cultist? Biden has plenty of short comings. He was my 5th Democrat choice but has surprised me with his organization and leadership. I would have liked President Booker. ;). I’m giving credit where credit is due. Notice I’m holding out on his immigration leadership so far. I’d like to see an overhaul of immigration plan rolled out before I Saint him.
This guy is a hoot.

24 hours after the wing nuts had a big laugh about the headlines claiming Israel rebuked Biden in his call for a cease fire, Israel annouces they have one. (chuckle)
Well it was a nostrile thread, so expecting some actual discussion is futile
Nice contribution. Thanks for stopping by.
Since most negotiations like this are highly confidential, only the parties can confirm or deny credit, and there is no evidence that Biden wasn't responsible.
It has been proven and reported Egypt brought Israel and Hamas to the table and negotiated the Cease Fire, while Netanyahu refused to even take Biden's call and ignored Biden-Harris call to end going after Hamas while they continued to fire rockets.
This guy is a hoot.

24 hours after the wing nuts had a big laugh about the headlines claiming Israel rebuked Biden in his call for a cease fire, Israel annouces they have one. (chuckle)
The Potted Plant In Chief had nothing to do with it.
This guy is a hoot.

Its Fox News.. Their viewership is down.

Oh, really? You think you've said something substantive to dispute the thread topic, do you? Okay, please tell us which part of the article was false. Did he not actually say the quotes attributed to him?
Fox News is Biden's number one supporter, because all of fox is 100% for more us wars in the Middle East solely to benefit Israel....

Biden isn't going to fight any wars for Israel.. If they attack Iran, they are on their own..

Straw man. Strike Two on the "Attempting to say something intelligent" scale for you.
Since most negotiations like this are highly confidential, only the parties can confirm or deny credit, and there is no evidence that Biden wasn't responsible.
Yes, there is. Bibi told Veggie Joe to pound sand when he told him to stop retaliating.

Egypt negotiated this. Biden was busy drooling in his tapioca pudding.
U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday welcomed the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, expressing "sincere gratitude" to Egypt for its role ...
Since most negotiations like this are highly confidential, only the parties can confirm or deny credit, and there is no evidence that Biden wasn't responsible.
Yes, there is. Bibi told Veggie Joe to pound sand when he told him to stop retaliating.

Egypt negotiated this. Biden was busy drooling in his tapioca pudding.
U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday welcomed the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, expressing "sincere gratitude" to Egypt for its role ...
It has been proven and reported Egypt brought Israel and Hamas to the table and negotiated the Cease Fire, while Netanyahu refused to even take Biden's call and ignored Biden-Harris call to end going after Hamas while they continued to fire rockets.
Why would Israel agree to a cease fire. They were winning, and Hamas still had rockets they could fire.
It has been proven and reported Egypt brought Israel and Hamas to the table and negotiated the Cease Fire, while Netanyahu refused to even take Biden's call and ignored Biden-Harris call to end going after Hamas while they continued to fire rockets.
Why would Israel agree to a cease fire. They were winning, and Hamas still had rockets they could fire.
And if Biden's terrorists fire them Israel will pummel them into submission again.
Netanyahu told clown Biden to shove it. No way they are going to listen to Biden he's BFF with Iran.

Israel supported Iran in the 1980s.

Israel's role in the Iran–Iraq war consisted of support provided by Israel to Iran during the Iran–Iraq War from 1980 to 1988. During the war, Israel was one of the main suppliers of military equipment to Iran. Israel also provided military instructors during the war and direct support to Iran's war effort, when it bombed and destroyed Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, during Operation Opera. The nuclear reactor was a central component of Iraq's nuclear weapons program.

Israel supported Iran during the war so that Iran could provide a counterweight to Iraq; to re-establish influence in Iran which Israel lost with the overthrow of the shah in 1979, and to create business for the Israeli weapons industry.

The Israeli arms sales to Iran also facilitated the unhindered immigration of the Persian Jewish community from Iran to Israel and the United States. Israel's support for Iran during the war was done clandestinely, and Iran publicly denied any cooperation between the two countries.


Instead of continuing with your irrelevant and inane diatribe, maybe you could just explain to us what in the ever-loving holy FUCK the 1980s have to do with today. A quick glance at my calendar and some arithmetic (You've probably heard of it; it's what schools used to teach before you leftists decided they should focus on "gender identity studies") tell me that the 1980s ended over 30 years ago. You might not be aware of this, being you and therefore dumber than a stump, but things change in 30 years.

Netanyahu told clown Biden to shove it. No way they are going to listen to Biden he's BFF with Iran.

Israel supported Iran in the 1980s.

Israel's role in the Iran–Iraq war consisted of support provided by Israel to Iran during the Iran–Iraq War from 1980 to 1988. During the war, Israel was one of the main suppliers of military equipment to Iran. Israel also provided military instructors during the war and direct support to Iran's war effort, when it bombed and destroyed Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, during Operation Opera. The nuclear reactor was a central component of Iraq's nuclear weapons program.

Israel supported Iran during the war so that Iran could provide a counterweight to Iraq; to re-establish influence in Iran which Israel lost with the overthrow of the shah in 1979, and to create business for the Israeli weapons industry.

The Israeli arms sales to Iran also facilitated the unhindered immigration of the Persian Jewish community from Iran to Israel and the United States. Israel's support for Iran during the war was done clandestinely, and Iran publicly denied any cooperation between the two countries.

And? Lots of things were different 41 years ago. Well yes Biden was already a failure in congress but pretty much everything else changed.

Israel backed Iran against Iraq, while the US was backing Saddam to help contain Iran. They betrayed Eisenhower, LBJ and Reagan. They killed Rachel Corrie when Dubya was president.

We shouldn't give them a dime of US taxpayers' money.

Quick side question: If I held your head up against my ear, would I hear the ocean?
Why would Israel agree to a cease fire. They were winning, and Hamas still had rockets they could fire.
And if Biden's terrorists fire them Israel will pummel them into submission again.
You haven't answered, why would Israel stop?
Certainly Egypt has no political influence over Israel. So who convinced Israel to stop while they were winning, and still had more to do.
Why would Israel agree to a cease fire. They were winning, and Hamas still had rockets they could fire.
And if Biden's terrorists fire them Israel will pummel them into submission again.
You haven't answered, why would Israel stop?
Certainly Egypt has no political influence over Israel. So who convinced Israel to stop while they were winning, and still had more to do.
Who to believe.............Israeli officials, or some single digit IQ leftist hack on the innerwebs............


Israeli and Hamas have accepted a cease-fire plan that was to take effect at 2 a.m. local time Friday after 11 days of fighting in Gaza.

The Israeli Cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian initiative for a cease-fire, according to a statement from the Cabinet. A Hamas spokesman said, "The Palestinian resistance will commit itself to this deal as long as the occupation is committed."
Who to believe.............Israeli officials, or some single digit IQ leftist hack on the innerwebs............


Israeli and Hamas have accepted a cease-fire plan that was to take effect at 2 a.m. local time Friday after 11 days of fighting in Gaza.

The Israeli Cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian initiative for a cease-fire, according to a statement from the Cabinet. A Hamas spokesman said, "The Palestinian resistance will commit itself to this deal as long as the occupation is committed."
And you believe that Egypt talked Israel into stopping in the middle of destroying Hamas, to accept a cease fire, allowing Hamas to rearm.

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